


Ceryl was a Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era.[1] In 228 BBY,[2] she piloted a Jedi Vector as part of a Jedi team who carried out an assault on[1] the Mid Rim[3] planet Naboo in order to liberate it from Nihil rule. During the assault, a Drift led by Jedi Master Avar Kriss which included Cery, launched an attack on the flagship of Nihil General[1] Abediah Viess,[4] the Precipitate Fire.[1]

When the flagship moved to fire on a Republic ship, Kriss called out for the Knight to move her Vector. Although Ceryl managed to dodge the cruiser, her Vector was tapped by it, knocking her out of the Drift and spinning and careening out of control. Jedi Knight Dotdat San peeled off from the Drift to follow Ceryl's ship. Once Naboo was freed from the Nihil, most of the Jedi and Republic Defense Coalition forces left Naboo to return to Republic space on the cruiser Third Horizon with Ceryl and San accompanying them.[1]

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Behind the scenes[]

Ceryl's voice appeared in the 2024 novel The High Republic: Temptation of the Force, written by Tessa Gratton and published as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[5]


Notes and references[]
