Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki
Active Administrator
This Administrator: ColColton (talk), is currently Active. This means they are around regularly and tend to make constructive edits often (depending on wiki activity). They are usually able to respond to queries promptly and frequently, and are all-around more active than any other Admin.

Visit my FanVerse Wiki if you're interested in exploring the lore of my Soulcalibur fanon (in partnership with LightningSakura): The Astral Lineage Wiki

Admin Badge 3
Biographical Information
Name: Colton Paul Hedges
Birthplace: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Birthdate: November 8, 1996
Age: 23
Sexuality: Gay
Physical Description
Gender: Male
Hair color: Current: Blonde
Previous: Lilac
Blue & Pink
Blonde & Blue
Black/Blue Tint
Black & Red
Brown (Natural)
Eye color: Brown
Family: Mother
Four Sisters
Three Step-sisters
Friends: LightningSakura
Twin Angel Step
Series Information
First Played Game: Soulcalibur IV
Owned Games: Soul Blade
Soulcalibur II
Soulcalibur III
Soulcalibur IV
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny
Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur: Lost Swords
Soulcalibur VI
Favorite Characters: Sophitia
Pyrrha Ω
Fan Series Information
My Fan Games: Soulcalibur Astral Swords
Soulcalibur Astral Swords - A New Light
Soulcalibur Astral Swords - A Dark Destiny
Favorite Fan Games: Soulcalibur: The Spirit Lineage
Favorite Fan Characters: Alexander
Leandra Scott

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Welcome to my user page!!
My name is Colton! I am the Adopter and Bureaucrat here on Soulcalibur Wiki. I became an Admin on 13 May, 2015 thanks too Highwayman Myth. I adopted this Wiki and became a Bureaucrat on 15 August, 2015.

If you are having problems or just want to chat, you can leave a message on my Message Wall and I should respond as soon as I can! If not you can contact me by messaging Soulcalibur Community on Facebook.

I am not always online and available to resolve incidents. If you need help with anything about the Wiki and I'm not available, you can:

You can find most of the wiki's rules by reading the Policy page. If you're interested in making any sort of Fanon you can check the rules for that by reading the Rules of Fanon page, and be sure to sign the Fanon agreement using your Wiki Signature. If you want to make a new thread using the Forums please read our Forum Policies. Specific information about copyrights and Soulcalibur Wiki's copyright policies can be found by reading the Copyright page.

Things I want to achieve on this Wiki

  • Make a fan page for all my Soulcalibur characters
  • Finish my fan game Soulcalibur Astral Swords (Done)
  • Finish my fan game Soulcalibur Astral Swords - A New Light (Done)
  • Start my fan game Soulcalibur Astral Swords - A Dark Destiny (Done)
  • Finish my fan game Soulcalibur Astral Swords - A Dark Destiny (Done)
  • Become an Administrator (Done - Thank you OhMario)
  • Become a Bureaucrat (Done - Thanks to Merrystar Wikia Staff)
  • Adopt this Wiki (Done - Thanks to Merrystar Wikia staff)
  • Bring the new forums to the Wiki (Done)
  • Make a new improved Deletion Policy (Done)
  • Bring Featured articles, users and fanon awards to the Wiki
  • Clear all the pages that are Candidates for deletion (Done)
  • Add and finish the Fanon Portal page
  • Earn the Lucky Edit badge (73,000th Edit)
    • Earned it again (74,000th Edit)
    • And again (77,000th Edit)
    • And again... Again (79,000th Edit)
  • Earn the Two Weeks on the Wiki badge (Done - 20 August, 2015)
  • Earn the Devoted badge (Done - 5 September, 2015)
  • Earn the Dedicated badge (Done - 5 October, 2015)
  • Earn the Addicted badge (Done - 14 November, 2015)
  • Make 2500 edits (Done - I didn't realize when I did it)

Rating The Series

Alexandra Girls-JJ

Another wallpaper I made!

Soul Blade - 5/10 It was a good game but in my opinion it wasn't amazing.

Soulcalibur - 6/10 Nice graphics and improved fighting styles.

Soulcalibur II - 8/10 Improved graphics once again, great introduction to the new characters. Great weapon master mode.

Soulcalibur Legends - 4/10 I have never played it but from what I have seen it looks okay. As a standalone game I would have rated it higher but as it's apart of the Soul series it doesn't fit in gameplay wise but does make a good bridge between Soul Blade and Soulcalibur.

Soulcalibur III - 10/10 Much better graphics, great story, great new characters, best character roster, a lot of new and returning features. Great gameplay. Improved fighting styles and much better costumes.. Plus a lot more! Also the introduction of creation made this game 100% better, brownie points for that as well as bonus styles, and the equipment was really nice in this game.

Soulcalibur IV - 8/10 Great HD graphics. Addition of online mode was good. Better fighting styles. Loses points due to loss of some features from previous games. Could have had more creation sections like Soulcalibur III and should have had bonus styles.

Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny - 5/10 Finally got the game! It has good features and the addition of quick battle was great! Better creation -except no body editing, 1/2 colours per item - but the addition of voices from Soulcalibur III was good as well as being able to equip your creations in 1P outfits and hairstyles.

Soulcalibur V - 7/10 Graphics improved once again and are great! Great online mode. Let down over removal of veteran characters, individual story mode, arcade endings and the museum. Honestly I like some of the new characters but wish it was a better mix of old and new. Time skip wasn't needed. Much better character creation than Soulcalibur IV.

Soulcalibur: Lost Swords - 5/10 It actually is a fun game to play and the move sets are good - bad for being stripped down - I also like being able to do 3/4 "A" or "B" moves as it reminds me of Soul Blade (but I would not like to see moves like that in the future). Loses points as its free-to-play (aka pay-to-win), the lose of creation, having to pay for a lot of basic things, AP potions and continue tickets and many other things let this game down. Would be much better if it was a full game on a disc or at least DLC for Soulcalibur V adding the old characters and new things for creation.

Soulcalibur VI -

Characters/Styles I play as

A list of my favourite characters and the styles I use the most.

Sc4cas1 Cassandra (SCII, SCIII, SCIV, SCBD, SCLS, SCVI)
Sc5pyr1 Pyrrha (SCV, SCLS)
Sc5se Pyrrha Ω (SCV)
Sc5vio1 Viola (SCV)
Sc2yun2 Yun-seong (SCIV)
Sc3tir1 Tira (SCIII, SCV, SCVI)
Sc5rap1 Raphael (Style Only - SCV)

Fan Characters I Have Made

A list of Characters in the fan Astral series that I have made.

Main Characters




Minor Characters

  • Kaarina Cassaventes
  • Erríkos Cassaventes

Fan Games By Me

My Astral series is the universe where these games take place, it is in the same canon as the Soul series with a few changes.

Soulcalibur Astral Swords
Soulcalibur Astral Swords - A New Light
Soulcalibur Astral Swords - A Dark Destiny

Friends Fan Characters

Alexander — By LightningSakura
Leandra Scott — By SoulGauger
