


"Unidentified vessel, this is Nooroyo primary landing control. Please identify yourself immediately."
"Hello, Control, we are a Naboo civilian ship here to see some of our artists. They live in a settlement north of Nooro-City."
"Situation confirmed. Please follow the assigned flight path and landing designation. All ships are registered."
―A landing control worker and Padmé Amidala[1]

The Nooroyo primary landing control operated on the spice-producing planet Nooroyo as its traffic control organization during the Republic Era. In 22 BBY, the Mid Rim planet Naboo's former queenPadmé Amidala—spoke with a landing control worker when visiting the world with the Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker to bring home five Naboo Torada Collective artists at Queen Jamillia's request. However, when the landing control sent a scanning team to investigate their ship—an action the artist Kharl heavily suspected was on the Separatists' behalf—she and Skywalker quickly departed the world with Jamillia's sister, Antraya.


The Nooroyo primary landing control was a traffic control organization that operated on the spice-producing planet Nooroyo[1] by 22 BBY.[2]


"That's new. Nooroyo is even more welcoming than Karlinus, back in the Chommell sector. They don't usually register ships."
"We probably have our Separatist friends to thank for that."
―Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, after speaking with Nooroyo primary landing control[1]

Padmé Amidala spoke with the Nooroyo primary landing control while visiting Nooroyo.

During the Republic Era, the group was responsible for monitoring all vessels visiting the world, assigning them landing designations and flight paths. For some time, they did not register most ships entering the world's airspace, and the Mid Rim planet Naboo's former queenPadmé Amidala—considered them welcoming, even in comparison to the hospitable Chommell sector planet of Karlinus. At the start of the galaxy-wide Clone Wars conflict[1] in 22 BBY,[2] Nooroyo chose to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and its landing control began taking scans and keeping logs of every ship to visit the planet.[1]

That year,[2] Amidala and Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker visited Nooroyo at the request of Naboo's incumbent monarch, Jamillia, hoping to bring home five Naboo Torada Collective artists living on the world in an artist commune north of Nooro-City. A landing control worker immediately questioned their presence via comms, leading the former queen to explain the reason for their visit. After scanning their ship, the employee assigned them a flight path and landing designation, informing them that all ships visiting Nooroyo were now registered. Shortly afterward, a scanning team was sent to investigate their vessel, which the Torada Collective artist Kharl suspected was because the Separatist Viceroy Nute Gunray was on the planet and would recognize their ship as from Naboo. Not long after, Amidala and Skywalker successfully fled the world with Jamillia's sisterAntraya—prior to the arrival of the landing control's scanning team.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Nooroyo primary landing control appeared in Queen's Hope,[1] a 2022 young-adult novel written by E. K. Johnston.[3]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Queen's Hope
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Queen's Hope, and the start of the Clone Wars, to 22 BBY. The Nooroyo primary landing control must have therefore been established by that year.
  3. Disney Queen's Hope on Disney.com (backup link)