Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki

"Challenged a witcher? Must've had a deathwish."
— Geralt's Outro.

Geralt of Rivia (リヴィアのゲラルト Rivia no Geraruto?) is the primary protagonist of The Witcher. The franchise originated with works by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski and now includes novels, video games and a Netflix series featuring Henry Cavill as Geralt. He appears in Soulcalibur VI as a guest character, as well as the boss character of its arcade mode.

He is also known by his nickname The White Wolf (伝説の白狼 Densetsu no Byakurō?, The Legendary White Wolf).


Soulcalibur VI[]

Witchers, warriors with unusual abilities, were created to hunt monsters and other strange creatures. Geralt, perhaps the ablest and most famous of witchers, was asked one day to look into a sorceress suspected of summoning demons. His contract called on him to learn if there was any truth to the claims, and if so, to kill any demons he encountered and the sorceress herself. The sorceress dwelled midst the ruins of a citadel surrounded by marshland. Shortly after Geralt arrived there, she used her magic to open a gate that whisked the witcher into another dimension. Of a sudden, Geralt found himself in a strange new world that was home to Soul Edge, the power of which the sorceress had spoken.

To say the least, Geralt felt not at all at home in this world. Some of those he encountered there sensed his strength and challenged him, while others saw in him a man from elsewhere and approached to learn more of his powers. His adventures in this world were many and varied, yet he found it hard to find anyone versed in magic. He scoured the land for a way to open a gate that would take him back to his own world, but this proved rather difficult. In the end, he encountered an old man called Edge Master who taught him how to harness the spirit sword Soul Calibur, a sword whose power issued from another dimension. Heeding Edge Master's advice to be at a certain place at the right time, Geralt used the sword to open a gate to his own world. He returned home from his long journey with yet another strange story to add to his numerous tales of adventure.

Libra of Soul[]

Upon being thrown from the astral fissure, Geralt was immediately challenged by Mitsurugi and exchanged blows with the samurai. But the match ended with no result when Mitsurugi noticed that Geralt was more interested with the Conduit. After a fight, Geralt watched as the Conduit closed the astral fissure. He then left to find a way back home with Mitsurugi pursuing him.

Physical Appearance[]

Despite being nearly a century old, Geralt resembles a man in his thirties, with a slim but muscular build. His eyes are yellow with slit pupils - a direct effect of the mutations that turned him into a witcher - and his hair is white as a result of additional mutations. He has an uncountable amount of scars on his body; the two most notable are a vertical one over his left eye, and a smaller one over his right eyebrow.

His design is identical to his default appearance in The Witcher III, where his hair is shoulder-length and pulled back. Part of Geralt's hair is pulled into a half-ponytail, while the rest hangs freely.


Geralt is a calm and serious yet dutiful swordsman.


He wears a piece of armor which appears to be made of leather with chain-mail applied over the shoulders and stomach. His trousers are also made of leather, and he wears matching boots and gloves. He has two sheaths; one is for his steel sword, while the other for his silver sword. The silver sword is worn across his back. He also wears a medallion in the shape of a snarling wolf, representing his training under the witcher school of the wolf.

His Color 2 recolors the leather parts dark red.

Weapon & Style[]

Steel sword & Silver Sword[]

Witchers carry swords of two types: one steel, one silver. Both can be made of the finest quality alloys and meticulously customized to suit the needs of their wielder. However, witchers use these in very different ways. The steel sword is mainly used against humans, while the silver is best when hunting monsters. Many folk believe all witcher swords are made from ore taken from meteorites. These stones, having traveled vast distances through magical worlds permeated by the elements - earth, fire, water and wind - grant the weapons exceptional qualities that render them very effective against supernatural foes. The truth is forging swords of rare meteorite is by no means an easy task, so a witcher wields a weapon cast of simple iron ore.

One could hardly call Geralt's journey to another dimension fortuitous. Yet at the least, he was able to bring his weapons with him, for the world he finds himself in provides plenty of opportunities to fight, but alas, no blades worthy of a witcher. He takes great care of his gear here, as he's likely to need it for many, many battles to come.

School of the Wolf[]

A number of different witchers' schools dot the world. Adherents of the School of the Wolf are brought up from childhood at Kaer Morhen, where cadets have undergone rigorous training and mutation into witchers for generations. The training methods employed at the citadel include practicing sword techniques while balancing on top of wooden posts (sometimes while blindfolded!), while the mutations granting superhuman strength, speed and reflexes take the form of a set of arcane rituals called the Trial of Grasses. All this, supplemented with training in alchemy (the brewing of potable potions, enhancing blade oils and rudimentary bombs) is designed to prepare future witchers to face the fearsome creatures their profession requires them for hunt. For witchers, fighting with their backs against the wall in cramped ruins under a starless sky is an everyday occurrence, so they must keep up their training to fight at full strength whatever the circumstances.

