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Irene is a character of the 2023 MonsterVerse animated series Skull Island, as one of the show's main protagonists. She is the leader of the Skull Island research expedition sent to recover her long-lost daughter, Annie.





Skull Island[]

Irene is a botanist who wrote numerous books and was incredibly wealthy. Irene lost both her husband and daughter Annie when their ship became lost out at sea in the Pacific. The two were declared dead and devasted Irene as she had to bury two empty coffins.

A decade later, Irene caught wind of a report of a ship spotting the shipwreck of the boat her husband and daughter were on. Unfortunately the ship had vanished shortly making the report. The news was enough to give Irene renewed hope and she launched an expedition to locate the island.

Irene using her connections managed to learn that the location of island was hidden as all records of its existence were destroyed in a government cover-up twenty years ago. Irene contracted Hiro and Mike to help her locate the island, however the island was located by the first crew that the woman contracted. Irene with her trusted guard Sam led a band of mercenaries to find any sign of her family.

The map though took them to second island in close proximity to Skull Island. There to Irene exhilaration she found the shipwreck of her husband's boat and not only that signs that there were survivors. The happiness was short-lived as soon after the mercenaries were attacked by Dog who assumed that they were intruders. The mercenaries reacting in self-defense shot at Dog though their bullets were of little effect resulting in the deaths of six people.

Irene saw her daughter, Annie, for the first time in a decade appear and come to Dog's defense. However Annie did not recognize the woman as her mother and only saw that the strangers were attacking her only friend. To Irene's horror she saw Annie throw a spear at her with the intent to kill. She was saved by Sam and the surviving mercenaries managed to tranquilize Annie and hold off Dog long enough for the surviving rescue team to return to Irene's ship.

Annie eventually awoke and found her self handcuff in the cabin of Irene's ship. The girl broke out with the intent to escape. Irene not wanting to harm her daughter ordered her men to use non-lethal methods to subdue her. They failed as Annie managed to escape by starting a fire on the deck with a lighter and using a smaller boat to flee.

Irene though presumably sent two mercenaries to follow the boat which led them to the ship belonging to Cap, a cryptologist. The vessel which Irene was on though was attacked by the Kraken forcing her and her team to abandon ship. The team managed reach Skull Island where they managed to set up a base camp and resume their recapture of Annie.

Irene with a guard had been exploring the area around the camp, when they encountered Cap. Her guard seeing Cap was about to be eaten by a rock-disguised giant pillbug attacked it with his firearm, causing the insect to eat him. Both Irene and Cap then traveled together, with the former creating a background story that she was shipwrecked from a cruise ship that was heading to Singapore.

On the way Irene became fascinated by a cluster of aloe and was more astonished to see it was a living creature.

The duo then approached a camp of armed mercenaries, at which Cap revealed that he figured that they worked for her and was looking for the girl his son saved at sea.

Irene with her men found one of two men that had been tracking Annie in the jungle. The man had been injured and departed from his partner but informed them that two teen boys were also out there somewhere. When the mercenary voiced that he wanted to kill Annie for stabbing him, Irene and Sam warned him no arm was to come to the girl. Irene having found the broken tracker ordered her team to fix it and continue the pursuit for Annie. After which she took a gun from Sam and proceed to “threaten” Cap to tell her everything he knows. Though the threat was unnecessary as Cap figured that his best choice was to work with Irene given her resources in order to find his son and get off Skull Island.


List of appearances[]

