

For other uses, see Lina (disambiguation).

Lina was a female pilot in the fleet of the Outer Rim planet E'ronoh, her homeworld. She was the sister of Bly Tevin, who also resided on the world with their mother in a family apartment. Around 382 BBY, Lina's starfighter malfunctioned and crashed into the Ramshead Gorge when her thrusters suffered a mechanical failure shortly after lift-off, killing her as onlookers—including Bly and Lina's mother—watched in horror.

The pilot's death caused outrage among E'ronoh's populace over their outdated military hardware, causing Monarch A'lbaran to lease part of the planet's southern hemisphere to the Core Worlds planet Corellia in exchange for new devilfighter starfighters. In honor of his sister's memory, Bly enlisted in the E'ronoh fleet's Thylefire Squadron and participated in a supply escort mission under Captain Xiri A'lbaran shortly after finishing basic training. However, he was killed during the endeavor due to his devilfighter having been sabotaged, thinking of Lina and his mother in his last moments.


Military service[]


Lina hailed from E'ronoh and served in its fleet.

The E'roni female Lina lived during the High Republic Era and resided on her homeworld, the Outer Rim planet E'ronoh. Her mother and younger brother, Bly Tevin, also lived on the world in an apartment. She hailed from a family who had been on E'ronoh for generations, as her grandfather served in E'ronoh's military and her grandmother also came from the world.[1] Between 387 BBY and 382 BBY,[3] Lina enlisted in E'ronoh's fleet to fight in the Eiram and E'ronoh War against E'ronoh's enemy, the Outer Rim planet Eiram. She became a pilot and learned how to fly a starfighter, eventually being assigned her own vessel.[1]

Around 382 BBY,[2] the world's aging starfighters began to malfunction, eventually resulting in two consecutive days of a ship breaking in incidents that resulted in no casualties. The day after, Lina departed from the Rook—E'ronoh's capital city—on a recon mission to Eiram's western isles. Moments after lifting off, her starship's thrusters malfunctioned, sending the pilot falling from the sky to her death in the nearby Ramshead Gorge. As Lina's vessel lost altitude, many horrified spectators—including her mother and brother—watched from the Rook with held breath. Word of her death spread quickly, causing the city's citizens to riot in anger, furious at losing a pilot due to outdated military equipment. To pacify the angered dissidents, the E'roni Monarch A'lbaran leased a plot of mountains in E'ronoh's southern hemisphere to[1] the Core Worlds planet[4] Corellia in exchange for three dozen new devilfighter starfighters for the world's fleet. Although she understood why the deal had been done, E'roni princess and captain Xiri A'lbaran disagreed with her father's decision.[1]

Honored memory[]


Bly Tevin perished during an escort mission in the Eiram system (pictured), having joined the fight in his sister's memory.

Despite being slightly below the conscription age, a grieved Bly pleaded with Xiri to allow him to enlist in E'ronoh's fleet early in Lina's memory. Having done the same when her brother—Prince Niko A'lbaran—died, the captain approved the request, and he became a member of her squadron, Thylefire Squadron, after completing basic training. Xiri also assigned Bly to the devilfighter that had been initially allotted to her, considering it a small form of rebellion against her father's decision to acquire them in the wake of Lina's death.[1]

In 382 BBY,[3] Xiri led Thylefire Squadron on a supply escort mission to escort an ice hauler. As she sat in space above E'ronoh, the captain reflected on Lina's death and how it had led to Bly's enlistment. The captain also briefly considered the riots that had broken out after Lina's death, interpreting the incident as a turning point for the war on E'ronoh. Not long after, Bly's devilfighter—which had been secretly sabotaged by Serrena, a member of the Path of the Open Hand cult—malfunctioned and locked him out of the controls. However, after he rebooted his ship's systems, he saw they were set to self-destruct. In the moments before his death, Tevin thought of his time with his mother, including when they both witnessed Lina's death. Bly's devilfighter then exploded, grieving Xiri, as the young pilot had not accomplished his goal of finishing the fight his sister had started.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Lina was loyal to E'ronoh and hailed from a family with a similarly devoted outlook. Her family grieved her death when she died, and Bly enlisted to fight Eiram in her memory. Xiri considered Lina's death a turning point in the populace's sentiment concerning the war on E'ronoh, serving as a catalyst for horrified E'roni to bemoan that one of their personnel had died unnecessarily.[1]


While serving as a pilot in E'ronoh's fleet, Lina was assigned a starfighter, which was destroyed in the Ramshead Gorge when its thrusters failed. Like every E'roni soldier, she owned a ceremonial bane blade she kept strapped at her hip.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Lina was mentioned in Convergence, a novel written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II[1] that was published on November 22, 2022. Prior to its release, her mention was included in a StarWars.com preview for the novel on October 4 of that year.[5]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 The High Republic: Convergence
  2. 2.0 2.1 Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates the events of The High Republic: Convergence to 382 BBY. As Convergence establishes that Lina's death on E'ronoh occurred shortly before the start of the novel's events, she must have passed away around 382 BBY.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates the events of The High Republic: Convergence to 382 BBY. As Convergence establishes that Lina enlisted in E'ronoh's fleet to fight in the conflict with Eiram before the novel's events, her recruitment can be placed between those two years.
  4. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu
  5. StarWars A Mysterious Mission Begins in The High Republic: Convergence – Exclusive Excerpt on StarWars.com (backup link)