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"There were no survivors on Devaron. Everyone was killed, including Master Halsey and his Padawan."
―Boss, reporting on the fate of Halsey and Knox[4]

Halsey was a Roonan male Jedi Master active during the Clone Wars. During the Republic defense of the Temple of Eedit on the planet of Devaron, Halsey participated in the battle alongside Clone Commander "Trauma" and his Padawan Knox. He was eventually killed during the battle by Savage Opress.


Halsey, a Roonan male, was a Jedi Master who served during the Clone Wars.[2] In 21 BBY,[5] Halsey was present in the Jedi Temple war room, watching a hologram of Jedi Master Eeth Koth getting tortured by the Separatist General Grievous.[3]


Halsey fighting against Opress

In 20 BBY,[1] Halsey and his Padawan Knox were dispatched to the Temple of Eedit on the planet Devaron to defend it from the Confederacy of Independent Systems' Droid Army. However, Separatist leader Count Dooku's new apprentice, arrived mid-battle, slaughtering the Republic clone troopers defending the temple. With only the Jedi and Opress remaining, Halsey told his Padawan to stay back and engaged the Zabrak warrior. During the duel, Opress caught Halsey's hand, forcing him to drop his lightsaber. In the melee combat that ensued, the Jedi Master was outmatched by his opponent and Opress stabbed him with his spear. In an attempt to avenge Halsey, Knox charged at Opress, only to be thrown against the temple gates by the Zabrak, dying on impact. With the Jedi and the clone troopers dead, Opress reported to Dooku about the success of his mission.[2]

In the aftermath of the battle, Halsey's and Knox's bodies were brought back to the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant. As clone commando Sergeant Boss reported on the fate of the Jedi, Jedi Master Adi Gallia remarked that the deaths seemed like a work of late Separatist assassin Asajj Ventress. Plo Koon speculated that a new Sith Lord may be behind the murders, with Obi-Wan Kenobi commenting on the brutality of the killings. As the Jedi reviewed security holograms from Devaron, they learned that the assassin hailed from Dathomir, prompting a mission to find Opress.[4]

Personality and traits[]

Halsey had blue eyes and gray skin.[4]

Powers and abilities[]

Halsey had some skill in lightsaber combat and he was also skilled in martial arts as shown when he tried to defeat Savage Opress. He was able to push Opress back for a moment, but his overconfidence in his unarmed combat skills led to his death.[4]


Halsey's lightsaber


Halsey wore classic Jedi apparel and boots, and wielded a green single-bladed lightsaber.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Halsey first appeared, unnamed, in "Grievous Intrigue," the ninth episode of the second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series,[3] which first aired on January 1, 2010.[6] Halsey was identified by name in the accompanying Episode Guide on StarWars.com, in its "Trivia & Details" section, which also revealed that Halsey was once named "Tukker Val Loo."[3]



Notes and references[]
