


"This one will warm you up, body and soul. Just make sure to save a glass for yourself!"
―Strono Tuggs, The Life Day Cookbook[1]

Keshian Spiced Milk was a variety of spiced milk created by the Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs using a spice blend that had been perfected by the sous-chef Robbs Ely. Tuggs made the drink as an alternate means to taste the blend as the Keshian spice rolls that he also made with the spice usually sold out before he could eat any. The spiced milk was thickened with rice and served hot.


"The secret behind this flavorful beverage is that it's thickened with rice, providin' its smooth and creamy texture. But it's the variation of the Keshian spice blend, perfected by my late sous-chef, Robbs Ely, that really steals the show."
―Strono Tuggs, The Life Day Cookbook[1]

Keshian Spiced Milk was a type of brewed and spiced milk beverage that was served hot. It was thickened with rice to create a smooth and creamy texture and flavored with a Keshian spice blend that had been perfected by the sous-chef Robbs Ely. It could be consumed by Artiodacs[1] and shared its name with the Keshian species.[2]


"For example, whenever I bake a batch of Keshian Spice Rolls, they always sell out in an instant. Sounds great in theory, but it means I almost never get to pop one in my own mouth anymore. I'm left with nothing but their aroma lingerin' in my kitchen, tauntin' me with their spicy sweetness all day long. That's why I brewed up this liquid version, featurin' some of the very same spices that make the rolls such a huge hit."
―Strono Tuggs, The Life Day Cookbook[1]

Keshian Spiced Milk used the same spice blend as Keshian spice rolls.

Keshian Spiced Milk was created by the Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs, a colleague of Ely, due to the popularity of Tuggs's Keshian spice rolls, which were also made using the same spice blend. The rolls were so popular at the Artiodac's food freighter, Tuggs' Grub, that they always sold out before Tuggs was able to eat any himself, so he made the spiced milk as an alternate means for him to enjoy the spice blend.[1]

Tuggs included a recipe for the dish in his second cookbook, The Life Day Cookbook, which was released at some point after he published his first cookbook[1] in 34 ABY.[3] In the book, Tuggs described the beverage as flavorful, with the spice blend as the main highlight, and claimed that it would warm up both a drinker's body and soul as long as they remembered to save a glass for themselves.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Keshian Spiced Milk was created as a recipe for the 2021 Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook, a recipe book written by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. The out-of-universe recipe uses water, long-grain white rice, cinnamon sticks, evaporated milk, granulated sugar, vanilla extract, and ground cinnamon. The out-of-universe recipe for the Kabatha Crisp dessert, which is also included in the book, uses Keshian Spiced Milk as one of its ingredients.[1]


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