


"See? We should have gone to Ealy's."
―Axel Greylark[1]

Ealy's rooftop tavern deck, or simply Ealy's, was a tavern located in a five-story building in a city on the planet Reena. The tavern was frequented by Axel Greylark, a student of Reena University. During the Queen's Bloom Festival around 396 BBY, Greylark and his friends almost celebrated the festival at Ealy's before going to Gorag Tower instead.


"Really? A tavern?"
―Kozmo Sundrel IV[1]

Ealy's rooftop tavern deck, also known as just Ealy's, was located inside a five-story building in a city on the planet Reena. The establishment had a fountain overflowing with a beverage the owner referred to as "giddy tonic."[1]


"I have a better idea for premier views."
―Leyli Romero, suggesting Gorag Tower instead of Ealy's[1]

Axel Greylark (pictured) frequented Ealy's.

Ealy's was the first place discovered by Axel Greylark during his tenure as a student at Reena University, and he listened to traders and pilots tell stories about evading pirates on the Caloria Run[1] hyperspace route[2] at the tavern—an activity he found more exciting than his Political Ideology in the Outer Rim class.[1] Around 396 BBY,[3] Greylark and fellow students Leyli Romero and Kozmo Sundrel IV flouted their responsibilities at the Queen's Bloom Festival and arrived at the building Ealy's was in to observe the Queen's Bloom. After Sundrel reacted poorly to the tavern, Romero convinced them to sneak into a penthouse in Gorag Tower instead. After nearly encountering his mother—the Senator Kyong Greylark—at the party in Gorag Tower, Axel remarked that they should have gone to Ealy's instead.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Ealy's rooftop tavern deck was mentioned in the short story "The Queen's Bloom," written by Zoraida Córdova and published in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 "The Queen's Bloom" — The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life
  2. Knights of Fate
  3. The High Republic: Convergence establishes that Axel Greylark was eighteen years old thirteen years prior to its events. As Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates the events of Convergence to 382 BBY, he must have been born in 413 BBY. Greylark is seventeen years old in "The Queen's Bloom," dating its events to around 396 BBY.