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"You'll be thrilled to know Dean Harket has entrusted me with checking up on you today. On account of us being such good friends and all."
―Kozmo Sundrel IV[1]

Kozmo Sundrel IV was a male lord from the planet Luzalite and a student at Reena University by around 396 BBY. A friend and associate of fellow students Leyli Romero and Axel Greylark, respectively, Sundrel and Greylark had a tense manner of interacting with one another to the point their view of their status as friends differed between the two. Nonetheless, Sundrel regularly accompanied Greylark and Romero.

On one such occasion during the Queen's Bloom Festival, Sundrel, Greylark, and Romero flouted their duties as volunteers at the festival and instead crashed a party celebrating the Queen's Bloom. While there, Sundrel and Greylark were led into a trap by Romero—who was, in reality, working for a group of thieves led by the human criminal Elecia Zeveron—and forced to steal from many of the party's attendees. Sundrel and Greylark committed the act under duress before both being shot by Romero. The two survived, however, and their relationship improved to the point where both considered one another as friends.


Flouting responsibility[]

"Don't you have better things to do today?"
"I had a test in advanced mineralogy, and I got top marks."
―Axel Greylark and Kozmo Sundrel IV[1]

Sundrel's family supported the politician Kyong Greylark (pictured).

Kozmo Sundrel IV was from Luzalite—a little-known planet by the time of the High Republic Era—and was born into a noble family. Eventually, he was given a lordship on the planet. As his family supported various campaigns of the politician Kyong Greylark in the Galactic Republic, Sundrel attended various galas on[1] the planet[2] Coruscant, where he interacted with her son, Axel Greylark.[1] By around 396 BBY,[3] Sundrel had been accepted into and had begun to attend Reena University on the planet of the same name. While attending, he regularly accompanied fellow students Leyli Romero and Axel Greylark, both of whom he came to consider friends—though the latter did not reciprocate this sentiment. Axel and Sundrel had an animus rapport with one another, leading Axel to view Sundrel in a less friendly manner to the extent that he considered him his "nemesis." He had also begun wearing a Luzalite diamond medallion he inherited as a family heirloom, which—alongside a coif he wore—Axel regarded as ridiculous. At some point, Sundrel heard a rumor that Axel bribed the university's staff to keep them from reporting his behavior.[1]

Around 396 BBY,[3] on the day of Reena's Queen's Bloom Festival, Sundrel had received top marks on an advanced mineralogy test, leaving him unoccupied for the remainder of his day. Reena University's dean of student life, Ry Harket, entrusted Sundrel with the task of checking on Axel, who was faking an affliction of malongo pox through the effects of guiji fire pepper seeds in order to flout his responsibilities at the festival. After Romero invited him to join her and the young Greylark in sneaking out of the university while providing a speeder for transport, Sundrel met with the two students, the latter of whom reacted negatively to his presence and asking asked his "nemesis" if he had anything better to do. After Sundrel informed him about the free time he gained for his test score, Romero intervened, preventing them from squabbling further.[1]

Axel led Sundrel and Romero through the university's servants' corridor, where they passed a Twi'lek janitor that allowed them to pass. The interaction prompted the lord to comment on the rumor that Axel paid off the staff, which he neither confirmed nor denied. Upon reaching the Queen's Bloom Festival fairgrounds, Sundrel and Romero shielded the young Greylark from the nearby Harket's view before continuing toward the hangar. When his friends briefly bumped into a Jedi Padawan attending the festival, Sundrel continued toward the hangar without them and began to prepare his speeder while he waited for them to catch up. When they regrouped, he informed Axel of his duty to check on him on the dean's behalf.[1]

Party crashing[]

"We can go. We came, we saw—"
"Fine. You two are no fun."
―Kozmo and Leylro Romero[1]

Sundrel became associated with fellow Reena University student Axel Greylark (pictured).

While making their way away toward the city's coast in the speeder, Sundrel played an electro-trash song. They parked behind a five-story building containing Ealy's rooftop tavern deck, though Sundrel reacted with disdain at Axel's choice of location. Romero then suggested they instead sneak into the party at Gorag Tower to view the Queen's Bloom, and despite Axel's objections, the trio went there instead. The younger Greylark impersonated his father, Lexxir Greylark, to get the trio past the Wermal man admitting guests, and his friends ushered him inside before he could turn back upon learning his mother was present.[1]

Sundrel was the first to notice Kyong among the party's attendees, prompting Axel to hide behind him. Though Axel stated that they should have gone to Ealy's instead, Romero reassured him and called the former "the Coruscant prince"—a moniker that Sundrel felt was amusing. However, he soon noticed his companion's discomfort and suggested they leave out of what Axel perceived as pity. Romero relented, and the group began to escape via the kitchen, only to find themselves held at blasterpoint.[1]

Thieves under duress[]

"I knew hanging around you would bring me nothing but humiliation."
"Yeah, well, no one asked you to hang around me."
―Kozmo Sundrel IV and Axel Greylark[1]

Sundrel and Axel Greylark were forced to steal on behalf of Elecia Zeveron (pictured).

