

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the member of D-Squad.
You may be looking for R2-KT, a similarly named and colored astromech droid.

QT-KT, often referred to as Qutee, was an astromech droid and a member of D-Squad during the Clone Wars. She belonged to Jedi Knight Aayla Secura.[3] She was upgraded by the Parwan doctor Gubacher to have a controlled, hovering super magnet to use.[4] Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY,[6] during the Imperial Era, QT-KT rejoined the squad to assist her old companion, R2-D2, in his fight against the Scourge.[7]


Clone Wars[]

QT-KT was present during the briefing of the Mission to steal a Separatist encryption module alongside her master. She was upgraded by the Parwan doctor Gubacher to have a controlled, hovering super magnet to use.[4] In the vault she used the magnet to gather and disarm the swarm mines.

After the Clone Wars[]

After Aayla Secura was killed during Order 66, QT went to Ryloth to live with Loris Cona, a friend of her previous master.[8]

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Notes and references[]
