


"When I'm feelin' a little lost in this big ol' galaxy, I make myself a bowl of this simple fruit salad, which was always a favorite of Maz's most loyal patrons."
―Strono Tuggs, The Life Day Cookbook[1]

Shi-Shok Fruit Bowls were a type of simple fruit salad that was served in a bowl made from a shi-shok fruit. The Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs served Shi-Shok Fruit Bowls while he was head chef at Takodana Castle on the planet Takodana. After the castle was destroyed in 34 ABY, Tuggs made the dish for himself whenever he felt lost and later included a recipe for the dish in The Life Day Cookbook.


"I mix in whatever is in season—from jogans to shuura—but the sweetness of the shi-shok is what really brings it all together."
―Strono Tuggs, The Life Day Cookbook[1]

Shi-Shok Fruit Bowls were a type of vegetarian fruit salad served in a bowl made from a shi-shok, a type of sweet fruit from the planet Kashyyyk. The Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs mixed whatever fruits were in season into the salad, including jogan fruits or shuura fruit, but claimed that the sweetness of the shi-shok would always bring the simple dish together. The shi-shok bowls were green on the outside and pink on the inside, while the fruits held in the bowl could be red, orange, green, or blue in color.[1]


"The shi-shok happens to be native to Kashyyyk, which makes this one perfect for Life Day… or any day that you need a little taste of home."
―Strono Tuggs, The Life Day Cookbook[1]
Strono serving food

Strono Tuggs (right) served Shi-Shok Fruit Bowls at Takodana Castle.

Tuggs served the dish while he was head chef at Takodana Castle on[1] the planet[2] Takodana, and it was a favorite among the most loyal patrons of the castle's owner, Maz Kanata. After Takodana Castle was destroyed[1] in 34 ABY,[3] Tuggs took to roaming the Outer Rim Territories for a period, and during this time he would make himself a Shi-Shok Fruit Bowl whenever he was feeling lost. At some point after publishing his first cookbook[1] in 34 ABY,[4] he included a recipe for the dish in his second cookbook, The Life Day Cookbook, commenting that the dish was perfect for Life Day, a holiday that, like the shi-shok, originated on Kashyyyk.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Shi-Shok Fruit Bowls were created as a recipe for the 2021 cookbook Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook, which was written by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. The ingredients for the out-of-universe recipe are white or pink dragon fruit, peeled and diced kiwi, a cup balled cantaloupe, raspberries, blueberries, orange juice, and lime zest.[1]


Notes and references[]
