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(Taken to FA by Grunny)

"The Jedi way was not for me, and we both know that it is not truly for you either."
―Acaadi, convincing Duqua Dar to leave the Jedi path[src]
Acaadi was a Zabrak male Jedi during the time of the Galactic Republic's war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. During the war, he served alongside fellow Zabrak Duqua Dar, allying himself with the Revanchists—a group of Jedi led by then-Jedi Knight Revan—who went against the orders of the Jedi Council and took an active role in the war. Revan led the Republic forces during the war but came to accept Sith teachings in the process. Acaadi's dedication to Revan likewise eventually turned him to the dark side, and he became a Sith agent at the start of the Jedi Civil War, which began when Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan and his apprentice Darth Malak led an invasion of the Republic. While working as a Sith agent, Acaadi developed a reputation as a skilled corrupter of Jedi and Republic citizens.

On Iridonia, Acaadi was tasked with sabotaging Republic forces on and in orbit of the planet, in preparation for a Sith raid against the Republic fleet there. He infiltrated a group of Mandalorian mercenaries, using them to destroy a Republic communications center, and later in a plot to turn Duqua Dar to the dark side. Acaadi was pursued by a group of Jedi and spacers working as agents for the Republic, who attempted to thwart his plans. The Republic agents followed Acaadi to the flagship of the Republic fleet, the Hammerhead-class cruiser Champion of Iridonia, which was situated in orbit. There, they engaged Acaadi, as well as a team of Sith commandos under his command, with the fate of the Republic fleet hanging in the balance. (Read more…)


Darth Bandon

(Taken to FA by Jedi Kasra)

"I have studied at the foot of the Dark Lord himself!"
―Darth Bandon, to Revan[src]
Darth Bandon was a Human male Jedi Padawan who defected to the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War, a conflict initiated by the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Sometime after Malak betrayed his Master, Revan, during an ambush by the Jedi and Republic forces attempting to capture them, Bandon became the new Dark Lord's first Shadow Hand, elevating him to second-in-command of the Sith Empire. When the Sith attacked the Republic warship Endar Spire above the planet Taris, Bandon boarded the ship along with the Sith troopers and Dark Jedi under his command and tried to capture the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. He killed the Republic ensign Trask Ulgo, who sacrificed himself to save the former Sith Lord Revan, who had been mentally reprogrammed to be loyal to the Republic and to serve as a common soldier by the Jedi Council.

Shortly after the destruction of Taris, the bounty hunter Calo Nord was hired by Malak to follow in pursuit of Shan, who escaped the bombardment with the help of Revan and his companions. After Nord was slain by Revan, Malak dispatched Bandon to find and capture the Jedi. Bandon tracked down and confronted Revan, Shan, and their allies after they found a fourth Star Map that would give them the location of the Star Forge—the ancient Rakatan space station under Malak's control. Bandon underestimated the former Dark Lord and his companions, assuming that they would be no match for him. This proved to be his downfall, as Revan and his team vanquished Malak's apprentice, along with the Dark Jedi accompanying him. (Read more…)


Bek-Vulkar gang war

(Taken to FA by Cylka)

"The Lower City was a great place to hang out until the Vulkars started that gang war. Now you can't even walk the streets without getting shot at!"
Mission Vao[src]
This gang war was a swoop gang conflict waged throughout the Lower City of the Outer Rim world of Taris, between the Hidden Beks, led by Gadon Thek, and the Black Vulkars, led by former Bek Brejik. When Thek lost his sight in a swoop bike accident, many gang members assumed that the elder leader would step aside and appoint Brejik in his place. The war was sparked when Thek refused to do so; incensed, Brejik left the gang and took over the rival Vulkars. He began a protracted campaign of street fighting designed to whittle away at the Bek ranks, and initiated several attempts to kill Thek himself.

During the Jedi Civil War, the amnesiac former Dark Lord of the Sith, Revan, along with Republic officer and pilot Carth Onasi, became trapped on Taris after their ship, the Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire, was destroyed in the space above Taris. While searching for the missing Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, who had also been aboard the vessel and whose battle meditation was considered vital to the Republic war effort, they became caught up in the conflict. After learning that Shan—who had been captured from her escape pod by the Vulkars—was being offered up as the prize to the winner of the Tarisian Season Opener, Revan and Onasi sided with the Hidden Beks, and infiltrated the Black Vulkar Base in order to reacquire a swoop bike prototype accelerator that the Vulkars had earlier stolen from the Beks; the accelerator was considered crucial by both gangs for whoever made use of it would gain an advantage in the competition. Revan himself volunteered to race on behalf of the Beks. After winning the race, Revan and Shan, who had freed herself from captivity through use of the Force, squared off against Brejik and the Black Vulkars at the track. This scuffle resulted in the death of Brejik. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by JethLordMaster)

"When you risk pain or death for another, there is no truer test of your beliefs and strength."
Brianna, also known as "The Last Handmaiden," or simply "Handmaiden," was a half-Echani fighter, and illegitimate daughter to the famous Echani General Yusanis and Jedi Master Arren Kae, who both fought in the Mandalorian Wars. She later served along with her five half-sisters as a handmaiden to Jedi Master Atris in the period following the Jedi Civil War. During her service to Atris at the Jedi Academy on Telos IV, Brianna met the Jedi Exile, and was subsequently tasked with accompanying her on her mission to seek out the Jedi Masters who survived the First Jedi Purge. As the Exile's companion, Brianna helped battle against numerous adversaries, including the resurgent Sith.

During the journey, Brianna trained the Exile in Echani techniques and eventually received Jedi training from the Exile in return, becoming one of first new members of the Jedi Order after the Purge. In accepting such training, however, she broke her oath to Atris. The Jedi Master labeled her a traitor, resulting in a confrontation between Brianna, her sisters and her former master. According to the final predictions of Darth Traya, Brianna would become instrumental in the reconstruction of the Jedi Order and succeed Atris as Jedi historian. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by Dark Lord Trayus)

Chantique full
"Somehow, when I turned inside myself to escape, I found something there—power. The power not to die. The power to heal myself. And once I'd succeeded—the power to take my freedom—and my revenge."
Chantique was a female Zeltron slave who lived during the Mandalorian Wars and eventually rose to become the leader of the Crucible, a massive slaving organization. Born Kessarah around 3990 BBY on the Core World of Osadia, she spent much of her childhood at the New Generation Academy, where her father, Antos Wyrick, attempted to genetically-engineer Force-sensitive infants on behalf of the Mandalorian warrior clans. Kessarah was one of the first test subjects conceived, but was considered a mentally-unstable failure by Wyrick, particularly after the birth of Edessa, an Arkanian Offshoot test subject who proved to be the embodiment of Wyrick's vision. Kessarah was subsequently given to the Crucible as a slave in exchange for additional prospective Arkanian Offshoot parents.

As a slave, Kessarah was forced to combat other captives in the fight pits maintained by the Crucible. She proved victorious time and again, and around the age of fifteen, she was assigned by her masters to preside over the fights of younger slaves. As their Overseer, she brutally enforced the Crucible's will and threw captured younglings into deadly combat against one another. She earned the name "Chantique," which meant "destroyer" in the ancient language of the Crucible. Chantique was eventually challenged by one of the children she minded—the young Edessa, who was among the New Generation Academy younglings that had been captured by the Crucible not long after Chantique had been given to the organization. She was stabbed in the back and left to die by Edessa, by whom she was replaced as Overseer, while the Zeltron was returned to the slave pits and sold to a buyer in the Outer Rim Territories. During that time, Chantique discovered that she was indeed Force-sensitive, and used her new power to heal her wounds and murder her masters. She lived on the Rim for a time, but eventually made her way back to the Crucible to reclaim her old job as Overseer and exact revenge on Edessa.

To Chantique's dismay, Edessa had fled the Crucible and gone into hiding, but the Zeltron swore that she would one day kill her old enemy. Meanwhile, she went about reclaiming her lost status, eventually becoming the Magister Impressor of the Crucible, overseeing the induction of new "recruits" and the placement of those who progressed beyond the fight pits. Once a year after her assumption of that title, she executed one of the New Generation students on Osadia as an act of revenge against her father and Edessa. In 3963 BBY, Chantique learned that her enemy, now known as "Jarael," was working with former Jedi fugitive Zayne Carrick to free slaves that the Crucible had sold to the Franchise and Sungrazer cooperative. Shortly after, Carrick attempted to infiltrate and bring the organization down from within, but was instead discovered by Chantique and manipulated into believing that Jarael had been as sadistic a slave driver as she. Chantique later experienced a Force vision of Jarael's imminent return to Osadia without Carrick, and the Zeltron planned to finally confront her nemesis. During the fight, Chantique learned that Jarael was accompanied to the planet by Antos Wyrick, and left her to hunt him down and take his life. Wyrick instead attacked, stabbing her in the back and leaving her to die. Chantique survived and attempted to kill her father once more, but died when the double-bladed lightsaber he tried to defend himself with activated at both ends. The two blades impaled father and daughter, ending both lives. (Read more…)


Citadel Station

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"The surface of Telos was destroyed during the Jedi Civil War a few years ago. This - Citadel Station - is part of the Republic's planetary restoration initiative."
Citadel Station was an immense orbital space station that served as the staging area for the Galactic Republic's Ithorian-led effort to restore the world of Telos IV. During the early stages of the Jedi Civil War, a Sith fleet, under the command of former Republic Admiral Saul Karath and under orders from Darth Malak, devastated the surface of Telos, shattering cities and killing many of the planet's inhabitants. After the war's conclusion, the Republic, directed by Supreme Chancellor Cressa, funded an attempt to restore Telos to its formerly pristine state. To achieve this, the station was constructed in orbit around Telos IV, and consisted of a series of large residential, entertainment, and dock modules that were interconnected by a base of girders and other support structures. The station served as home to the many technicians and beings of other professions who were employed in the Restoration Project, as well as the effort's conduit for needed supplies.

