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This article is about Asajj Ventress' red-bladed lightsabers. You may be looking for her straight-hilt yellow lightsaber or her curved-hilt yellow lightsaber.
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"I want that back."
"That's fine. Red's not my color."
―Asajj Ventress and Obi-Wan Kenobi, when the Jedi was gifted one of her blades[9]

Asajj Ventress's lightsabers were a pair of red-bladed curved-hilts used by Sith assassin Asajj Ventress. The lightsabers joined[10] as a split saber,[11] as they could be wielded separately or joined together to form a unique S-shaped double-bladed lightsaber.[10]


"This forbidden disciple of Darth Tyranus carried two blades with curved hilts, each similar in style to the lightsaber used by her master. Her weapons offered more versatility than Dooku's, allowing Ventress to combine the two blades into a single saberstaff configuration. Ventress's mastery of the dual-bladed, combat-style Jar'Kai was unparalleled. Yet another reason she had to be eliminated."
―Darth Sidious[12]

Asajj Ventress wields her dual lightsabers.

The lightsabers had once belonged to a former Padawan of the Jedi Dooku. The Dathomirian Asajj Ventress were gifted the lightsabers after joining Dooku,[2] who had become the Count of Serenno[6] and Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems,[13] as his assassin and secret Sith apprentice.[6] While in Dooku's service, Ventress defeated many opponents with the sabers during the Clone Wars.[14] During one important mission, she fought Jedi Master Luminara Unduli to a standstill during the Clone Wars.[15]

During the Battle of Sullust, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious ordered Dooku to kill Ventress because of her growing power and her skills with her lightsabers.[6][12] After the betrayal, she continued using them, lending one to Obi-Wan Kenobi before dueling Savage Opress and the renegade Sith Lord Maul.[9] The weapons were stolen by Barriss Offee to frame her friend, Ahsoka Tano, for the bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar. When Ventress informed Anakin Skywalker of this, he forced Barriss into using them by swiping her own lightsaber and attacking her during his investigation, prompting her confession.[4]

Ventress replaced them with a yellow lightsaber bought on the black market, which she used during her time with Quinlan Vos, a Jedi Master working undercover with her while attempting to assassinate Count Dooku.[14]



Asajj Ventress jumps into battle

Non-canon appearances[]


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