


A Jedi mural was painted across the ceiling of the Valo Temple's attic on the planet Valo during the High Republic Era. The mural depicted the Jedi crest surrounded by multiple Jedi: a Rodian, a human, a Togruta, an Alcedian, and two sparring Jedi. While looking at the painting in 229 BBY, Padawan Ram Jomaram remembered that the mural calmed him as a Jedi youngling.


The Jedi mural stretched across the ceiling of the Valo Temple's attic on the planet Valo. The Jedi crest was emblazoned in the mural's center, swinging its wings towards the dome's crown. The elegant symbol was surrounded by six Jedi, who were depicted communing with different interpretations of the Force. A Rodian Jedi was portrayed with music swirling around them while they delicately plucked a flatharp. A human Jedi was depicted tendering a plant with blue tendrils and white blossoms while the plant's roots spread through the ground beneath the Jedi's feet. Two other Jedi were painted engaging in playful lightsaber combat. Additionally, an elderly Togruta Jedi gracefully charted the stars while a silver-feathered Alcedian Jedi with long, vivid pink hair and golden eyes elatedly used the Force to levitate a set of interlocking crystal rings.[1]



Padawan Ram Jomaram, who felt calmed by the Jedi mural

By 231 BBY during the High Republic Era,[2] the Jedi mural was painted in the Jedi Order's temple outpost on Valo,[1] which was constructed decades before 231 BBY.[2] When he trained as a Jedi youngling at the Valo Temple, Ram Jomaram loved to calm himself by looking at the Jedi mural.[1]

As a Padawan[1] in 229 BBY,[3] Jomaram used the Valo Temple as a secret base to hide from the Nihil marauders occupying Valo. While looking at his lightsaber after returning to the temple, Jomaram noticed the Jedi mural and the depicted Jedi on the ceiling. He remembered looking at the mural as a youngling and noted that looking at it still calmed him. After Jomaram had left the planet with the Jedi younglings Kildo and Tep Tep, the Jedi youngling Gavi—who had stayed behind—stood alone in the attic of the Jedi temple below the Jedi mural.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Jedi mural appeared in Escape from Valo, a junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong and published in 2024 as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia campaign's[1] Phase III.[4]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 The High Republic: Escape from Valo
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 According to The High Republic: Escape from Valo, Ram Jomaram looked at the Jedi mural when he was a Jedi Initiate and the Valo Temple's construction process lasted decades. During the events of The High Republic: The Rising Storm, which takes place in 231 BBY according to Star Wars: Timelines, Ram Jomaram is already a Padawan and the Valo Temple is finished. Therefore, the Jedi mural must have been painted by 231 BBY, and the construction process of the temple must have started decades before that year.
  3. The events of The High Republic: Escape from Valo take place one year after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, which equates to 229 BBY per Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia.
  4. StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)