Seeing a chance for profit, Czerka Corporation began integrating itself into the project, installing members friendly to its interests onto the Telosian Council, which in turn ensured that the planet's laws kept Czerka in control. Over time, the corporation intertwined itself into the project, marginalizing the efforts of the Ithorian herd, led by Chodo Habat, and using loopholes within the law and their own hired mercenaries to take over restoration zones in order to salvage technology from them. In addition, various other criminal elements sprang up, most of which were connected to the Exchange, but included independent smuggling rings. With the arrival of the Jedi Exile and her companions in 3951 BBY, after barely escaping Darth Sion at Peragus, things began to change. The destruction of the primary fuel source that kept the station in orbit as well as powering the restoration efforts ground the project to a halt. This and other problems that plagued the running of Citadel Station were eventually resolved by the Exile, the most serious of which was concluded when she struck a deal with Vogga the Hutt of Nar Shaddaa to secure fuel shipments from Sleheyron. Some time later, the station came under a surprise attack by forces under Darth Nihilus; however, operations continued after his defeat. According to Darth Traya's predictions, the Restoration Project continued on and eventually succeeded; as a result, Telos would once again bloom. (Read more…)


Duqua Dar

(Taken to FA by Grunny)

"I understand why so many have turned from the path. Would you stop me from doing the same?"
―Duqua Dar, to the Republic agents[src]
Duqua Dar was a Zabrak male Jedi Knight in the time of the Galactic Republic's war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, which began in 3976 BBY. During the war, he served alongside fellow Zabrak Acaadi, allying himself with the Revanchists—a group of Jedi led by then-Jedi Knight Revan—who went against the orders of the Jedi Council and took an active role in the war. Revan led the Republic forces during the war but came to accept Sith teachings in the process.

At the start of the Jedi Civil War, which began when Darth Revan, by then a Dark Lord of the Sith, and his apprentice Darth Malak led an invasion of the Republic in 3959 BBY, Dar was fighting the remaining Mandalorians on his homeworld Iridonia. When Dar intercepted a group of Mandalorian mercenaries who had attacked a Republic communications center on the planet, he was aided by Acaadi, now a Sith agent, who used the encounter to persuade Dar to join him and the Sith. Dar and Acaadi traveled to the nearby town of Wortan, pursued by a group of Jedi and spacers working as agents for the Republic, who attempted to thwart Acaadi's plans. Tracking them back to Acaadi's personal hangar, the Republic agents attempted to convince Dar to reject the dark side, before being attacked by a number of Sith commandos under Acaadi's command. (Read more…)


Deadeye Duncan

(Taken to FA by Exiled Jedi)

"Look, I admit it—you're better than me. Everyone is better than me! A blindfolded, one-legged tach with a rusty knife could probably beat me, okay?"
―Deadeye Duncan, to Revan[src]
Deadeye Duncan was a Human male duelist who lived on the city-world of Taris during the time of the Jedi Civil War, a conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. In 3956 BBY, around the time of the Sith attack on the Republic cruiser Endar Spire, Duncan was the lowest-ranked member of his profession, and competed in non-lethal duels at a dueling ring owned by Ajuur the Hutt. During that year, Duncan lost matches to both the combatants Gerlon Two-Fingers and the "Mysterious Stranger," the latter of whom was the former Sith Lord Darth Revan. The two defeats extended Duncan's losing streak to fifty-five consecutive matches. In his duel against Two-Fingers, he dropped his blaster and was shot by Two-Fingers. Many dueling fans viewed Duncan as a very poor duelist, and he was considered by some people, including a veteran duelist named Marl and the ring's announcer, to be the worst duelist of all time. The dueling announcer went so far as to say that defeating Duncan was expected, and that it was not a surprise when he was defeated. (Read more…)

Destruction of Taris

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"Wipe this pathetic planet from the face of the galaxy!"
―Darth Malak[src]
The destruction of Taris was an event that took place during the height of the Jedi Civil War. Intending to capture the Jedi Padawan Bastila Shan, whose talents with battle meditation had been crucial to the Galactic Republic's effort against the Sith Empire led by Darth Malak, the Dark Lord of the Sith set his fleet around the Outer Rim world of Taris. After successfully ambushing the vessel under Shan's command, the Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire, Sith troopers led by Darth Bandon boarded the ship, intent on seizing her alive. However, Shan, Carth Onasi and the amnesic ex-Sith Lord Revan were able to escape before the vessel's destruction. Afterwards, Malak ordered the conquest and blockading of Taris in order to search for the Jedi. The escape pod bearing Shan crashed in the Undercity, however, and she was taken prisoner by the Black Vulkars swoop gang.

With support from the Hidden Beks swoop gang, Revan found and freed Shan. Impressed, the Mandalorian mercenary Canderous Ordo offered Revan an opportunity to leave the planet by stealing Exchange boss Davik Kang's flagship, the Ebon Hawk. Accepting the offer, Revan raided the main Sith base to acquire codes to bypass the blockade; Ordo then brought him to Kang's estate to steal the ship. Malak, meanwhile, grew weary of the protracted search. Seeking to eliminate Shan, he ordered Admiral Saul Karath to thoroughly bombard the surface. As the Sith fleet in orbit repositioned itself, Ordo and Revan succeeded in accessing the Hawk. However, they were confronted by Kang and the bounty hunter Calo Nord. After a brief firefight as the bombardment began, Kang was killed and Nord incapacitated; with the way clear, the party boarded the freighter, picking up Onasi, Shan, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, and T3-M4, and blasted off for space. The Ebon Hawk eluded a vanguard of attacking Sith fighters before fleeing into hyperspace, en route to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Despite their escape, the bombardment continued until the entire world was virtually scoured of life, killing billions of beings. (Read more…)


The Drunk Side

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

The Drunk Side
«The owner of the Ebon Hawk is always welcome in the Dreshdae Cantina.»
―Mika Dorin greets Revan[src]
The Drunk Side, also known as the Dreshdae Cantina, was a cantina located within the settlement of Dreshdae on the planet Korriban, in operation during the Jedi Civil War. The cantina's bartender, who also managed the establishment, was the Rodian Mika Dorin; he had taken over from the bar's previous owner, who had run afoul of Czerka Corporation over the establishment's operations. Along with spacers and freighter crews who ferried Sith artifacts from the surface, many of the instructors from the nearby Sith Academy would stop by the establishment. Yuthura Ban was the most common face present, often staying there when visiting the colony. While there, she gave final approval to Sith hopefuls who had been given medallions, which signified their worthiness to attend the Academy. When the former Dark Lord of the Sith Revan, who had been mindwiped and retrained by the Jedi Council, came to Korriban in 3956 BBY, he met with Ban at the cantina, gaining her sponsorship to attend the Academy. The cantina was also home to Mika's under-the-table business that sold "premium items," such as prototype Verpine shields and life support packs to special customers. (Read more…)

Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"Welcome to the Equipment Emporium! You looking to buy some supplies?"
―Kebla Yurt[src]
Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium was a shop owned by Kebla Yurt located within the Upper City of the planet Taris. The shop's chief products included computer slicing equipment, armor, weapons, and explosive items such as grenades and permacrete detonators, as well as large items such as swoops and speeders. The shop survived the siege of Taris and the planet's subsequent occupation by the Mandalorians, and continued to do business during the years of the Jedi Civil War and the planetary quarantine instituted by the Sith Empire. The Sith, however, confiscated the shop's heavy weapons and speeders. While trapped on Taris with Republic officer Carth Onasi following the destruction of the Endar Spire, Revan—the amnesiac former Dark Lord of the Sith—visited Yurt's shop. The Equipment Emporium was open for business until Darth Malak's orbital bombardment of the planet in 3956 BBY. (Read more…)


(Taken to FA by Jedi Kasra)

"You're not the only one the Council was wrong about, my friend. The Jedi have just joined the war against the Mandalorians!"
―Ferroh, to Zayne Carrick[src]
Ferroh was a Cathar male who served as a Jedi Knight during the Galactic Republic's war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, who were invading Republic space. In 3964 BBY, he and his fellow Revanchist Jedi, who were led by the Jedi Knight Revan, participated in a scouting mission in the Outer Rim. Ferroh and the Jedi were ambushed by the Mandalorians before the Fourth Battle of Suurja, and they were taken to Flashpoint Station, where they were tortured by the Mandalorian scientist Demagol. Ferroh and his companions were eventually rescued from captivity by the Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick, the Mandalorian turncoat Rohlan Dyre, and the other crew of the starship Last Resort.

