

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

Nar Hida was a male Human hailing from the world of Luptoom. During the Separatist Crisis, he traveled to the galactic capital of Coruscant with his wife and daughter, where he opened a boutique that specialized in Luptoomian fashion. Poor sales, however, forced Hida to close his store, and further dealings with local criminals left him and his family in a state of poverty. Hida intended to return to Luptoom, but the Separatist Crisis made leaving Coruscant particularly difficult.

He eventually found passage on the freighter Jendirian Valley, but he soon discovered that the freighter would only be traveling halfway to Luptoom. Fearing that he and his family would be left stranded without funds or transport, Hida attempted to rob one of the Jendirian Valley's passengers during the journey. He was stopped by the Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, who was protecting Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo. The senator gave Hida credits and suggested that he contact the Refugee Relief Movement on her homeworld. With the movement's help, he and his family were able to return to Luptoom, where Hida reversed his fortunes.


Failed business and destitution[]

Nar Hida hailed from Luptoom, where he lived with his wife and daughter. Looking for a challenging enterprise to pursue, Hida and his family relocated to the galactic capital of Coruscant during the Separatist Crisis,[1] which threatened the stability of the Galactic Republic.[2] There, Hida opened a boutique that specialized in fashions from his homeworld, but within a year, he was forced to close the store due to poor sales. He made several business deals with the Baath brothers, but the deals only lost Hida more and more money, until he and his family were destitute. He intended to return to Luptoom somehow, but the political climate of the time made leaving the galactic capital difficult.[1]

The Jendirian Valley[]

Nar Hida tall

Nar Hida

With the last of his funds, Hida was able to secure passage for his family and himself aboard the AA-9 Coruscant freighter Jendirian Valley. The craft was the only one departing Coruscant that was not already packed to the brim with other refugees, but it was only traveling halfway to Luptoom, as Hida discovered. This worried Hida, as he and his family would be left stranded and broke by the time the Jendirian Valley had finished its journey. When the freighter entered hyperspace, the Luptoomian grew more and more desperate. Although he had never entered into criminal acts before in his life, he began to consider doing something drastic to turn his fortune around.[1]

Presented with the opportunity of robbing a sleeping Bith passenger on the Jendirian Valley, Hida only hesitated momentarily. As he moved to do the deed, he was grabbed on the arm by a young man and pulled aside.[1] The man was actually the disguised Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, who was traveling from Coruscant incognito.[3] He told Hida that the Bith was carrying a hidden blaster pistol and would have surely used it had the Luptoomian been allowed to follow through on his intended course of action. Hida was reluctant to believe the man but was convinced by Skywalker's companion, who was in fact Senator Padmé Amidala, also in disguise. She told him to trust Skywalker as the young Jedi had the power to see things before they happened.[1]

Amidala then donated some credits to Hida and instructed him to contact the Refugee Relief Movement on the world of Naboo, where the freighter would be stopping. Upon reaching the planet, Hida did as Amidala had told him, and the movement arranged for him and his family to be relocated to Luptoom. Back on Luptoom, Hida was able to build himself up out of poverty and turn his fortunes around. When the Clone Wars broke out later[1] in 22 BBY,[4] Hida continually donated to the Refugee Relief Movement, inspired by the young couple that had helped him on the Jendirian Valley.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Nar Hida would never balk at the prospect of a challenge, but his enthusiasm in tackling the Luptoomian boutique in particular cost him dearly. He and his family were forced to live in poverty due to his business decisions and associations, and he was only able to alter his situation by relying on the kindness of others. In a moment of desperation, his mind turned to crime, and he would have committed robbery had he not been stopped by Skywalker. The kindness of the Jedi and Amidala would later inspire Hida to help people that found themselves in the position he had been in during the Separatist Crisis. He had blue eyes and light skin.[1]


Hida wore flowing, green clothing that had tentacle-like appendages around the chest and shoulder area.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

The character of Nar Hida originally appeared as an unnamed extra in George Lucas' Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, in the scenes aboard the Jendirian Valley. The extra playing Hida appeared in the Starwars.com Making Episode II Webdoc "A Twinkle Beyond Pluto."[6] In 2006, the character was named and expounded upon by Gregory Walker (writing as "NarbFlick") through the StarWars.com Hyperspace feature "What's The Story?" In writing his winning Databank entry, Walker tied the character to the Baath brothers, who originated in 2003's Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and had been used by Walker in his two previous winning "What's The Story?" entries, Magaloof and Acros-Krik. Unintentionally, a theme of criminality ran through Walker's winning "What's The Story?" entries, to varying degrees, with Hida, his final one, being the more noble of the three. He also created entirely new characters in Hida's unnamed daughter and wife.[3]

Walker was able to introduce other new elements to canon in writing about Hida, such as the planet Luptoom, which was later referenced in Nathan O'Keefe's "What's The Story?" entry for Teyora Rekab. Originally, Walker had intended to have Hida attempt to rob Amidala and end up wounded by Skywalker, but he felt that Skywalker's dark side had been shown too much in previous Star Wars material, and was almost cliched. Instead he chose to have Hida rob a Bith passenger, but had originally included a segment of dialogue in his entry to augment the tale. The dialogue was eventually cut out by StarWars.com editors, to Walker's relief—he had felt that in straying from the standard Databank format, his entry would be disqualified. As such, he was surprised when it was chosen, and was happy with the compromise made by the StarWars.com staff.[3]


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