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"For most of these soldiers' lives, the Republic has been at peace."
―Emerick Caphtor[1]

Troopers that operated under the Galactic Republic's Defense Coalition during the High Republic Era accompanied Jedi investigator Emerick Caphtor on his mission to the Kharvashark Ruins on Vrant Tarnum while investigating the death of Loden Greatstorm.


"Take a team of troopers. They're already at the barracks, ready to go. See what you can find."
―Stellan Gios to Emerick Caphtor[1]

During the High Republic Era, Galactic Republic troopers served the Republic, and could be utilized by the Jedi Order operating under the command of a Jedi. Following the attack on Valo, Jedi investigator Emerick Caphtor was assigned the investigation of the mysterious death of Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm on Grizal at the hands of the Great Leveler. After beginning his investigation, Caphtor took a team of Republic troopers to Vrant Tarnum, at the recommendation of Council member Stellan Gios, whose Padawan Vernestra Rwoh had visited the Kharvashark Ruins there shortly before the attack on Valo. The troopers geared up, and departed for Vrant Tarnum with Caphtor. Arriving at the ruins, the troopers engaged Nihil forces, and eventually capturing at least two Nihil, as Caphtor approached and investigated the ruins further.[1]


Republic troopers with surrendered Nihil marauders

Later in the investigation, several Galactic Republic troopers accompanied Caphtor and private investigator Sian Holt while confronting a group of Nihil transports and Stormships. Flying Z-28 Skywings, the troopers engaged the Nihil long enough for Caphtor and Holt to board the Nihil's main transport.[3]

One trooper served as a pilot aboard the Pacifier-class sector patrol cruiser Galliance at the time of the destruction of a Travyx Prime city.[4] Republic troopers worked with Jedi Santar and Keeve Trennis in the battle at Ballum, where the release of a Nameless hampered the Jedi's own efforts. Republic troopers were themselves jumped by the creature as one contacted Commander Velko Jahen about the Nameless's presence.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

Galactic Republic troopers first appeared in the first issue of the comic miniseries Star Wars: The High Republic: Trail of Shadows, which was written by Daniel José Older, illustrated by David Wachter, and published by Marvel Comics[1] on October 13, 2021.[6]


Notes and references[]