While accompanying the other Revanchists on his homeworld of Cathar, Ferroh and the Jedi felt the Mandalorian's destruction of the planet Serroco through the Force. Eventually, a team of Jedi met with the Revanchists on Cathar on behalf of the Jedi High Council and ordered them to disband permanently. However, all the Jedi present experienced a vision of the Mandalorians murdering the Cathar. The Jedi Council still did not give Revan's Jedi their full support, but Ferroh and the Revanchists were able to participate in the war after Revan organized his followers under the banner of the Republic Mercy Corps. (Read more…)


Cassus Fett

(Taken to FA by Lord Hydronium) (outside of project)

"You listen to Cassus Fett, and your son's sons will have nothing to do—because you'll have conquered everything!"
―Cassus Fett to Gormer[src]
Cassus Fett was a Mandalorian Field Marshal who lived during the time of the Mandalorian Wars. Fett was an aide-de-camp to Mandalore the Ultimate, leader of the Mandalorians, and he was highly influential in areas throughout Mandalorian society. Fett spearheaded the promotion of the Neo-Crusader movement, a sect of Mandalorian society with a more regimented structure and standardized armor than the hitherto dominant Mandalorian Crusaders. By exerting control over the clans and providing a means of converting conquered cultures into Neo-Crusaders, Fett turned the Mandalorians into a war machine intent on galactic conquest.

On the Outer Rim, Fett engaged the forces of the Galactic Republic in a series of battles, including a massacre of the Cathar people. He engineered a number of minor engagements at the edge of Republic space to determine the strength of the Republic, before launching into a full scale invasion of Republic space along three fronts in 3963 BBY. Fett was present at the preliminary Battle of Vanquo, led the siege of Taris and eventual conquest of that world, planned an invasion of the planet Alderaan, and killed the captain of a Republic flagship at the Battle of Jaga's Cluster. After becoming the most wanted man in the galaxy, Fett was presumed dead by the time of the Jedi Civil War. (Read more…)


Force cage

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"Excuse me if I don't shake hands. The field only causes mild electrical burns."
―Atton Rand, to the Jedi Exile, as he stands in a force cage[src]
A force cage was a device that was designed for and used to contain prisoners, the first examples of which were seen some time prior to 3956 BBY during the Jedi Civil War. Existing through to the era of the New Republic, these types of detention cells were, in essence, energy shields that took the form of a tube. The device itself consisted of a base and cap that was connected by a column at the back that also anchored it to a wall. This assemblage served as a conduit for the energy barrier, keeping it running and anchoring it in place. Force cages were found throughout the galaxy, on worlds ranging from the urbanized city-planet of Taris to the remote and desolate Sith world of Korriban, and even aboard warships such as the Leviathan, the flagship of the Sith Empire's war fleet. During the years prior to the Galactic Civil War, a portable version of the still-popular device was developed; these types of cages were often employed by bounty hunters, such as War'qi and Jango and Boba Fett, who wished to ensure the continued confinement of a live capture until delivery. (Read more…)

Dhagon Ghent

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"Most doctors tell you that they got into the business to save lives. Most of them are flaming liars. At least I'll tell you the truth, I'm in it for the credits."
―Dhagon Ghent, to the Jedi Exile[src]
Dhagon Ghent was a male Human who served with Mandalorian forces during the Mandalorian Wars alongside future Mandalore Canderous Ordo. By the year 3951 BBY, he had become a doctor, living on the world of Onderon with his own private practice located near the Iziz Cantina, within the capital city of Iziz. That same year, he was arrested by the Onderon military in the wake of the murder of Captain Sullio, who had been a friend of his for some time previously. Misunderstanding the mechanics of their relationship, the investigating officers assumed that the heated argument that occurred between them was the motive. When the Jedi Exile visited Iziz during her quest to find the Jedi Masters who had originally exiled her, specifically Master Kavar, she found evidence sufficient to prove that Ghent was not the one responsible for Sullio's demise. To show his appreciation for what she had done for him, Ghent set up a meeting between the Exile and the former Jedi Council member Kavar, who had been serving Queen Talia as an adviser prior to and during the Onderon Civil War. (Read more…)

Dol Grenn

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"Why does the Republic do anything? The head doesn't know what the feet are doing, the hands don't even know they've got fingers, let alone where they are."
―Dol Grenn, regarding the state of the Republic[src]
Dol Grenn was a Human male and a native of Telos IV who served as a lieutenant in the Telos Security Force. A grizzled, well-respected veteran, Grenn held to a staunch adherence to the law and devoted his life to seeing it upheld on Citadel Station as, in the wake of the Sith attack, it oversaw the Telosian Restoration Project. He was also an old friend of Carth Onasi, who was a native of that world as well; during the First Jedi Purge some five years after the close of the Jedi Civil War, the two communicated in regards to the Jedi Exile. During the Battle of Telos IV, Lieutenant Grenn led the effort to defend the massive station against Darth Nihilus's attack until relieved by Republic forces under Admiral Onasi. (Read more…)


(Taken to FA by NaruHina)

"You look like an offworlder. My name's Gelesi. I'm a checkpoint Captain in the Merchant Quarter."
―Gelesi — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
Gelesi was a Human male who lived in the planet of Onderon's walled city of Iziz with his wife and daughter. In 3951 BBY, after his superior officer and good friend, Sullio, was murdered outside a cantina, he inherited her rank as Captain of the Guard and her former post. An officer in the Onderonian military, his duties included the verification of starport visas that allowed passage to and from the planet at the entrance to the Iziz Starport. At the time, the entire planet was enmeshed in a political struggle between loyalists to Queen Talia and her faction, who wanted Onderon to remain a part of the Galactic Republic, and the secessionist followers of her cousin, General Vaklu. Gelesi was ambivalent, due to his loyalty to the Queen and his simultaneous disillusionment with the Republic, sympathizing with the separatist view that Onderonian membership had resulted in being drawn into too many conflicts. After the onset of a militaristic coup perpetrated by Vaklu, Gelesi chose to support Talia's faction and fought to protect the Queen during a final push by separatist forces into the Royal Palace. (Read more…)


(Taken to FA by Lord Hydronium) (outside of project)

"Everyone here has been slain, yet there are few signs of battle, no carbon scoring, no blaster fire. This place has been hit by assassins of a different sort."
The Harbinger was a Hammerhead-class cruiser that served the Galactic Republic shortly after the Jedi Civil War. Originally assigned to patrol Republic space and deal with local troubles, the Harbinger was sent in 3951 BBY to the Outer Rim Territories to pick up the Jedi Exile and ferry her to Telos IV.

When the Harbinger diverted its course to investigate a battle between a Sith warship and a light freighter, it was captured by Sith under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Sion. Sion took control of the vessel and piloted it to Peragus II in search of the Exile, who had been abducted off the ship during the earlier crisis. The Exile and her companions were forced to travel through the vessel to reach their own ship, and when they attempted to flee, the Harbinger opened fire. In the ensuing fight, the volatile Peragus asteroid field was destroyed, with the Harbinger caught in the middle of the explosion. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by JethLordMaster)

"Recitation: Yes, as I said, I am an assassin droid. It is my primary function to burn holes through meatbags that you wish removed from the galaxy… Master. Oh, how I hate that term."
―HK-47, to the Jedi Exile, on his functionality — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
HK-47 was a Hunter-Killer assassin droid and Jedi hunter constructed by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan shortly after the end of the Mandalorian Wars in 3960 BBY. In the wake of widespread destruction caused by the Mass Shadow Generator, a superweapon used during the final battle of that conflict, Revan was inspired to seek more subtle methods of defeating his enemies. HK-47 was sent throughout the galaxy on his missions and successfully assassinated countless targets whom Revan had deemed threats to galactic stability and peace. However, HK-47 was badly crippled and captured on a mission in Mandalorian space shortly before Revan himself was captured by the Jedi Order. The assassin droid's memory core was damaged, causing him to forget about his master, and he went from owner to owner, many of whom he inadvertently slew personally. Eventually, he ended up on the planet Tatooine, where he was sold to and unwittingly reunited with Revan, whose memory had been erased following his capture. The droid went on to aid Revan after his return to the Jedi Order in his campaign to find and destroy the Star Forge, an ancient factory that Revan had used during his reign as the Dark Lord of the Sith. HK-47 was also instrumental in the defeat of Revan's former Sith apprentice, who had since begun utilizing the Star Forge in an attempt to conquer the Galactic Republic.

HK-47 accompanied Revan to the edge of the Unknown Regions along with Revan's utility droid, T3-M4, before being left behind in Revan's starship, the Ebon Hawk, as the redeemed Jedi Knight journeyed on to face a threat he had remembered from his time as the Dark Lord. Sometime later, HK-47 was damaged and was left aboard the Ebon Hawk, which eventually ended up in the hands of one of Revan's allies from the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Exile. During this period, HK-50 assassin droids, a newer version of HK that Revan had mass-produced, became active in the galaxy, working as bounty hunters and saboteurs. The Exile repaired HK-47, who recognized her as his new master and accompanied her in order to find the source of the HK-50s, whose very existence he considered an insult to himself. HK-47 also aided the Exile in her search for the Jedi Masters who survived the First Jedi Purge and even advised her on techniques to more efficiently kill Jedi so that the Exile could better defend herself.

