

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

The following events took place in the year 200 BBY,[7] approximately 3077 LY according to the Lothal Calendar,[5] 181 BFE in the Imperial calendar,[6] and year 7777 in the C.R.C. calendar.[4]


  • Towards the end of the High Republic Era, the Jedi Mostima and Sean uncover the corrupt nature of Begamor's President Jamie Brasson after several years of investigation by a top Republic agent.[1][8]
  • By this point, Sean had constructed his lightsaber with a crystal that he bonded with on Ilum.[1]
  • The Jedi Council sends Mostima and Sean to the Aakaash system to investigate the murder of Nan Holi, an executive member of the system's ruling corporation who strongly advocated for the Republic against popular separatist tendencies and who made extensive studies of the Force.[1]
  • By this point, legends of Jedi using the Force to destroy entire planets have spread to Nan Holi's star system.[1]
  • The Nihil are recalled by Sean as an illicit organization that once invaded the Republic.[1]
  • At the Nan family villa, Sean is separated from Master Mostima and is saved from the Vermilion Birds pirates by Li Yu. Li recruits Sean into the ranks of his Knights of Silver Dawn, a civil mercenary group mainly composed of his debtors that procures supplies for their own impoverished community on Wind, a planet of the Aakaash system.[1]
  • Sean is admitted to the Knights of Silver Dawn's elite red apricot squad. They pursue a lost Silver Dawn shipment of enigmatic tenebrae, which was lost on Fire, the space station.[1]
  • A celebration of the tenth anniversary of the launch of the 74th generation of Irregular occurs in the city of Fire.[1]
  • After defeating the Jade Rats on Fire, red apricot squad traces the enigmatic tenebrae to the Blue Dragon pirates. The squad realizes that they were manipulated into having to raid the Blue Dragon by the manager of Fire, Zhang Jincheng, though the Knights decide to continue their mission and find a way to place the blame of recent misfortunes surrounding Fire on Zhang afterwards.[1]
  • Red apricot squad forces the Blue Dragon to return the shipment of enigmatic tenebrae by threatening Zhang Níngtao, an official of the Security Bureau who served as the contact between corrupt ranking members of the Land & Sky Corporation and the Dragon.[1]
  • Sean, determined to save the slaves who were held by Zhang, hires his own squadmates out of his own expense to evacuate the slaves. To do so, red apricot team enlists the help of Zhang, who agrees to do so on the condition that he would be smuggled out of the Aakaash system to safety by the Knights and a Hutt whose local name is "Kong Zhang."[1]
  • Zhang helps Sean deduce that the Nan family was responsible for the attack on Nan Holi's villa.[1]
  • The Silver Dawn ferries Nan Moyou to the Aakaash system's political capital.[1]
  • Nan Yujin returns to the capital from Muunilinst and helps Nan Moyou in her attempt to become the heir of the Nan family. Determining that there is no justice in the Land & Sky Corporation, they decide to continue using the Knights of Silver Dawn as allies in winning favor amongst the ruling corporation's leadership council.[1]
  • Sean discovers that Zhuang Yuanying of red apricot squad is a member of the native Loongren, who had been persecuted by the Aakaash system colonists and used as medical supply. Sean thus realizes that the local justice system ensures the suppression of individual rights, and that the Republic is knowingly ignorant of the persecution of the Loongren—Republic intervention would not solve the issue; not even the dismantling of the Land & Sky Corporation. Prejudice against the native humanoids is deeply ingrained in the culture of the Aakaash system's people.[1]





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 The Vow of Silver Dawn
  2. 2.0 2.1 ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Chewbacca - Kashyyyk Warrior - Base Series 1)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Star Wars: Timelines dates The Vow of Silver Dawn to 200 BBY.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious dates the assassination attempt on Padmé Amidala on Coruscant and the carbon-freezing of Han Solo—events that Star Wars: Timelines places in the years 22 BBY and 3 ABY of the 'ABY-BBY' dating system, respectively—to 7955.442.1 and 7980.421.2 in the Coruscant reckoning calendar, therefore establishing a difference of approximately 7,977 years between the two dating systems.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide places the founding of the Galactic Empire in the year 3258 LY of the Lothal Calendar. Star Wars: Timelines dates the proclamation of the New Order to 19 BBY, placing the zero point—the Battle of Yavin—of the 'ABY-BBY' dating system around 3277 LY and therefore establishing a difference of approximately 3,277 years between the two dating systems.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Per Star Wars: The Rebel Files, a calendar existed during the reign of the Galactic Empire the zero point of which was the Empire's founding. Star Wars: Timelines dates the proclamation of the New Order to the year 19 BBY of the 'ABY-BBY' dating system, therefore establishing a difference of approximately nineteen years between the two dating systems.
  7. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas
  8. Star Wars: Timelines dates The Vow of Silver Dawn to 200 BBY.
Republic Era (1032 BBY19 BBY)
Galactic timeline

