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Ghana Gleemort[2] was a green-skinned and weak-eyed Gamorrean[1] male who served as a bodyguard to Jabba the Hutt,[2] a crime lord who operated out of a palace on the planet Tatooine. A member of the Groogrun clan,[3] Gleemort was armed with a Clan Groogrun vibro-ax[1] and assigned to protect the palace, although the Gamorrean was secretly negotiating with B'omarr monks[4]—an ancient order of monks with members traveling the palace[5]—regarding his possible defection from the Hutt's service prior to Jabba's death[4] in 4 ABY's Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon.[6]

Behind the scenes[]

Ghana Gleemort's name originated in Tatooine Limited, an expansion set of the Decipher, Inc. Star Wars Customizable Card Game. His card used an image of a Gamorrean seen in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the third installment of the original trilogy.[2]

In 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia represented the Gamorrean guard Gartogg with the image that the Star Wars Customizable Card Game used to depict Gleemort.[7] On December 11, 2012,[8] Leland Chee wrote the Star Wars Insider 138 article "Rogues Gallery: Pigs in Space," identifying Ghana Gleemort as the Gamorrean guard[9] in a photo first used in the 1998 reference book Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary.[10] As nothing further clarified if it was Ghana Gleemort or Gartogg who appeared in the Return of the Jedi film, this article treats Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary as the first in-universe Star Wars publication to feature the Ghana Gleemort character.


Notes and references[]

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