HK-47 eventually succeeded in finding the HK Manufacturing Plant, where the HK-50s were created. There, he convinced the HK-50s to join his and the Exile's cause. This action eventually culminated in a final confrontation on Malachor V between HK-47, assisted by the HK-50s, and G0-T0, whose interests conflicted with that of the Jedi Exile, and the latter droid was destroyed. Four millennia later, HK-47 was found on the planet Mustafar, where his memory core was preserved within the computer of a derelict starship. HK-47 manipulated a group of spacers who discovered him, having them create a new body for him and then subsequently turning on them with the help of several battle droids. The spacers were forced to disable HK-47's new droid army as well as the factory producing them. After a fierce battle, the spacers triumphed over the droids, although HK-47 managed to escape destruction. (Read more…)


Marn Hierogryph

(Taken to FA by Thefourdotelipsis) (outside of project)

Marn Hierogryph
"'Small-time hood?!' 'Accessory?!' I'm not an accessory! I am a mastermind!"
―Marn Hierogryph[src]
Marn "Gryph" Hierogryph, also known as Baron Hieromarn and Remulus Horne, was a Snivvian black marketeer and confidence trickster who resided on Taris during the Mandalorian Wars. Competing with the Black Vulkars and the Hidden Beks for market superiority, Hierogryph's activities riled the Tarisian constabulary, leading them to enlist the services of the Jedi Order. Padawan Zayne Carrick was tasked with apprehending Hierogryph, but time and time again, the Snivvian was able to elude him. On the Jedi's ninth attempt, he finally caught Hierogryph, but a sudden turn of events—the Padawan Massacre of Taris—forced the two to work together to escape the Jedi Covenant.

Enlisting the services of Gorman Vandrayk and Jarael, Hierogryph and Carrick were able to escape Taris, though not without sizable bounties on their heads. Eventually, the group became entangled in the Mandalorian Wars, during which Hierogryph put his confidence skills to good use. After retrieving funds from the banking world of Telerath, and departing from Vandrayk and Jarael's company, Hierogryph and Carrick masqueraded as civilian supply personnel on Serroco. Unfortunately for the pair, the Mandalorians attacked, and while Carrick was able to escape the nuclear bombardment of the planet, it appeared that Hierogryph had perished. He survived, however, and participated in a resistance movement with the Hidden Beks on Taris against the Mandalorian occupation. Eventually, he began working with Carrick to clear the young fugitive's name and implicate the Covenant with the Padawan Massacre. Once Carrick's name, and his own, were eventually cleared following a confrontation on Coruscant, Hierogryph returned to his former life as a confidence trickster, although he had a whole new band of associates to work with, including Carrick, Slyssk, Rohlan Dyre, and Jarael. (Read more…)


Noab Hulis

(Taken to FA by Thefourdotelipsis) (outside of project)

Noab Hulis
"I have come to return you to the light."
―Noab Hulis[src]
Noab Hulis was a male Miraluka Jedi who served the Order in the years leading up to the Great Sith War. He sired three daughters, each of whom would go on to serve the Jedi Order themselves. Hearing of the Jedi Chamma, who had become a Dark Jedi and gone into self-imposed exile for over a century after having felt that the Force had betrayed him, Hulis set about attempting to bring Chamma back to both the light side of the Force and the Jedi Order. Seeking out the former Jedi on H'ratth, the Miraluka at first found it exceedingly difficult to get through to Chamma. Eventually Hulis was able to relay Chamma's own story to him, evoking century-old memories. Hulis remonstrated that Chamma had not been betrayed by the Force, but rather that he had betrayed it, and so the former Jedi returned to the Order, going on to become a significant Jedi Master himself.

Hulis also made connections with wealthy members of the galactic nobility, such as Barrison Draay and Alok Adasca. Draay in particular was of interest to Hulis, as he was a Force-sensitive. The Miralukan paved the way for Draay's rapid progression through the Jedi ranks, as he was trained by Jedi Master Arca Jeth on Arkania. Draay also grew close to one of Hulis's daughters, Krynda, who had been trained by Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Hulis went on to see both Draay and Krynda knighted on Arkania by Master Jeth—the two would later marry, and Krynda gave birth to Hulis's grandchild, Lucien. The Great Sith War, however, would take its toll on the family, as both the lives of Draay and one of Hulis's daughters were claimed in the conflict. (Read more…)


Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship

(Taken to FA by Taral, Dark Lord of the Sith)

"That's it—the cordon is complete! Freighters, liners, Mandalorian dreadnaughts—nobody else is going to Coruscant today without going through Swiftsure and the Republic Navy!"
―Admiral Saul Karath[src]
The Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship was a large warship class used by the Republic Navy during the Mandalorian Wars. Designed and manufactured by Rendili Hyperworks and Rendili/Vanjervalis Drive Yards, the Inexpugnable-class was used as a flagship and command ship. Often described as a mobile space station, at 3,100 meters in diameter it was one of the largest Republic spacecraft of its time. Warships of the class saw combat at a number of battles in the Mandalorian Wars, including the Taris Siege and the Battle of Serroco. The Inexpugnable-class was renowned for its ability to lead massive Republic fleets, employing advanced command techniques such as the Vanjervalis Chain to command up to sixty-four Hammerhead-class cruisers simultaneously. Despite its usefulness as a fleet flagship, the ship had several weaknesses, and as such, only six Inexpugnable-class ships were manufactured—two of which, the Courageous and the Reliance, were destroyed in early 3963 BBY, shortly following the Republic's involvement in the Mandalorian Wars. They were replaced as Republic command ships by the Centurion-class battlecruiser before the end of the Mandalorian Wars. (Read more…)


(Taken to FA by Greyman)

Jarael New Headshot
"Nobody's ever sacrificed himself for any of us before. Couldn't let you go around thinking that was sensible behavior."
―Jarael, to Zayne Carrick[src]
Jarael, born Edessa, was an Arkanian female and protector to the mechanic she knew only as "Camper" prior to and during the Mandalorian Wars. Jarael was a hot-tempered Arkanian offshoot with eyes and hands like Humans and pointed ears. She was a fierce fighter who demonstrated an extreme loyalty to Camper and her other allies; normally armed with a shockstaff, she was a tough opponent when fending off enemies, whether they be bounty hunters, Mandalorians or Jedi Masters.

The pair eventually settled on Taris in the Lower City, living out of a garbage hauler, The Last Resort. She became a traveling companion to the fugitive Zayne Carrick after he was framed for the Padawan Massacre of Taris. Along with the criminal Marn Hierogryph, the four attempted to evade capture by the Taris Civil Authority and the Jedi until Zayne turned himself in to save them. As the Jedi were about to pass sentence, Jarael rescued Zayne, touched by his sacrifice. The four, including a recovered bulk-lifter droid called "Elbee," escaped Taris, and went into hiding from the Jedi as the Mandalorian Wars erupted and the Republic found itself engaged in a devastating conflict.

However, after Camper fell ill, Jarael was forced to take him to Arkania, to the businessman Arkoh Adasca. Adasca, however, had other plans for both Jarael and Camper, and blackmailed Camper into serving him, while Jarael was helpless to stop the mad Arkanian. As Adasca sought more power from both Mandalorians and representatives of the Republic, the timely trap sprung by Zayne Carrick and other individuals stopped his plans. However, the weapon Adasca was bargaining with, creatures known as exogorths, forced Camper to lead them away from the Republic and known space. With the loss of Camper, Jarael traveled with Zayne Carrick to help him confront his notorious Jedi Masters and to clear his name. After the Covenant had been uncovered and both Zayne and Marn Hierogryphs names were cleared of the crime, Jarael turned to assisting the Mandalorian runaway Rohlan Dyre in his quest for the answers to the Mandalorian Wars. (Read more…)


Jedi Tower

(Taken to FA by Nayayen)

"For five years, this building was home."
―Zayne Carrick[src]
The Jedi Tower, also referred to as the Taris Academy, was a satellite academy for Jedi training built in Highport on the Outer Rim world Taris. It was used by the Jedi Order prior to and during the Mandalorian Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Isolated from other structures by a skybridge, the Tower was a tall, tapering building with the Council chamber at its pinnacle. Adjoining the main structure was a smaller, vertical tower that contained a turbolift to access different levels of the Tower via walkways between the two. Surrounding the base of the Tower was a landing area staffed by labor droids.

In 3964 BBY, the Tower was operated by the First WatchCircle of the Jedi Covenant who killed their students in the Padawan Massacre of Taris. Nevertheless, one of the Padawans—a Human named Zayne Carrick—escaped the Masters' trap and was forced to flee offworld with the Snivvian Marn Hierogryph after both were framed as the culprits of the Massacre. The Masters were recalled to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when their efforts to track Carrick down failed, with the Padawan even contacting them to say that he would track down and kill each Master until his name was cleared.