Previous: Fall of the Old Republic

Next: Imperial Era (19 BBY-5 ABY)

Years of the Republic Era
1032 BBY · 1014 BBY · 1000 BBY · 997 BBY
982 BBY · 973 BBY · 972 BBY · 965 BBY
900 BBY · 896 BBY · 867 BBY · 832 BBY
800 BBY · 797 BBY · 679 BBY · 620 BBY
600 BBY · 582 BBY · 532 BBY · 522 BBY
511 BBY 509 BBY · 500 BBY
High Republic Era 500 BBY · 437 BBY · 431 BBY · 430 BBY · 429 BBY
428 BBY · 422 BBY · 412 BBY · 407 BBY · 402 BBY
400 BBY · 399 BBY · 397 BBY · 396 BBY · 394 BBY
392 BBY · 387 BBY · 385 BBY · 383 BBY · 382 BBY
381 BBY · 380 BBY · 379 BBY · 350 BBY · 339 BBY
332 BBY · 319 BBY · 318 BBY · 300 BBY · 285 BBY
279 BBY · 272 BBY · 270 BBY · 265 BBY · 262 BBY
257 BBY · 255 BBY · 253 BBY · 252 BBY · 251 BBY
250 BBY · 249 BBY · 248 BBY · 247 BBY
246 BBY · 245 BBY · 244 BBY · 243 BBY
242 BBY · 241 BBY · 240 BBY · 238 BBY
237 BBY · 236 BBY · 235 BBY · 234 BBY
233 BBY · 232 BBY · 231 BBY · 230 BBY
229 BBY · 228 BBY · 217 BBY · 205 BBY
201 BBY · 200 BBY · 161 BBY · 156 BBY · 152 BBY
150 BBY · 148 BBY · 146 BBY · 142 BBY · 138 BBY
134 BBY · 133 BBY · 132 BBY · 131 BBY · 118 BBY
104 BBY · 102 BBY · 101 BBY · 100 BBY
100 BBY · 99 BBY · 93 BBY · 92 BBY · 90 BBY · 88 BBY
87 BBY · 86 BBY · 85 BBY · 84 BBY · 82 BBY
81 BBY · 80 BBY · 76 BBY · 72 BBY · 69 BBY
68 BBY · 66 BBY · 65 BBY · 64 BBY · 62 BBY
60 BBY · 59 BBY · 58 BBY · 57 BBY · 56 BBY
55 BBY · 54 BBY · 53 BBY · 52 BBY · 51 BBY
50 BBY · 49 BBY · 48 BBY · 47 BBY · 46 BBY
45 BBY · 44 BBY · 43 BBY · 42 BBY · 41 BBY
40 BBY · 39 BBY · 38 BBY · 37 BBY · 36 BBY
35 BBY · 34 BBY · 33 BBY · 32 BBY
Fall of the Republic 32 BBY · 31 BBY · 30 BBY · 29 BBY · 28 BBY · 27 BBY
26 BBY · 25 BBY · 24 BBY · 23 BBY · 22 BBY · 21 BBY
20 BBY · 19 BBY
Years in the BBY/ABY dating system
Pre-Republic period 100,000 BBY · 57,000 BBY · 29,996 BBY · 27,000 BBY · 26,000 BBY
Dawn of the Jedi era 25,025 BBY · 25,020 BBY
Old Republic-era/Expansionist Period 25,000 BBY · 22,000 BBY · 20,019 BBY · 20,000 BBY
15,000 BBY · 12,000 BBY · 9991 BBY
Fall of the Old Republic
(Middle Era of the Old Republic)
7977 BBY · 6000 BBY · 5500 BBY · 5100 BBY
5019 BBY · 5000 BBY · 4300 BBY · 4000 BBY
3966 BBY · 3705 BBY · 3700 BBY · 3450 BBY
3277 BBY · 2500 BBY · 2320 BBY · 2200 BBY
2000 BBY · 1300 BBY · 1100 BBY · 1050 BBY
1032 BBY
Republic Era 1032 BBY · 1014 BBY · 1000 BBY · 982 BBY
973 BBY · 972 BBY · 965 BBY · 900 BBY
896 BBY · 867 BBY · 832 BBY · 800 BBY
797 BBY · 679 BBY · 620 BBY · 600 BBY · 582 BBY
532 BBY · 522 BBY · 511 BBY · 509 BBY · 500 BBY