On the other side of the blasters was a group of thieves led by the human criminal Elecia Zeveron. Sundrel was angry when Axel followed Zeveron's order to lock the door, offering the thieves credits instead. Zeveron holstered her blaster and ordered the other members of the group to take Romero hostage. She forced the two young men to steal valuable goods from the partygoers on their behalf and tossed the duo servers' uniforms to wear as disguises. Sundrel and Axel bantered while putting on the disguises, resulting in a remark from the latter that they were not friends, which hurt the former as they continued following Zeveron's orders.[1]

Grabbing platters of food on the way out of the kitchen, Sundrel and Axel made their way around the party, stealing valuables from as many partygoers as possible. The two eventually reunited and—after nearly encountering Lexxir—made their way back to the kitchen. On their way, the young Greylark stole a blaster from one of the partygoers, sending Sundrel into a slight panic. When they returned their pickings to Zeveron, the frightened lord threw his tray into the pile alongside his loot. His companion then demanded to have Romero freed and drew the stolen blaster, stunning two of Zeveron's crew members. Zeveron relented, and Romero entered the room, revealing to her friends that she had been involved with the thieves all along. She then fired on Sundrel, who collapsed.[1]

Though Axel was shot as well, he remained conscious and panicked over how to move Sundrel's body back to the university after Zeveron, Romero, and their crew departed. However, Sundrel had survived the blaster fire, his Luzalite diamond medallion having protected him—which he surmised his father should make a blaster-proof prototype of. The two then made their way back to Reena University, Axel driving the speeder due to the unwell shape Sundrel was in from being shot. When Sundrel returned to his suite, he thanked Axel for not abandoning him despite being his "nemesis." Axel sarcastically remarked that he should not make it weird and asked him to save a seat for their class the following day. Their relationship having improved somewhat, they parted ways for the night, and Axel later professed to his father that the pair had made amends.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"You're so lucky to have a friend like me. Without me, you'd let Leyli run you off a cliff and think it was your idea all along."
"What are you talking about? We're not friends."
"We're not?"
―Kozmo Sundrel IV and Axel Greylark[1]

Sundrel was a male student who was proud of his accomplishments and adept enough at his classes that he was capable of gaining extra free time while also being reputable enough for Reena University staff to trust him to keep his friends in check. He was friendly toward and even protective of Leyli Romero, but his relationship with Axel Greylark was more complicated. Outwardly, the two antagonized and spoke rudely to one another—though Sundrel once showed pity when Axel expressed discomfort. While Axel came to dislike Sundrel over this rapport, Sundrel still viewed him as a friend and actively associated with and accompanied him, and he was visibly hurt when he expressed otherwise. However, the relationship between the two improved somewhat after they survived being forced to steal and nearly being killed by Elecia Zeveron's thieves, with the two considering one another friends equally. Sundrel spoke in Galactic Basic Standard with a regal tone. He had deep brown eyes.[1]


"I must find a way to tell Father we should make a blaster-proof prototype."
―Kozmo Sundrel IV, regarding his medallion[1]

Sundrel wore a curly coif, an embroidered silk tunic, and at least one glove. He wore a Luzalite diamond medallion he inherited as a family heirloom, which—while not blaster-proof—could protect him from a blaster shot. When he and Axel were forced to commit theft on behalf of the thieves, he wore a crisp white server's uniform with a metal visor. While in the uniform, he hid his medallion underneath it to prevent it from being stolen.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Kozmo Sundrel IV appeared in the short story "The Queen's Bloom," written by Zoraida Córdova and published in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 "The Queen's Bloom" — The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life
  2. Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  3. 3.0 3.1 The High Republic: Convergence establishes that Axel Greylark was eighteen years old thirteen years prior to its events. As Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates the events of Convergence to 382 BBY, he must have been born in 413 BBY. Greylark is seventeen years old in "The Queen's Bloom," dating its events to around 396 BBY.