


The Lonisa City Zoo[3] was a zoo located in Lonisa City, on the planet Valo. It featured night barbarbarbs, sanvals, hragscythes and a mudhorn.[1] In 231 BBY,[4] Jedi Master Elzar Mann visited the zoo before the arrival of multiple dignitaries and many of his fellow Jedi. He gazed at one of the hragscythes in an enclosure, and it stared back at him.[3] Later, during the evening opening of the Republic Fair, Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram had to find a route around the zoo to reach the planet's nearly finished Jedi temple, and stopped outside of its gates while he considered his options. Later, Padawans Jomaram and Lula Talisola found themselves at the gates of the zoo during the Nihil attack on Lonisa City. The Nihil's chaotic assault resulted in the release of many of the zoo's animals, and the zoo's entrance gate was destroyed when a hragscythe began to rampage.[1]

The zoo was later fully abandoned following the Nihil's second attack on Lonisa City, which took place shortly after the Destruction of Starlight Beacon. The animals of the zoo remained in the area, though some left their enclosures, or expanded their claimed territory. The zoo then became a place of refuge for the Jedi younglings Kildo, Tep Tep and Gavi upon their return to Lonisa City. Tep Tep's ability to connect with animals caused many of the former zoo exhibits to help guard the children, with the acklays, for instance, eating a Nihil patrol that had been searching the area.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

The Lonisa City Zoo debuted simultaneously in The High Republic: Race to Crashpoint Tower, a novel by Daniel José Older,[1] and The High Republic: The Rising Storm, a novel by Cavan Scott,[5] both of which were released on June 29, 2021. The Zoo later appeared in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong.[2]



Notes and references[]
