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Pirate Raid
Pirate Raid
Background music No Regrets
Home to Cervantes (SCIII)

Pirate Raid (海賊船襲撃?) is Cervantes' home stage in Soulcalibur III.


Amongst men of the sea, a rumor had begun to circulate that the great pirate Cervantes had hidden an enormous treasure in a cave near the coast of Spain...

Naturally, this story was merely bait scattered by Cervantes in order to gather souls to feed to Soul Edge, but it brought a never-ending stream of pirate ships to Cervantes' hideout.

And now, once more, a ship was approaching. It was a two-masted ship, compact even for its time. As if hinting at the fate that awaited the ship, the wind increased in strength and raging waves washed upon the deck.

Seeing his prey come chasing the bait, Cervantes cackled and readied his weapon.


Soulcalibur III - Pirate Raid


See Also[]

Soulcalibur III
Soulcalibur III (Arcade Edition) • Unlockables • Soulcalibur III Original Soundtrack - Legend of Sounds • Tales of Souls • Soul Arena • Chronicles of the Sword
Abelia • Abyss • Amy • Arthur • Astaroth • Aurelia • Cassandra • Cervantes • Chester • Demuth • Greed • Girardot • Hualin • Hwang • Ivy • Kilik • Li Long • Lizardman • Luna • Lynette • Maxi • Miser • Mitsurugi • Nightmare • Olcadan • Raphael • Revenant • Rock • Seong Mi-na • Setsuka • Siegfried • Sophitia • Strife Astlar • Taki • Talim • Tira • Valeria • Voldo • Xianghua • Yoshimitsu • Yun-seong • Zasalamel
Battle in the Strait • Chaos - Spiritual Realm • Clock Tower • Egyptian Temple • Eurydice Shrine - Gate of the Gods • Grand Labyrinth • Indian Port • Jyurakudai Villa • Kunpaetku Shrine Ruin • Lakeside Coliseum • Ling Sheng-Su Temple Ruin • Lost Cathedral • Lost Cathedral - Ruin • Lotus Garden • Old Toledo - Burning Gallery • Ostrheinsburg Castle - Battlement • Palgaea Shrine - Ruins • Pirate Raid • Proving Grounds • Romanian Valley - Castle Siege • Sacred Mt. Fuji - Lava Bed • Secret Money Pit • Silk Road Ruin • Underground Buddhist Sanctum • Valentine Mansion • Water Mill Valley