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Spoiler SPOILER WARNING: This section may contain major plot and/or ending details. Proceed at your own discretion.

Brambleboars are a swine superspecies from the MonsterVerse series Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, first appearing in the episode "Axis Mundi".


The Brambleboar's name refers to the bramble-like growths covering its body. Barnaby Legg of the MonsterVerse creative team chose the "Brambleboar" name while designing the creature.[1] Kurt Russell also revealed the Brambleboar during a press meeting before it was confirmed to be the official name of the creature in an AppleTV+ YouTube video.[2][3]



A concept artist of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters designed the Brambleboar, who envisioned the creature as covered with antlers and plant-like growths covering its body.[1]


Brambleboars bear a striking resemblance to large, untamed pigs, warthogs, and babirusas. It features remarkable, bramble-like botanical protrusions emerging from the base of its skull and down the entire length of its back. Notably, these creatures greatly surpass the average human height. Their mouth is filled with large peg-like teeth and two pairs of jagged tusks: one set is positioned on the mandible and the second is grown in through the upper snout.


Brambleboars produce growls, grunts, squeals that are reminiscent to those of normal swines, only deeper and more guttural in tone.


Brambleboars display a unique blend of territoriality and curiosity in their behavior. While fiercely protective of their territory, they also possess a natural inclination to investigate unfamiliar entities they encounter. Initially cautious, they assess the perceived threat level of the new presence. Afterward, their curiosity transforms into a predatory instinct as they perceive the new entity as potential prey.

Despite their aggressive tendencies, Brambleboars can be surprisingly skittish when injured. This highlights their instinctive self-preservation and their ability to recognize potential threats in their environment.


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters[]

A Brambleboar confronts Cate Randa after she fell into Axis Mundi through the rift in Kazakhstan. After sniffing and investigating Cate, the Brambleboar starts to perceive her as prey and prepares to attack. However, it is immediately frightened off when Keiko Randa shoots an arrow in its right eye.



Brambleboars possess exceptionally thick hides, endowing them with the ability to endure arrow attacks. However, despite their durability, such assaults still evoke fear in them. If struck in vulnerable areas like the eyes, Brambleboars will promptly retreat.


Concept art[]

List of appearances[]



  • The Brambleboar strongly resembles Nago from Princess Mononoke and even receives an arrow to its right eye similarly to Nago.