Witchers use both physical techniques and minor magic in fights but their control over the mystic arts does not extend to powerful incantations or dark curses. Rather, they employ simple spells known as "Signs," and these combat-focused hexes prove some of the most powerful tools in their arsenal

Though Geralt has found himself trapped in another dimension, his sword edge, his wits and his skills are not all dulled. A witcher is never unprepared, no matter how unusual the circumstances.

Critical Edge[]

Hunt of the White Wolf: Geralt does a flourish with his steel sword before doing a downward strike which knocks the opponent to the ground. He then uses his Axii sign to stand the opponent back up before launching them and following up with a horizontal spray of flame from his Igni sign. He finishes with a large flourish and downward strike to knock the opponent back down a fair distance from Geralt.



Soulcalibur VI[]

Replica Kaer Morhen


  • "Show me what you've got." — Character Selection Player 1
  • "Want a fight? Sure." — Character Selection Player 2
  • "Geralt of Rivia, witcher."
  • "C'mon, let's do this."
  • "Pest's taken a shine to me, looks like." — Spoken when engaging in battle against Mitsurugi.
  • "Medallion's humming... who the hell are you?" — Spoken when engaging in battle against Nightmare, Siegfried, Ivy, Grøh, Cervantes, Kilik and Inferno.
  • "Get ready!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "No chance!" — Spoken during Reversal Edge deflection
  • "Not quite." — Spoken during Reversal Edge deflection
  • "Challenge accepted." — Spoken upon initiating Reversal Edge [Defensive quote]
  • "I can do this all day." — Spoken upon initiating Reversal Edge [Defensive quote]
  • "Burn!" — Spoken when using Igni Burn
  • "Igni." — Spoken when using Igni Burn
  • "Okay!" — Spoken when using Quen Strike
  • "There you go!" — Spoken when using Quen Strike
  • "Take that!" — Spoken when using Aard Push
  • "Aard!" — Spoken when using Aard Push
  • "Feel the power!" — Spoken when using Yrden Glyph
  • "Yrden!" — Spoken when using Yrden Glyph
  • "Axii!" — Spoken when using Axii Glyph
  • "Let's go!" — Spoken when initiating Igni Armor Melter
  • "Can you handle this?" — Spoken upon initiating Reversal Edge
  • "No holding back!" — Spoken upon initiating Reversal Edge [Offensive quote]
  • "Feel lucky?" — Spoken upon initiating Reversal Edge [Offensive quote]
  • "Calm down!" — Spoken upon initiating Reversal Edge while low on health [Offensive quote]
  • "Ready to end this?" — Spoken upon initiating Reversal Edge with both sides low on health [Offensive quote]
  • "Don't try my patience!" Spoken upon initiating Reversal Edge with enemy low on health [Defensive quote]
  • "Careful! I'm getting sloppy." — Spoken upon initiating Reversal Edge with both sides low on health [Defensive quote]
  • "This isn't for show!" — Spoken when using his silver sword
  • "Got you now." — Spoken when using his silver sword
  • "How about this!" — Spoken when using his silver sword
  • "That hurt?" — Spoken after Deadly Retribution
  • "Like that?" — Spoken after Deadly Retribution
  • "Gotcha!"
  • "Predictable!"
  • "Not done!" — Spoken during recovery roll
  • "It won't work!" — Spoken during recovery roll
  • "Eat this!"
  • "You'll regret that!" — Spoken when winning Reversal Edge
  • "Try again!" — Spoken while dodging Reversal Edge
  • "That all you got?" — Spoken while dodging Reversal Edge
  • "You're mine!" — Spoken after successful Reversal Edge
  • "You won't... get away!" — Spoken after successful Reversal Edge
  • "Stop struggling!" — Spoken during unsuccessful Reversal Edge
  • "Got lucky." — Spoken during unsuccessful Reversal Edge
  • "Not over yet!" — Spoken during unsuccessful Reversal Edge while low on health
  • "You're done!"
  • "You're finished!" — Spoken when winning with Soul Charged attacks
  • "Bye now... and stay down!" — Spoken during Geralt's Fury
  • "Your time... is up!" — Spoken when winning with Monster Slayer
  • "This... is for Yennefer!" — Spoken during Vaulting Aard Hammer with enemy on Soul Charge
  • "Nothing personal."
  • "Dammit!"
  • "Let's end this."
  • "Dang!" — Spoken upon missing a Guard Impact
  • "Clever." — Spoken upon missing a Guard Impact while low on health
  • "What?" — Spoken upon missing a Guard Impact while low on health
  • "You deserved that." — Spoken after Mutant's Wrath
  • "Leave... while you still can." — Taunting.
  • "Mistake. Big mistake." — Taunting a KO'd opponent.
  • "Well? Come on!" — Taunting against Mitsurugi
  • "Now what? You move!" — Taunting against Mitsurugi on low health
  • "I'll grieve you!" — spoken during Deadly Retribution against a Soul Charged enemy
  • "It's over, monster!" — Taunting against Voldo, Astaroth, Cervantes and Inferno; also spoken during Deadly Retribution during their Soul Charge
  • "What the hell...?!" — during Ring Out.
  • "This is ridiculous!" — during Ring Out.
  • "Let's dance." — Beginning of Critical Edge.
  • "Stand up." — Spoken during Critical Edge.
  • "Now taste my steel!" — Spoken during Critical Edge.
  • "Not your lucky day." — Ending of Critical Edge.
  • "Ever fight a witcher? Guess not." — Spoken after a K.O. with Critical Edge
  • "A fitting end for a witcher..." — Spoken when KO'd standing
  • "Damn, failed that one." — Spoken after losing by time out
  • "You're not all bad. Gotta admit." — Spoken during decisive round
  • "What the?" — Spoken during Tremor
  • "Damn, place is just plain strange."
  • "(sigh) Nice sparring with you. Thanks."
  • "Challenged a witcher? Must've had a deathwish."
  • "Never seen such equipment before. Need to investigate."