The Mandalorians, led by Cassus Fett, later invaded the planet and took the Tower as their own. Carrick returned to Taris to assist Hierogryph and the Taris Resistance in their plans to assassinate Fett by blowing the Tower up with the Mandalorian inside. The Togrutan Raana Tey, one of the First WatchCircle and still wanting Carrick dead, provisionally cooperated with the former Padawan and Shel Jelavan in their planned role of infiltrating the Tower prior to detonation to determine if Fett was still inside. Simultaneously, however, the paranoid Tey intended to kill Carrick before he could kill her as he had warned. When the plan was enacted, Carrick discovered that the Mandalorian leader was not in the Tower, and was confronted by Tey. They dueled until Jelavan intervened, wounding Tey with her brother's lightsaber. Gadon Thek, a swoop gang leader helping the Resistance, and Hierogryph arrived to evacuate them on Thek's swoop bike, but Tey became stuck and used her lightsaber to free herself. Perceiving this as a threat, the Snivvian prematurely detonated preset explosives, and Tey was killed in the destruction of the Tower. (Read more…)


Shel Jelavan

(Taken to FA by Green tentacle) (outside of project)

"I thought we had something."
"'We had something?' You killed my brother!
Zayne Carrick and Shel Jelavan[src]
Shel Jelavan was a Human female who lived in the Middle City of Taris prior to the Mandalorian Wars. She, along with her brothers Shad and Shay, was orphaned when her parents died in an accident. The family suffered a further loss when Shad, who had been training as a Jedi, was killed in the Padawan Massacre of Taris. The murders were blamed on Jelavan's friend, the former Padawan Zayne Carrick, and she became determined to see him pay for his crimes.

After the Mandalorian invasion of Taris, Jelavan joined the Taris Resistance and finally got her chance for vengeance when Jedi Master Raana Tey informed her that the fugitive Carrick was returning to Taris. Jelavan and Tey saw their opportunity to kill Carrick when he joined them on a mission to infiltrate the Jedi Tower in an attempt to assassinate the Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Cassus Fett. Jelavan intended to kill Carrick with her brother's lightsaber, but upon learning that it was Tey and the other members of the Jedi Covenant who killed her brother, stabbed the Jedi Master with the weapon, saving Carrick's life. Jelavan left Taris soon after, to take Constable Noana Sowrs's children safely to Alderaan. When she heard that Carrick was in trouble on the Mandalorian world of Jebble, she joined several of his friends in a mission to rescue him, and agreed to help him clear his name. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by Thefourdotelipsis) (outside of project)

"Now those Mandalorians know what it's like to be hunted! But now that you've killed some of them, they won't stop until you've defeated their leader. You must find him and kill him, too."
―Jon to Revan[src]
Jon was a farmer who lived on Dantooine near the Jedi Enclave with his daughter, Ilsa. Ilsa was killed by a group of Mandalorians in 3956 BBY due to her defiance against their assumed authority, and, in his rage, Jon demanded that the Jedi of Dantooine deliver justice. Inadvertently, that justice was delivered by the former Sith Lord Revan, who struck down the Mandalorians in self defense during his trials to become Zhar Lestin's Padawan. Appeased, Jon returned to his farm, and resumed work. (Read more…)


(Taken to FA by Fiolli) (outside of project)

"In a rare interview, the leader of the Jedi on Taris, Master Lucien Draay, spoke highly of the new class… The other Padawans include Kamlin, the Falleen responsible for the capture of P'den Robalt…"
―Excerpt from "Taris Pins Hopes on New Jedi Class" in the Taris Prime Edition Holofeed[src]
Kamlin was a female Falleen Padawan training at the Jedi Temple on Taris in the years following the Great Sith War. Trained initially on Dantooine at the Jedi Enclave, Kamlin was sent to Taris to study under Jedi Master Raana Tey, who was also a member of the Jedi Covenant and First WatchCircle, a group of Jedi who sought to prevent the rise of the Sith at any cost. Kamlin excelled and showed great promise during her time on Taris and was credited with capturing the criminal P'den Robalt. During her final trial as a Padawan, she successfully navigated the "Rogue Moon," a planetoid in the Taris system which orbited in contraflow through an asteroid field. She survived the perpetual bombardment after being dropped onto the surface and, with no ability to see, was able to reach her master who waited in meditation at a high place.

During their meditation, however, the Jedi Masters had a vision about their deaths which they supposed was due to the rise of a Dark Lord of the Sith. Through discussion, the masters connected their apprentices to the figure in the vision and decided to act. Aiming to prevent the rise of the Sith at any cost, they agreed to murder the Padawans and schemed to do so at their knighting ceremony. Kamlin had earned the privilege to be knighted and attended the banquet in honor of the graduates. Following the abrupt and destructive entry of fellow Padawan Zayne Carrick, she pitched in to help cover the damages to a large window and tables. She then showed up at the ceremony on time and began discourse with her masters. Initially, she was excited that her friend, Carrick, was to be knighted as well. She, however, sensed something amiss due to the masters' strong disapproval of Carrick. Pressed, the Jedi Masters hastened their plans and struck down the Padawans, pinning it on the late-arriving Carrick. Eventually, Carrick was cleared of Kamlin's murder. (Read more…)


Goethar Kleej

(Taken to FA by Nayayen)

Goethar Kleej
"The slavers supply the meat for the low-end duels—and when one of us gets big, it's the Franchise that cashes in. Goethar Kleej is their investment—and their product. They own everything I am."
―Goethar Kleej[src]
Goethar Kleej was a male Gotal who was kidnapped by Crucible slavers around the time of the Mandalorian Wars to compete in swoopdueling matches for the Franchise entertainment firm. Despite having his sensory cones severed by his abductors, Kleej performed well in training, and by 3963 BBY, he had won the Solo Aerials four times in succession. At the end of his fourth victory, he tried to tell the event's spectators about the slaving operations behind the Franchise, but a harmless pre-recorded speech was played over his words. The operator of the events, a Krish named Bardron, assaulted Kleej for attempting to expose the Franchise, but he later made an offer of retirement to Kleej provided that the Gotal and his son, Aubin, won the forthcoming Tandem Open event. Aubin was hindered by his inability to filter electromagnetic signals received through his cones, so he would be unlikely to progress without help. As Kleej would not be in the same round as his son until the final round, he intimidated fellow competitor Zayne Carrick into protecting Aubin. Father and son both advanced to the final round, where Carrick, now wanting to help Kleej, set in action a plan for them to escape. Deliberately crashing out of the arena, the Gotals were then smuggled out of the venue in a trash bin. Upon reaching the safety of the planet below, Kleej saw that one of Carrick's companions had been a Crucible slaver and fled with his son. (Read more…)

Exar Kun's lightsaber

(Taken to FA by Tommy9281)

"Double-bladed lightsaber of Exar Kun, fallen Jedi […] Extreme danger…do not remove from nullification resin…under…any…"
―Microtag identification of Exar Kun's lightsaber[src]
The lightsaber of Jedi Knight Exar Kun was a device that was initially created to produce a single beam of blue-white energy. However, upon his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith, Kun redesigned his lightsaber based on instructions hidden within an antiquated Sith holocron. The finished product was a double-bladed weapon imbued with dark side energy, from which sapphire blades materialized up to 1.5 meters from either end of the hilt.

Kun wielded the single-bladed version of his lightsaber during his time as a student of Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, and, with it, he earned a reputation as one of the galaxy's greatest lightsaber duelists. The modified, double-bladed saber that heralded his rise as Dark Lord of the Sith was revealed a year later, when Kun confronted and slew his former Master with it on the floor of the Galactic Senate Hall on Coruscant. With Kun's own defeat at the end of the Great Sith War, his lightsaber was lost on Yavin 4, only to be rediscovered decades later by an agent of a secret covenant of Jedi bent on the eradication of all things Sith. Quarantined and preserved for a time in the Sanctum of the Exalted on the planet Odryn, Kun's infamous lightsaber was among the Sith artifacts pillaged by the bounty-hunting Moomo Brothers, and it changed owners several times before it was eventually returned to the protection of the Jedi Council. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"I locked the door in here. I thought I was gonna be laigrek compost."
Laigreks were a non-sentient species of predatory insect native to the grassy Outer Rim world of Dantooine, where they infested the dark and dank subterranean areas of the planet. Possessing six legs, they bore black exoskeletons with red and white undersides. Their heads also sported a pair of horn-like protrusions, with bulges inset with a multitude of red eyes. Laigreks were not seen around Dantooine's Jedi Enclave prior to 3956 BBY, and only glimpsed five years after the Enclave had been bombarded by forces of the Sith Empire under Darth Malak during the height of the Jedi Civil War. They were known to live underground within the hilly regions that surrounded the former Jedi academy. However, in the wake of the bombardment, they began to infest the ruined academy's sublevel. During the time that the Khoonda outpost attempted to assert control of Dantooine, laigreks terrorized the salvagers trying to raid the Enclave for artifacts, often killing would-be treasure hunters. They occasionally ventured out of the Enclave's sublevel, though they left the surrounding territories to other creatures. (Read more…)

Little Bivoli

(Taken to FA by Nayayen)

"No really, this ship is a mess! It's a provisioning ship—for the military!"
―Marn Hierogryph[src]
The Little Bivoli was a Quartermaster-class supply carrier that served as a fringer provisioning ship for the Republic Navy until its destruction in 3963 BBY. It was stolen from its original owners on Ralltiir by the Trandoshan Slyssk, a former member of the pirate organization Raff Syndicate. He was hired by the Snivvian black marketeer Marn "Gryph" Hierogryph, a companion of the Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick—both accused of perpetrating the Padawan Massacre of Taris, where four of Carrick's fellow Padawans were killed by their Masters. When the ship left Ralltiir, it was contacted by the Republic Navy's Courageous battle group and ordered to join formation, as the supply carrier had served the fleet previously. The battle group jumped to hyperspace for Serroco, where it took part in a battle against the Mandalorians in the ongoing war between the Republic and the Mandalorians. Hierogryph continued the ship's provisioning role in order to make quick money and did so successfully with the Little Bivoli earning the reputation for being better than the Navy commissary. It was on Serroco that the Little Bivoli was destroyed when the Mandalorians bombarded the planet from orbit. (Read more…)

Calo Nord

(Taken to FA by Jedi Kasra)

"I have to give you credit. You led me on quite a chase. But nobody gets away from Calo Nord in the end."
―Calo Nord, to Revan — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
Calo Nord, a Human male, was an infamous bounty hunter who lived during the Jedi Civil War, a galaxy-spanning conflict initiated by the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Nord was sold into slavery by his mother and father at a young age. On his sixteenth birthday, he killed his slave masters and tracked down his parents, murdering them as well. A bounty was placed on Nord, but he eliminated every mercenary that pursued him. Once the attempts on his life ended, Nord murdered those who had placed the bounty and became a bounty hunter by trade, taking assignments from any party that paid. Nord occasionally worked for the Exchange criminal syndicate boss Davik Kang but had been also contracted by the Galactic Republic for operations in the Core.

