
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire has been released to theaters. Beware, spoilers will be present on the wiki and discussions. Read at your own risk!


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Volt Panthers, also known as Panthera Tempestas, are a feline superspecies from the MonsterVerse game Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers.


Volt Panthers are named for their ability to emit volts of bio-electricity.



Volt Panthers are large felines resembling melanistic leopards or jaguars with electric-blue fur and a tufted lion-like tail.


The Volt Panthers' roars are described as resembling distant thunder.


Volt Panthers are ferocious, omnivorous felines that prefer to live in humid climates and high altitudes. They seldom hunt other species, for they can convert their bio-electrical energy into a food source. Although Volt Panthers do not need to fight over food, they are incredibly territorial and will use their teeth, claws, and bio-electrical powers to attack anything that provokes them. After emitting a certain amount of bio-electricity, they will retreat to recharge.


With a roar like distant thunder, this majestic creature can be found anywhere on the Sirens, although it has a preference for humid climates and high altitudes. While the exact mechanism of the Volt Panther's bio-electrical nature is unknown, its climate preference may suggest that atmospheric charging is involved.

Though they have been observed eating meat and even plants, Volt Panthers do not appear to rely on hunting to survive and may be able to convert their electrical energy into a food source. They are therefore slow to engage in a fight over food but will react if their territory is threatened. Once provoked, it is a ferocious opponent.

Able to create a charge in excess of 120 million volts, it can kill a human with a single strike. Even larger predators avoid it, as almost none are impervious to its electric power. This power, however, comes with a price and it can only discharge a limited amount of shocks, before needing to retreat and recharge. Even without its lightning, though, it is far from helpless, as its massive teeth and claws can rip apart any but the largest enemy.
― Monarch Creature Profile


Bio-electricity generation[]

Volt Panthers can emit bio-electrical charges that can be up to 120 million volts, which can quickly kill humans. Although the Volt Panthers' charges can be devastating, their power has its limits, which forces them to retreat so they can recharge. They can also convert their bio-electrical energy into a food source.

Speed and agility[]

Volt Panthers are fast and agile enough to overpower opponents in battle and to evade them.

Strength and combat[]

The Volt Panthers' teeth and claws are sharp and powerful enough to tear through the flesh of their opponents.

List of appearances[]

Video games[]

