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"Fear. Anger. Resentment. I sense them in you. You have let yourself feel, Eeth Koth. […]"
"Perhaps it's the Zabrak in me."
Darth Vader and the Zabrak former Jedi Master Eeth Koth[8]

Zabraks were a near-human carnivorous species native to the planets Iridonia and Dathomir. Most members of the species had distinctive horns atop their heads, as well as two hearts. Although most Zabraks lived on Iridonia, some settled on the planet Dathomir, where the females of the species, known as Nightsisters, ruled over the Nightbrother males and practiced powerful dark side magick. Notably, female Dathomirian Zabraks lacked the cranial horns shared by the rest of the species.

Zabraks fought against the Galactic Empire's attempts to undermine and subvert them, and instead of surrendering, many joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Zabraks were considered to be proud, self-determined, and even arrogant to some, and they were one of the most independent species in the galaxy.

Biology and appearance[]

"Zabraks are too chewy."
Deva Lompop[9]

The skeletal structure of Zabrak Jedi Master Eeth Koth

Zabraks were a species of near-humans that had evolved to be tough due to the nature of their homeworld Iridonia. The species was carnivorous and had two hearts, which allowed them to pump oxygenated blood around their systems more quickly than other species meaning they could go faster for longer. Some Zabraks possessed a ring of small,[10] vestigial horns[1] that ran from high on their brow round to the back of their head. The horns of males were generally more developed than those of females, although horn placement, length, and thickness varied enormously across the species. Zabraks could be Force-sensitive.[10]

There were two subspecies of Zabraks, the Dathomirians and the Iridonians.[1] Female Dathomirians did not have any horns, but males did.[4]

Society and culture[]

All Zabraks were fiercely independent, usually taking on roles in society that minimized their need to be ordered around by others. This was often mistaken by other species for aloofness or arrogance, which was erroneous, although Zabraks were unashamedly proud of being survivors. The majority of Zabraks wore facial tattoos which often indicated familial ties, but could also simply be based on an individual's personal taste.[10] They were a colonial species, having migrated and adapted to dominate many worlds. The Zabraks of Iridonia were commonly seen traveling across the galaxy as Jedi, bounty hunters, or in other professions. A group of tribal male Zabraks lived on the planet Dathomir, where they were subservient to the female Nightsisters, but dwelt separately from them. Much of the Dathomirian Zabraks' culture was unknown to outsiders, as they did not trust offworlders.[11]


The Zabraks were loyal members of the Galactic Republic during its reign, but were immediately opposed to the Galactic Empire upon its creation, with many joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Likewise, many Zabraks sided with the Resistance to oppose the First Order after the fall of the New Republic.[10]

Zabraks in the galaxy[]

"Ah—is that a fellow Zabrak I see? And a Nightb—"
"You do not know me."
―A Zabrak bartender and Darth Maul[12]

Darth Maul, a Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord.

Despite the species overall loyalty to the Republic, individual Zabraks could be found across the galaxy with a wide range of allegiances, usually in roles with minimal managerial supervision such as independent traders, mercenaries, bounty hunters, or scouts. One such Zabrak was Sugi, who worked as a bounty hunter during the Clone Wars, and taught her niece Jas Emari the same trade. Another was a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild on the planet Nevarro. Criminal pursuits were often attractive to younger Zabraks, and during the Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector several Zabraks served in the crew of the the Smuggler, who led the Uprising against the Imperial blockade.[13] In 9 ABY,[14] members of the species could be seen on planets such as Sorgan[15] and an[16] Outer Rim planet,[17] where a Zabrak worked for gangster Gor Koresh.[16]

Several Force-sensitive Zabraks joined the Jedi Order during the time of the Galactic Republic, including Zubain Ankonori, Eeth Koth, and Agen Kolar, the latter two of whom served time on the Jedi High Council. Conversely, the Force-sensitive brothers Maul and Savage Opress both served the Sith before independently forming the Shadow Collective criminal cartel and briefly ruling the planet Mandalore.[13] A number of Dathomirian Zabraks lived on Dathomir, the world for which their race was named, as the Nightbrothers, who existed under the rule of the Dathomirian Nightsister witch clan.[4]


Non-canon appearances[]


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