During the final year of the Jedi Civil War, Nord was on the planet Taris for business with Kang while Malak, who had betrayed Revan and usurped control of the Sith Empire, and following the attack on the Republic vessel Endar Spire, he quarantined the planet in order to search for the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, who had become marooned on the Tarisian surface. Malak eventually ordered the planet's destruction in an attempt to kill Shan. When the Sith began to bombard Taris, Nord and Kang attempted to flee aboard Kang's freighter Ebon Hawk and caught Shan and her companions during their attempt to steal Kang's flagship. A firefight ensued, which ended when Nord was caught under falling debris and trapped. The bounty hunter was able to flee Taris and evade the devastation wrought by the Sith. He was subsequently hired by Darth Malak to track down Shan and capture her alive. Nord located Shan's companion, Revan—now a partially retrained Jedi Padawan—in the Eastern Dune Sea on the desert planet of Tatooine as he was searching for the ancient Rakatan space station known as the Star Forge. As Revan and his team exited some ancient ruins, the bounty hunter confronted Revan. Nord was overmatched by Revan and his companions, resulting in his death. (Read more…)


Mark VII experimental prototype assassin droid

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

Revan: "The droid went insane, you say?"
Sith Student: "Seems that way. They say its audio receptors became too sensitive and all the noise drove the droid nuts."
―A Sith student briefs Revan about the rogue assassin droid[src]
The Mark VII experimental prototype assassin droid, also referred to as the rogue assassin droid, or simply nicknamed Mark VII, was a droid that had been created to be the prototype for a series of assassin droid, to be manufactured by the Sith Empire based on the graveyard world of Korriban. Designed specifically to hunt and exterminate Jedi, the droid proved to be more than its designers could handle, escaping from their custody in a murderous rampage. Hiding itself within the burial chamber of Marka Ragnos's tomb, the droid built for itself a guard force of lesser battle droids, who attacked any would-be assailants that made too much noise. Eventually, the former Sith Lord Revan found the droid and, using a sound-dampening device, managed to re-tune the droid's audio sensors and deleting its assassination programing. Grateful for the help it had received, the droid quickly fled the planet for parts unknown. (Read more…)

Visas Marr

(Taken to FA by Cylka)

"My life for yours."
―Visas Marr, to the Jedi Exile[src]
Visas Marr was a Miraluka female from the Mid Rim world of Katarr who lived during the time of the Jedi Civil War and the period of unrest that followed in its wake. In 3952 BBY, Katarr had been chosen to host a secret Jedi conclave, which consequently drew the attention of the Sith. Darth Nihilus, one of the leaders of the Sith Triumvirate, brought devastation to the world, as well as the Jedi Order. He consumed all organic life on the planet, yet left Marr alive, albeit with damaged vision. She was taken aboard his flagship, the Ravager, and after she was made his apprentice, a Force bond was forged between the two. Afterward a servant of the dark side of the Force, she traveled with Nihilus beyond the Outer Rim. In 3951 BBY, Marr was dispatched into the galaxy to seek out a growing presence in the Force and bring its cause before Nihilus.

Marr found the center of the phenomenon she sought: a former Jedi, exiled by the Order before Nihilus's rise to power, who had returned to known space. She ambushed and challenged the exiled Jedi, who defeated Marr. Impressed by the Exile's abilities and the destiny that she perceived about her, Marr allowed herself to be swayed to the light. Forsaking her master, Nihilus, she became an informal apprentice to the Exile, teaching the elder ex-Jedi about the power of her Force-sensitive species. The Miraluka traveled with the Exile and aided in her endeavor to save the Jedi Order by locating those Jedi Masters who had been absent from the convocation. Later that year, Marr played an instrumental part in resolving the Battle of Telos IV, in which she met her former master in battle, and triumphed. In the process, she overcame the remaining shadows of her past, coming to terms with the destruction of her people. Soon afterward, the Exile confronted and defeated the two surviving members of the Triumvirate, Darth Traya and Darth Sion, at Malachor V, ending the Sith's program to eradicate the Jedi. Shortly before her death at the hands of the Exile, Darth Traya prophesied of Marr's return to Katarr and her pivotal role in rebuilding the Jedi Order. (Read more…)


Mission to Nar Shaddaa (First Jedi Purge)

(Taken to FA by Tm_T)

"Exchange causes big problems for boss Vogga. All freighters get hijacked when they leave. We think Exchange is doing this."
―Dock master Fassa[src]
A mission to the moon Nar Shaddaa was conducted by a Human female known as the Jedi Exile in 3951 BBY, and set off a series of conflicts between the local Exchange crime organization, the Hutt Vogga, and the Lost Jedi. The efforts of G0-T0, the elusive Exchange crime lord who controlled crime and economics in the Y'Toub system at the heart of Hutt Space, to bolster the Galactic Republic's infrastructure involved for some time preying on Vogga's business. G0-T0 believed that if the Republic relied on the Hutts for any resources whatsoever, the Hutts would bankrupt the Republic in the long run, and he felt it would help if the Hutts were occupied with him instead. Eventually, Vogga hired bounty hunters to stop G0-T0.

In the same year, the former Jedi Knight known as the Jedi Exile arrived on Nar Shaddaa in order to find a Jedi Master hiding on the moon and to pinpoint the source of the bounty on her head that had been set by G0-T0 earlier that year. When she was trapped by the Exchange, bounty hunters attacked the Jedi Exile, her companions, and G0-T0. The now imprisoned Exile was taken to G0-T0's cloaked yacht, the Visionary, in orbit of Nar Shaddaa. Her companions were able to infiltrate the yacht, and, while they were freeing the Jedi and attempting to escape from the starship, they led G0-T0's enemies straight to them. In the fight that ensued, the Jedi Exile and her companions escaped, and the Visionary was destroyed by several starfighters. The loss of his yacht meant an end of G0-T0's large-scale operations on Nar Shaddaa, thus passing the control of Hutt Space's crime-based economy from the Exchange back to the Hutts. (Read more…)


Celeste Morne

(Taken to FA by Tommy9281)

Celeste KOTORcover
"She's devoted, Zayne, not evil. Just like—"
"Just like you."
―Celeste Morne and Zayne Carrick[src]
Celeste Morne was a Human female Jedi Master serving the Jedi Covenant as a Shadow, an agency consisting of Jedi whose identities were erased from the Order's records. She dedicated herself to the Covenant's cause as a result of losing her home and family ties in the Great Sith War. In 3963 BBY the Covenant assigned Morne a mission to retrieve an ancient Sith artifact known as the Muur Talisman; created by a Sith Lord of the old Sith Empire, Karness Muur, the relic gave the wearer the power to control the mutant rakghoul creatures. Furthermore, Morne was tasked with bringing fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick to justice. Over the course of her mission, however, she came to doubt Carrick's culpability in the Padawan Massacre of Taris, for which he had been blamed by the members of the First WatchCircle of the Covenant.

As she fought through the obstructions to her mission, including the unexpected outbreak of the Rakghoul Plague on the planet Jebble and her own doubts about Carrick, Morne fell under the possession of the Muur Talisman. In order to protect the galaxy from herself, Morne allowed Carrick to seal her in Dreypa's Oubliette. She would remain there in stasis until 19 BBY, when the Sith Lord Darth Vader obtained the oubliette and released her. She emerged haunted by the spirit of Karness Muur and discovered that the Sith ruled the galaxy in the new era she found herself in. Enraged at this discovery, Morne dueled Vader and used the Muur Talisman to force him into retreat. For approximately nineteen years afterward she lived secluded on a desolate moon, until she was visited by a company of elite stormtroopers, all of whom she turned into rakghouls in a moment of temporary insanity. Soon after, Rebel Alliance leaders Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa conducted a mission to recover what they thought to be a secret Imperial weapon, but was in fact, Morne. She and her Sithspawn attacked Skywalker and Organa, who managed to barely escape with their lives. Abandoned on the moon, Morne was again left with only the spirit of Karness Muur, who tormented her.

