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"He cut a deal with another Hutt, Gardulla. Gardulla got all slave trading, Jabba got all other illegal activities."
Ephant Mon, about Jabba the Hutt[1]

A criminal empire affiliated with the Hutt Cartel was led by crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure and was based on the desert planet of Tatooine. He began his illicit operation out of his palace on Tatooine centuries before the onset on the Clone Wars, from where he spread his operations and influence across the Outer Rim by employing a network of smugglers who moved his goods across the galaxy, forming a powerful criminal empire.



At the incredibly young age of 80, Jabba established his criminal empire on the remote desert world of Tatooine, and moved his criminal operations into an old B'omarr Monastery.[2]

Height of power[]

"I have no wish to offend the Jedi. This would benefit no one."
―Jabba, deceiving Ki-Adi-Mundi[3]
Jabba Boonta Eve

Jabba became a notorious crime lord.

On a mission, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi found evidence that linked Jabba with the Trade Federation and it preparation for its invasion of Naboo, but Jabba escaped any serious retribution.[4] and continued to rule over Tatooine.[3]

Jabba had a fierce rivalry with Gardulla Besadii the Elder that lasted for decades, with the two were vying for control of the planet for nearly three decades.[5]

In 21 BBY, Anakin Skywalker who was betided with his Jedi apprentice Ahsoka Tano, was reluctant to return to Tatooine, via the Twilight to discuss allowing the Galactic Republic access over the secret Hutt hyperlanes against the Confederacy of Independent Systems in excharge for rescuing his son Rotta on the Teth monastery. The Jedi Order emerged victorious at delivering Rotta to Jabba's Palace, despite sabotage from Asajj Ventress and Dooku. Thus subsequently the Hutt Cartel, became an ally of the Republic, as well as the Grand Army of the Republic been allowed safe passage through Hutt Space and the Arkanis sector.[6]

Imperial Period[]

"What are you, some kind of Imperial spy? Everything we do around here is illegal. Unless you really are an Imperial spy, in which case I was kidding. No, wait, Jabba's paid off the Imperials, so it doesn't matter."
Barada, to a spacer[7]

During the Galactic Empire's reign, the Hutt gangster enjoyed an uneasy alliance with the regime, which cautiously refused to interfere much in halting his nefarious operations so as to prevent the crashing down of the Outer Rim's economy. Nonetheless, Han Solo, Jabba's best smuggler on his payroll, was forced to jettison a shipment of Kessel spice when the Millennium Falcon was boarded by an Imperial patrol. Wanting to gain some compensation for his lost cargo of spice, the Hutt sent bounty hunters after the runaway smuggler. After the Rodian Greedo was killed by Solo, the latter spoke with Jabba at Docking Bay 94 in Mos Eisley, and the crime lord relented, giving him more time although not before reminding him what failure to deliver on his promise meant.[8]

The crime family also became locked in a gang war with the Zann Consortium, that started on Felucia where the Hutt intended to sell an ancient Sith artifact to the Empire. Tyber Zann sent a taskforce and wiped out Jabba mercenaries but was took into custody by the totalitarian government and sentenced to the spice mines of Kessel, where he escaped and narrowly avoided execution by a bounty hunter hired by his rival. Zann would eventally make an agreement with Jabba stating that he would not make any overtures to any Hutt world but for Hypori and Saleucami which would hence be his.[9]

Before the Battle of Endor, Jabba was killed by Leia Organa at the Great Pit of Carkoon on his barge during Luke Skywalker's rescue of Han Solo.[10]

Death of Jabba[]

"Jabba, this is your last chance. Free us, or die."
―Luke Skywalker at the Great Pit of Carkoon[10]

Jabba's corpse, after his strangulation.

Following Jabba's demise, his own base of operations was reclaimed by the B'omarr Order and his empire began to collapse as its remnants were taken over by his greedy lieutenants.[11] The Kian'thar Llleag'Mak would use intimidation and bribery to take control over pieces of Jabba's empire.[11] The Rodian Revidjasa made key alliances with Zygerrian and Thalassian cartels, taking over Jabba's slaving operations in the Mid Rim. Revidjasa was on his way to becoming a permanent fixture in that region during the struggle between the Empire and the New Republic.[11]

Kumac was the quickest to act of all the Hutts, allying herself with Brasck, a Brubb mercenary formerly under the employ of Jabba, who had seized some of Jabba's smuggling and slaving operations in the Outer Rim Territories. With Brasck's aid, she had gained control of Jabba's leading syndicate operations in the Expansion Region within weeks of Jabba's death, with her peers still reeling from it. Kumac also called in favors from her Imperial contacts to set her up with sufficient power to fend off any major attack upon her, while Brasck set off his own smuggling operation.[11]

Kumac's old rival, Jelasi, had also performed well in the aftermath of Jabba's demise, claiming for himself the Ig'zxyck Flare syndicate and attempting to "legitimize" much of Jabba's old operations, assassinating those who opposed the new direction he was taking. Kumac and her clan were enraged by this, as they wished to carry on in the same vein as Jabba, using crime and intimidation to gain more power.[11]

As it happened, though, the two emerged as the new joint leaders of the Desilijic kajidic—and, by extension, the leaders of Hutt Space, because of Desilijics' dominance—after a brutal round of infighting,[12] because they had both claimed more of Jabba's holdings than anyone else.[13]

Reclaimed by the Desilijics[]

Zorba: "I am Zorba the Hutt, the father of Jabba! I want someone to tell me where I can find my son! I was told that Hutts are no longer permitted in Jabba's palace! Who owns the palace, if not Jabba?"
Tibor: "If I were you, Zorba, I'd calm down. Have yourself a zoochberry juice."
Zorba: "I will not calm down! I want information about Jabba! And I'll pay five gemstones to anyone who talks!"
Hissa: "You seem to be about the only creature this side of the Dune Sea who doesn't know that Jabba the Hutt is dead."
―Zorba, Tibor, and Bertroff Hissa[14]

A year later, Jabba father came and resurrected his empire, this was due to Zorba discovering Jabba's "true will and testament", which entitled the elder Hutt to all of Jabba's holdings. Through the courts, Zorba was able to take control of the clan and wrest Kumac and Jelasi's control from their helpless hands. However, his reign was only brief and ended after a series of events included his attempted revenge against his son's killer and the will declared a forgery by the Hutt courts. Zorba was disgraced and went into hiding, thought to have died. Soon after that, Jabba's nephew began to slither in his uncle's footsteps and grow Jabba's empire farther than the Hutt himself. The palace of Gorga the Hutt became the new headquarters of the criminal empire.[15]

Yuuzhan Yong War[]

During the New Republic era, it was supported by Hutt Space and during the Yuuzhan Vong War most of Hutt Space was devastated by the invaders, Gorga's Palace was the base of operations for the Hutt Underground for one year. When the war had ended the Hutt rebellion against the Yuuzhan Vong returned to Nal Hutta. A year later, the Galactic Alliance had claimed authority on Tatooine, leaving a question if the Desilijic Empire would meet a second demise.


Non-canon appearances[]


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Notes and references[]

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