Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki
Active Administrator
This Administrator: JefferyDante (talk), is currently Active. This means they are around regularly and tend to make constructive edits often (depending on wiki activity). They are usually able to respond to queries promptly and frequently, and are all-around more active than any other Admin.

"Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue."
— David Hume

About me

Well, I love the Soul series since Soul Edge, my first fighting game ever! I'm a casual player, I wouldn't fit in a tournament. I spend alot of my freetime reading and drawing, even though I'm colorblind. I'm a languages teacher and a freelance translator, I suffer from Wanderlust and I can't live without my friends.

I am an Admin and spend quite a lot of time on this wiki, trying to keep it clean as well as accurate as possible. I might seem harsh and cold, but do not hesitate to come and talk to me: I am open to discussion, as long as you are respectful.

My favorite characters

Characters with a * remain among my favorite in the whole series.

Soul Edge

Soulcalibur II

Soulcalibur III

Soulcalibur IV

Soulcalibur V

Soulcalibur VI

My created characters