After a hundred years—the nature of her bond with the talsiman endowing Morne with long life—Morne took control of the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Iron Sun and took it into the Deep Core, intending to hold Muur there forever. She then met bounty hunter Cade Skywalker, and after witnessing him cure himself of the rakghoul plague with the Force, Morne joined Skywalker in his plan to assassinate the current Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Krayt. Their quest took them to the planet Had Abbadon, where Morne allowed for the knowledge of Skywalker's presence in the Deep Core to reach Krayt. He arrived and battle ensued, ultimately resulting in Morne mortally wounding Krayt. With the Dark Lord finally eliminated, Morne focused on her own dilemma: the fear that the Sith spirit trapped inside her would soon dominate her completely. She asked Skywalker to free her of Muur's influence, and Skywalker obliged, killing her with his lightsaber. (Read more…)


Darth Nihilus

(Taken to FA by NaruHina)

"He is a wound in the Force, more presence than flesh, and in his wake life dies… sacrificing itself to his hunger."
―Visas Marr — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
Darth Nihilus ((pronounced /ˈnaɪ.ʌ-lɪʒ/)) was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the era of strife following the Jedi Civil War. Before becoming a Sith Lord, he lost everything during the Galactic Republic's war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. He survived the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator superweapon during the war's final battle at the planet of Malachor V, which surrounded the planet with a destructive spacial phenomenon known as a mass shadow. Experiencing the shadow that obliterated almost everything on and around the planet made Nihilus crave Force energy. The affliction painfully ravaged his body while rendering him a wound in the Force. He was found by a seeker of these, the Sith Lord Darth Traya, who told him that she could teach him to feed his endless hunger. He accepted her offer of apprenticeship at the Trayus Academy on Malachor V, and, over time, he became one of three concurrent Dark Lords of the Sith.

Together, they formed a triumvirate with Traya at its head and her other apprentice, Darth Sion, as the third member. The trio chose individual names for themselves, with Darth Nihilus becoming the Lord of Hunger. The apprentices grew in strength during their training and eventually overpowered their Master. Sion defeated Traya, while Nihilus sapped her energy, before the two Sith exiled her and combined their powers to sever her ties to the Force. Nihilus' affliction developed to the point where the Dark Lord was forced to call upon the dark side of the Force to encase his spirit within his mask and armor to stay alive. Sion and he then began a Jedi purge, causing the virtual extinction of the Jedi Order. Nihilus was responsible for the devastation of the planet Katarr in 3952 BBY, killing and absorbing the Force energy of the Jedi at the Conclave on Katarr along with every other living thing on the world save one Miraluka woman named Visas Marr. Marr was collected from the surface and Nihilus began to train her as his Shadow Hand.

One year later, Nihilus sensed a growing presence in the Force and sent Marr out to eliminate it. That presence was a female Jedi, Meetra Surik, who was on a quest to find the few Jedi Masters who had survived the Purge. When Marr attempted to assassinate the woman, Surik defeated her and convinced her to turn to the light side of the Force in the process. Although Nihilus returned to lurking the fringes of known space, the man was eventually tricked by Traya into initiating the Battle of Telos IV in an attempt to absorb a Jedi Academy that actually lacked any Force-sensitives aside from the headmistress. Nihilus met a large fleet comprised of Republic and Mandalorian forces at Telos that distracted him while his flagship, the Ravager, was secretly boarded by a small force consisting of Surik, Marr, Mandalore the Preserver, and his Mandalorians. The trio confronted and slew Nihilus in the ensuing duel while the Mandalorians rigged explosives that destroyed the ship. The Sith Lord's armor maintained his spirit and was collected for burial on the Sith homeworld of Korriban, where his soul could be contacted with a holocron of his own creation. (Read more…)


Shaela Nuur

(Taken to FA by Dark Lord Trayus)

"You will accomplish great things in your lifetime, Shaela Nuur, of that I am sure…just remember to always stay in the light. Always."
―Jedi Master Ood Bnar[src]
Shaela Nuur was a female Human who served as a Jedi Knight during the Great Sith War and its aftermath. Trained on the Jedi Order's library world of Ossus, Nuur became a strong and promising Knight under the tutelage of her Neti Jedi Master, Ood Bnar. Bnar eventually rewarded her with the Solari crystal, a powerful Force artifact that could be used in lightsabers, provided that the user was attuned to the light side of the Force. Nuur later lost both Bnar and Ossus during the Great Sith War when the planet was devastated by the Cron Supernova.

In the aftermath of the war, Nuur was selected to be a member of a team of Jedi assigned to tracking down and killing terentateks. The terentateks were ancient monsters reawakened by the instigator of the Great Sith War that were highly deadly to Jedi, as they fed on the blood of Force-sensitives. In what became known as the Great Hunt, Nuur cleansed numerous planets of the creatures alongside fellow Knights Duron Qel-Droma and Guun Han Saresh. Over the course of their hunts together, Nuur and Qel-Droma nurtured a growing romance that greatly upset a jealous Saresh. Following their cleansing of Tatooine, the Great Hunt was officially declared over; however, the Jedi Council of the Enclave on Dantooine dispatched the three to Korriban on an unofficial mission to rid the planet of any surviving terentateks.

While on Korriban, Nuur, Qel-Droma, and Saresh argued over the questionable acts that they had committed to find the beasts. The disagreement led to Saresh's departure, leaving only Nuur and Qel-Droma to hunt down the terentateks. As the two engaged one of the animals within a cave in the Valley of the Dark Lords, Qel-Droma was killed, leading a vengeful Nuur to hunt down the beast by herself. Upon finding it within the tomb of the Sith Lord Naga Sadow, Nuur was killed after the Solari crystal within her lightsaber stopped working, as she had fallen away from the light side of the Force. Her remains went untouched for decades until they were found forty years later by the Jedi Knight Revan during the Jedi Civil War. (Read more…)


Darth Malak

(Taken to FA by Jedi Kasra)

"There's nobody left who remembers who I was before. But they'll remember Malak. I'll make sure of that."
Darth Malak was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the Jedi Civil War. Before becoming a Sith Lord, Alek was born on the planet Quelii in the Outer Rim Territories. When the Mandalorians attacked his homeworld, he escaped the battle and fled to the Galactic Republic, whose immigration records assigned the name of his home village as his surname. He was trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order, and was nicknamed Squint by his fellow Jedi, before eventually becoming a Jedi Knight. During the Mandalorian Wars, Alek, Revan—his closest friend and fellow Jedi Knight—and their faction of Jedi disobeyed the Jedi Council and aided the Republic's war effort through scouting missions in the Outer Rim.

He befriended the Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick and, after taking the name "Malak" in order to avoid an arrest warrant issued by the Council, assisted Carrick in defeating the secretive Jedi Covenant. As the war progressed, Malak became a military general and gained a reputation as a headstrong warrior who recklessly charged into danger. Malak and Revan ultimately defeated the Mandalorians in the war's final battle at Malachor V, and pursued the surviving Mandalorians into the Unknown Regions. However, the two Jedi encountered the Sith Emperor of the reconstituted remnants of the ancient Sith Empire and fell to the dark side of the Force under his tutelage, becoming Sith Lords.

The newly christened Darth Malak and Darth Revan were given a mission by the Sith Emperor to find the Star Forge, an ancient Rakatan space station, which would help to destroy the Jedi Order and the Republic. Malak helped Revan track down the Star Maps that led to the Star Forge and, after finding the superweapon above Rakata Prime, Revan assumed the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak becoming his Sith apprentice. A year after their disappearance from known Republic space, the two founded their own Sith Empire, returned to the Republic, and declared war, determined to end the Jedi Order's supposed tyranny. At one point during the conflict that became known as the Jedi Civil War, Malak's entire jaw was removed by a lightsaber strike from Darth Revan, forcing him to wear a large metal prosthesis. A short time later, after the Jedi dispatched a strike team to capture Revan and Malak, the latter betrayed his Sith Master, ordering the guns of his flagship to fire on Revan's vessel. Convinced that his Master had died, Malak usurped Revan's mantle of Dark Lord and ruled the Empire unchallenged, brutally conquering territory after territory and taking the fallen Jedi Darth Bandon as his Shadow Hand.

It was not long until Malak was proven wrong about his beliefs regarding Revan's death. The following year, after destroying the planet Taris and razing the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, Malak intercepted Jedi Knight Bastila Shan and an amnesiac Revan, whose memories as the Dark Lord had been replaced with an identity loyal to the Republic by the Jedi Council. After Malak revealed to Revan his former identity as the Dark Lord, Shan allowed herself to be captured by Malak so that Revan could escape. Malak corrupted Shan, whom he had once considered a threat, and convinced her to become his apprentice, replacing Darth Bandon, whom Revan and his companions had previously killed. Now assisted by Shan's battle meditation, Malak considered his Sith Empire to be invincible. However, when the Republic fleet attacked the Star Forge, Revan—a redeemed and retrained Jedi—boarded the ancient superweapon and confronted Malak in a lightsaber duel that resulted in the Dark Lord's death. With that, Malak's reign as the Dark Lord ended, and the Republic eventually emerged victorious from the Jedi Civil War. (Read more…)


Carth Onasi

(Taken to FA by Solus) (outside of project)

"She was aided by Carth Onasi, a decorated war hero of the Republic and a legendary soldier. During the Mandalore Wars he was honored many times for his bravery."
Saul Karath[src]
Carth Onasi was a loyal soldier and an expert pilot in the Republic Naval Starfighter Corps. He served in the Mandalorian Wars, and after the war's end, planned to leave the service and return to his wife and son on Telos IV. However, tragedy struck and put an end to those plans when Revan and Malak turned on the Republic. During the war that followed, his wife was killed and his son abducted by the Sith in an attack commanded by his former mentor, Admiral Saul Karath.