High Republic Era
500 BBY · 437 BBY · 431 BBY · 430 BBY · 429 BBY
428 BBY · 422 BBY · 412 BBY · 407 BBY · 402 BBY
400 BBY · 399 BBY · 397 BBY · 396 BBY · 394 BBY
392 BBY · 389 BBY · 387 BBY · 385 BBY · 383 BBY
382 BBY · 381 BBY · 380 BBY · 379 BBY · 350 BBY
339 BBY · 332 BBY · 319 BBY · 318 BBY · 300 BBY
285 BBY · 279 BBY · 272 BBY · 270 BBY · 265 BBY
262 BBY · 257 BBY · 255 BBY · 253 BBY · 252 BBY
251 BBY · 250 BBY · 249 BBY · 248 BBY · 247 BBY
246 BBY · 245 BBY · 244 BBY · 243 BBY
242 BBY · 241 BBY · 240 BBY · 238 BBY
237 BBY · 236 BBY · 235 BBY · 234 BBY
233 BBY · 232 BBY · 231 BBY · 230 BBY
229 BBY · 228 BBY · 217 BBY · 205 BBY
201 BBY · 200 BBY · 161 BBY · 156 BBY
152 BBY · 150 BBY · 148 BBY · 146 BBY · 142 BBY
138 BBY · 134 BBY · 133 BBY · 132 BBY · 131 BBY
118 BBY · 104 BBY · 102 BBY · 101 BBY · 100 BBY

Fall of the Republic
100 BBY · 99 BBY · 93 BBY · 92 BBY · 90 BBY · 88 BBY
87 BBY · 86 BBY · 85 BBY · 84 BBY · 82 BBY
81 BBY · 80 BBY · 76 BBY · 72 BBY · 69 BBY
68 BBY · 66 BBY · 65 BBY · 64 BBY · 62 BBY
60 BBY · 59 BBY · 58 BBY · 57 BBY · 56 BBY
55 BBY · 54 BBY · 53 BBY · 52 BBY · 51 BBY
50 BBY · 49 BBY · 48 BBY · 47 BBY · 46 BBY
45 BBY · 44 BBY · 43 BBY · 42 BBY · 41 BBY
40 BBY · 39 BBY · 38 BBY · 37 BBY · 36 BBY
35 BBY · 34 BBY · 33 BBY · 32 BBY · 31 BBY
30 BBY · 29 BBY · 28 BBY · 27 BBY · 26 BBY
25 BBY · 24 BBY · 23 BBY · 22 BBY · 21 BBY
20 BBY · 19 BBY
Imperial Era 19 BBY · 18 BBY · 17 BBY · 16 BBY · 15 BBY · 14 BBY
13 BBY · 12 BBY · 11 BBY · 10 BBY · 9 BBY · 8 BBY · 7 BBY
6 BBY · 5 BBY · 4 BBY · 3 BBY · 2 BBY · 1 BBY

Age of Rebellion
0 BBY/0 ABY · 1 ABY · 2 ABY · 3 ABY · 4 ABY

Fall of the Empire
4 ABY · 5 ABY
New Republic Era 5 ABY · 6 ABY · 7 ABY · 8 ABY · 9 ABY
10 ABY · 11 ABY · 12 ABY · 13 ABY · 14 ABY
15 ABY · 16 ABY · 17 ABY · 18 ABY · 19 ABY
20 ABY · 21 ABY · 22 ABY · 23 ABY · 24 ABY
25 ABY · 26 ABY · 27 ABY · 28 ABY
Rise of the First Order
29 ABY · 30 ABY · 31 ABY · 32 ABY · 33 ABY · 34 ABY · 35 ABY
New Jedi Order Era 50 ABY
See also: Timeline of galactic history