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A H-type Nubian yacht was piloted by Senator Padmé Amidala[2] in 22 BBY.[3] She was given the vessel after a failed assassination attempt destroyed her previous ship. Amidala used it to travel to Tatooine and Geonosis with Anakin Skywalker. During the Clone Wars, Amidala used the ship[1] to travel to alleged negotiations with the InterGalactic Banking Clan. It was however intercepted by General Grievous's flagship Malevolence and pulled aboard via a tractor beam, in the hopes of capturing Amidala and using her as a hostage to force the Republic fleet attacking the Malevolence to stand down. However, Amidala set the yacht's power system to overload to act as a distraction and take out any droids that came to capture her; the yacht exploded shortly after Grievous himself boarded it, destroying the two battle droids with him, but the cyborg survived.[2]

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