  • Friendly rival of Mitsurugi.
  • Was tested by Zasalamel.
  • Helped by Edge Master to go back to his world with a ritual of Soul Calibur.
  • Was suspicious of the Conduit because of their powers but they later became friendly rivals when they fought each other a second time.


  • Geralt is the third fantasy-type guest character appearing in a Soul series game, the first being Link and the second being Kratos.
  • He is the first guest character to originate in written literature. This iteration is based on his game appearances, however.
  • Geralt is the first guest character to be part of the Soul series canon.
  • Geralt is the first guest character in the Soul series whose fighting style is available for use in Character Creation. Fellow Soulcalibur VI guest characters added via DLC 2B and Haohmaru also follow suit.
  • While his fighting style is available to be used by created characters, Geralt himself is not freely customizable, as only his weapons and colors can be modified by the player. He is the only guest character in Soulcalibur VI to have this restriction, as both 2B and Haohmaru are freely customizable.
  • Geralt is the sub-boss of the Hard Arcade mode. He was originally the final boss on Normal, and the sub-boss on Very Hard. But he was replaced by Amy, and later Cassandra, in the updated version. Season 2 eventually replaces all these with Hilde.
  • In Mission Mode "Libra of Soul" he was known briefly as "Strange Man".


Soulcalibur VI[]



External Links[]

Soulcalibur Playable Characters
Introduced in Soul Edge CervantesHwangInfernoLi LongMitsurugiRockSeong Han-myeongSeong Mi-naSiegfriedSophitiaTakiVoldo
Introduced in Soulcalibur ArthurAstarothEdge MasterIvyKilikLizardman (Aeon)MaxiNightmareXianghuaYoshimitsu
Introduced in Soulcalibur II AssassinBerserkerCassandraCharadeHeihachiLinkLizardman (Generic)NecridRaphaelSpawnTalimYun-seong
Introduced in Soulcalibur III AbeliaAbyssAmyAureliaChesterDemuthGirardotGreedHualinLynetteLunaMiserOlcadanRevenantSetsukaStrife AstlarTiraValeriaZasalamel
Introduced in Soulcalibur Legends Lloyd Irving
Introduced in Soulcalibur IV AlgolAngol FearThe ApprenticeAshlotteDarth VaderHildeKamikirimusiScheherazadeShuraYoda
Story only: AzolaGerhildeHelmwigeShadow
Introduced in Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny DampierreKratos
Introduced in Soulcalibur V Devil JinEzio AuditoreElysiumLeixiaNatsuPatroklos (α Patroklos)Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω)ViolaXibaZ.W.E.I.
Introduced in Soulcalibur VI 2BAzwelGeralt of RiviaGrøhHaohmaru
Guest Characters
Soulcalibur II HeihachiLinkSpawn
Soulcalibur III KOS-MOS
Soulcalibur Legends Lloyd Irving
Soulcalibur IV Angol FearThe ApprenticeDarth VaderYoda
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Kratos
Soulcalibur V Devil JinEzio Auditore
Soulcalibur VI 2BGeralt of RiviaHaohmaru
Soulcalibur VI
Soulcalibur VISoul ChronicleLibra of SoulThe Art of Soulcalibur VISoulcalibur VI Original Soundtrack
2BAmyAstarothAzwelCassandraCervantesGeraltGrøhHaohmaruHildeHwangInfernoIvyKilikMaxiMitsurugiNightmareRaphaelSeong Mi-naSetsukaSiegfriedSophitiaTakiTalimTiraVoldoXianghuaYoshimitsuZasalamel
Astral Chaos: Tide of the DamnedCity Ruins: Eternal ApocalypseCursed Moonlit WoodsFaraway MeadowGairyu IsleGrand Labyrinth - Sealed CorridorIndian Port: Impending StormKunpaetku Temple: Serpentine BanquetMaster Swordsman's Cave: Azure HorizonMaster Swordsman's Cave: Wicked DepthsMotien Pass RuinsMurakumo Shrine GroundsOstrheinsburg Castle: Hall of the ChosenReplica Kaer MorhenShrine of Eurydice: Cloud SanctuarySilver Wolves' HavenSnow-Capped ShowdownSunken Desert RuinsWindswept Plains