


"To a degree. I'm more interested in what Cuata was doing on Mygeeto and Christophsis before the war placed them in danger."
―Galen Erso[2]

Cuata was a Pantoran male[1] who was an expert on kyber crystals.[3] Before the Clone Wars placed Mygeeto and Christophsis in danger,[2] he[1] did research on both planets that interested the scientist Galen Erso.[2] Cuata was eventually recruited by the Galactic Empire to take part in the design of the weapon of the Death Star, but fled after several of his colleagues started to disappear. With the aid of the individual Gretta, Cuata managed to make his way back to Christophsis and survive on the planet for some time.[1]

Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY,[4] after the kyber crystal in the lightsaber of Jedi-in-training Luke Skywalker was crushed, Cuata, in exchange for Skywalker healing a bled kyber crystal he had, agreed to work on and stabilize the crystal.[3]

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