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"This has to be the most convorees anyone has seen together at one time. Ah. Well, enthusiasts, it just goes to show, there's no better way to make a friend than to just be yourself."

Convorees (singular: convor),[4] also known as Trandoshan birds,[6] were a species of beautiful, regal, and elegant owl.[7]

The slang phrase "chopped convor liver" was used to denote a person who felt they were getting less attention or consideration than someone else, as in "Do I look like chopped convor liver?"[8]

Biology and appearance[]

Convorees had two eyes, two wings, a beak,[4] a prehensile tail, and gold, green, or brown plumage.[1] Although had short, plump bodies, they were excellent fliers.[9] convorees were very similar in appearance to Kiros birds from the planet Kiros, who also possessed grabbing tails. The two species could be differentiated by the fact that Kiros birds had purple and blue feathers instead of gold and brown. Convorees were popular as pets throughout the galaxy.[2]

Convorees were native to the moon Wasskah,[3] but could be found in several places across the galaxy, including the planets Atollon[10] and Takodana.[11] Visitors who returned from Malachor reported glimpses of convorees.[9]

The birds had a strong connection both to the Force and to Ahsoka Tano.[3] The convor Morai had a spiritual connection with the Daughter,[12] and, after her death, was a known companion of Tano.[13]


"Oh just wait until the society hears about this new convor behavioral discovery, CAM."

Convorees were sneaky birds[14] and in the jungles of Wasskah they worked in pairs to fend off predators such as momongs, lifting those animals into the air together and then dropping them from the treetops.[2] The convoree themselves fed mostly on insects and small rodents.[4]


Many cultures were superstitious about convorees, thinking them as harbingers, avatars, or spirit guides. Notably, ancient heroes in Togruta mythology saw convorees as reincarnations of deceased ancestors that would appear in times of need. Togrutan funerals often culminated with a convor hatchling being presented to the bereaved.[9]

During the Clone Wars, a convor was being sold for 60 credits in the town of Pons Ora on the planet Abafar.[6]


The disguised CAM and a convor

At some point after 34 ABY, the Safari droid Aree and the cam droid CAM were sent to Atollon by the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts to study the behavior of convorees. Aree found out that convorees could be attracted by disguising a cam droid as a convor, but making friends with convorees works even better by not disguising and just being oneself.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

Convorees are named after Dave Filoni's wife E. Anne Convery. When asked about the bird's appearance in "The Mystery of Chopper Base" and "Twilight of the Apprentice," he responded there was a deeper meaning behind its presence: "In some ways, I could say that it's a messenger, it's an observer. It is definitely something. And... I would rather have fans debate—but I would suggest... that whatever that thing is an avatar of has actually appeared in the animated Star Wars universe before. So decrypt from there."[15]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
