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"All right, wild card. Let's see what you're made of."
―Raab Krao[1]

Raab Krao, designated TK-151, was a human male who was a professional racer before joining the Galactic Empire as a scout trooper.


Early life[]

Raab Krao was a human male who was born on the planet Socorro and lived during the Imperial Era. He had a brother. At one point, his parents were both killed in a shuttle accident.[1]

From a very young age, Krao had a talent for racing, riding speeder bikes and swoops before he could even walk. By the time he was a teenager, Krao was entering races with prize money on the line. Krao and his brother would eventually form Krao Brothers Racing, with Krao being the racer and his brother being his mechanic. Together, they saw great success, dominating the racing industry and winning large amounts of money. Krao went on to be ranked the top racer in the Inner Rim Territories.[1]

However, their success did not last forever. Krao's brother would be killed by the Rebel Alliance, who bombed their garage after mistaking it for an Imperial field station. Krao was forced to watch his brother die in his own arms, his home and livelihood destroyed. With no possessions left besides a damaged family holo-album, Krao joined the Galactic Empire with the hopes of scoring revenge against the Rebellion. Although he was five centimeters short of the minimum height requirement, Krao cleverly hid lifts in his boots and was allowed to enlist.[1]


Being one of three Socorran-born cadets at the academy, Krao was mocked and ridiculed for being a "lower-class citizen" from the Outer Rim Territories. However, Krao persisted and, through dominating the vehicle rotation in basic training, became top of his class. Instead of joining as a foot soldier, he was recruited by the Ghost Lancers, an elite company of scout troopers.[1]

Stationed on Endor[]

Krao, now designated TK-151, saw his service with the Ghost Lancers take him back to the Outer Rim.[1] By 4 ABY,[2] Krao was stationed on the forest moon Endor and tasked with defending the second Death Star, which was under construction in the moon's orbit. Although only soldiers with three to five years of high level military service were selected for such duty, Krao was picked out as a highly capable speeder pilot. Krao piloted a 74-Z speeder bike, which he modified himself to fit his desires, disabling or removing welfare protocols designed for safety and incorporating racing spec equipment to give his vehicle better maneuverability and speed.[1]


Raab Krao battling Luke Skywalker

One day, when on duty with his partner and superior officer, TK-290, the pair noticed a pair of rebels, Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker, chasing one of their comrades on stolen speeders. Krao swore under his breath and he prepared to give chase. When TK-290 reprimanded him for clogging their comms channel with unnecessary comments, Krao pointed out that their comms were being jammed. Noting that their companion needed to be at least a hundred meters away from the rebels to get a signal, the pair took off, vowing to assist the other trooper.[1]


"See you in the winner's circle, partner."
―Krao's last words[1]

Krao moments before his death

Krao fired a shot at the rebels, scoring a direct hit. In response, Skywalker cut his engine and ended up behind them, opening fire on Krao's wingman. TK-290 crashed into a tree, leaving Krao alone with his enemy. After jostling with Skywalker, Krao was able to knock him off his speeder. Circling around, Krao smirked and prepared to finish off his opponent. However, he detected a strange presence on his HUD display. Looking up, he noticed Skywalker had drawn his lightsaber. He fired several times, but Skywalker deflected his shots. Seething, Krao decided to attempt to run him over, knowing that his speeder was capable of dismembering a man at high speeds. Grinning, Krao charged, but Skywalker expertly dodged and slashed his speeder's directional vanes, causing Krao to spiral out of control. With no way to control his speeder, Krao met his death and crashed into a tree.[1]

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