During the Jedi Civil War, he played a crucial role in the search for the Star Forge, helping the reprogrammed Revan save Bastila Shan on Taris and piloting Revan and Shan across the galaxy in the Ebon Hawk. After the Battle of Rakata Prime, Carth was made an admiral in the Republic Navy and took a leading role in the Republic recovery effort, following Revan's orders to protect the Republic. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by Eyrezer) (outside of project)

"You've always said he was a buffoon, Master Feln."
―Oojoh on Zayne Carrick[src]
Oojoh was a male Ho'Din with green skin who lived in the period just after the Great Sith War of 4000 BBY. As a Force-sensitive, he was selected by the Jedi Order for training. Initially, he received this at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, before transferring to Taris along with four other trainees. There, he was apprenticed under the Feeorin Jedi Master Feln. He progressed through his training, constructing a lightsaber and bringing down the Leverby smuggling ring. As Oojoh and his companions neared the end of their training, they underwent a final test on the Rogue moon—a rock in an inner asteroid belt of the Taris system. There, he successfully traversed the terrain with only the Force to guide him, avoiding a multitude of meteors raining down from above.

However, Oojoh's promotion to Jedi Knight was not to be. While he and the other trainees were crossing the Rogue moon, their masters received a vision of the Galactic Republic crumbling due to the rise of the Sith. Determined to prevent such an occurrence, and led by elements of their vision to believe one of their Padawans would be responsible, the Masters agreed to kill their own Padawans. Shortly after returning to Taris, at a special ceremony ostensibly to announce the graduands, four of the five Padawans, including Oojoh, were massacred. The final remaining Padawan, Zayne Carrick, escaped, and was framed by the Masters. Eventually, however, he cleared his name, and Oojoh's family finally learned the truth behind his death. (Read more…)


Canderous Ordo

(Taken to FA by JethLordMaster)

"I think I need something more than killing and fighting in my life. I need a purpose or something like that."
―Canderous Ordo[src]
Canderous Ordo, later known as Mandalore the Preserver (Te Taylir Mand'alor in Mando'a), was a Mandalorian of Clan Ordo who fought in the Mandalorian Wars from 3976 BBY to 3960 BBY. While serving with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, he participated in several battles, earning significant glory and prestige with his bold tactics and leadership. Despite their many successes, the Mandalorians were decisively defeated by Republic forces under the command of the Jedi Knight Revan, and Ordo was among the survivors who were forced to give up their weapons in unconditional surrender. The Mandalorians scattered across the galaxy and Ordo began working as a mercenary, eventually settling on the planet Taris. Under the employ of local crime lord Davik Kang, Ordo encountered his former enemy, Revan, although Ordo did not recognize him, as Revan was suffering from amnesia and now served as a Republic soldier.

Having grown bored of his life as an enforcer and eager to seek new challenges, Ordo decided to join the Republic soldier and left Taris, traveling with Revan and his companions to Dantooine for a meeting with the local Jedi Council. Revan, who was retrained in the Jedi ways, was given the task of finding the location of the Star Forge, an ancient superweapon being used by Darth Malak's Sith Empire. Ordo accompanied Revan on his mission, confident that he would find new challenges along the way. Contributing his experience as a warrior and commander, Ordo helped Revan throughout his journey, content with having found a task worthy of his efforts. When Revan finally regained his memories and revealed his true identity, Ordo remained loyal and declared that he was proud to serve alongside such a formidable warrior. After Darth Malak was defeated and the Star Forge destroyed, Ordo, along with Revan and his companions, was honored by the Republic for his role in the conflict.

After the conflict, Ordo reclaimed the mask of Mandalore with Revan's help and became the first leader of the Mandalorians since their defeat in the war. Revan soon regained memories of a threat in the Unknown Regions and left known space, instructing Ordo to restore the strength of the Mandalorians in preparation for his return. Ordo then began the arduous task of reuniting the scattered clans and rebuilding their military power. While reestablishing the Mandalorians, Ordo encountered another former opponent from the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Exile. After learning that the Exile was being hunted by the Sith Triumvirate, Ordo decided to aid her in gathering the Jedi Masters who had survived the Sith assassination campaign in order to prevent the Sith from regaining their power. While traveling with the Exile, Ordo continued recruiting Mandalorian clans and was instrumental in helping the Exile defeat the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus. After the Exile eliminated the Sith Triumvirate, Ordo parted ways with her and awaited Revan's return from the Unknown Regions, keeping the Mandalorians ready for war. (Read more…)


Raid on the Sith Embassy

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"So you're the one who's going to try to get into the Sith base, eh?"
―Republic technician to Revan[src]
The Raid on the Sith Embassy was a mission that was carried out during the Jedi Civil War by Revan, the former Dark Lord of the Sith, and his companions. Infiltrating the Sith Empire's Embassy in Ahto City on the neutral Outer Rim world of Manaan, the team was tasked with retrieving the encrypted data module from within a disabled Republic submersible probe droid. During the course of the raid, Revan located a number of missing Selkath youth, convinced them to abandon the Sith, and obtained a detailed layout of Darth Malak's plan to conquer the planet. The mission was ultimately a success; however, although the data was retrieved, Revan was put on trial by the Selkath authorities. By revealing the plans of the Sith, however, all charges were dropped and he was freed from their custody. (Read more…)

Atton Rand

(Taken to FA by Solus) (outside of project)

"In the end, she sacrificed herself to keep my secret, to prevent the Sith from knowing about that touch of the Force inside me. She wasted her life to save me. Me."
―Atton, on the last Jedi he killed as a Sith.[src]
Atton Rand, nicknamed "Jaq," was a pilot, and one of the Lost Jedi, who helped the Jedi Exile defeat the Sith Triumvirate. He joined the Galactic Republic military and fought loyally under Revan in the Mandalorian Wars. He defected to Revan's side when the Jedi Knight became the Dark Lord of the Sith. While under Revan, he was put through intense combat training to make him an effective Jedi hunter. His job was to capture Jedi so that Revan and his acolytes could attempt to convert them into loyal Sith by means of torture, manipulation, and on pain of death. However, when a female Jedi prisoner revealed that he was Force-sensitive and that he would likely be subjected to such treatment himself, he went into hiding on Nar Shaddaa. (Read more…)


(Taken to FA by Solus) (outside of project)

"The hunger that fills this vessel… it is power… but it consumes without end."
Tobin — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
The ship was destroyed in the Mandalorian Wars over Malachor V, then crushed by the weight of the Mass Shadow Generator built by Bao-Dur. However, Nihilus tore the ship from the gravity well, along with the rest of his fleet, and used it as his flagship in his search for a world with which to satisfy his eternal hunger. The ship barely held together, being maintained only by the Sith Lord's will, who kept only the barest of life support systems intact to sustain himself, his soldiers, and the Force-zombies under his control. It was destroyed in 3951 BBY by the Jedi Exile, with Mandalorian assistance, after the Dark Lord's death. (Read more…)

Rescue of Bastila Shan

(Taken to FA by Fiolli) (outside of project)

"I believe Bastila was on one of the escape pods that crashed down here on Taris. For the sake of the Republic war effort, we have to try and find her."
Carth Onasi[src]
Bastila Shan was rescued as part of a compulsory mission during the Jedi Civil War that was thrust upon Revan and Carth Onasi due to the attack on the Republic cruiser Endar Spire. Shan was a Jedi in command of the Endar Spire with Onasi, a former pilot, acting as an advisor. Revan—at the time of the attack was unaware of his history as former Dark Lord of the Sith—was also stationed on the vessel as a common soldier. During the attack, Shan's lifepod vanished somewhere on the surface of Taris. After crashing in the Tarisian Upper City themselves—and knowing the importance of Shan to the Republic war effort—Revan and Onasi sought to find her. Eventually, the pair traveled into the Lower City, where they met the young Twi'lek Mission Vao, and her partner, the Wookiee Zaalbar. Through this encounter, Revan and Onasi were directed to the Hidden Bek Base and spoke with the leader of the Hidden Beks swoop gang, Gadon Thek. Thek informed the pair that Shan had been captured by the Black Vulkars, a rival swoop gang led by Brejik, and was being held as prisoner. He added that the Human gang leader, once Thek's protegé, planned to offer Shan as the prize for the Tarisian Season Opener, the first major swoop race of the season.

Gadon Thek offered Revan the chance to race in the Season Opener—thereby winning Shan's freedom—if he retrieved a prototype accelerator that the Vulkars had stolen. Accepting the deal, Revan and Onasi proceeded into the Undercity to enter the Black Vulkar Base. Thek suggested that Vao be of service due to her advanced knowledge of the Undercity sewers. She agreed to assist Revan if Zaalbar, who had been recently captured, could be rescued from Gamorrean slavers. Revan agreed to the barter, and the trio proceeded into the sewers. After freeing Zaalbar, Vao helped Revan get into the Black Vulkar base, where the party found the prototype accelerator, but a firefight ensued to acquire it. Successful, the party returned the engine to Gadon Thek and Revan was allowed to compete in the Season Opener. After Revan won the race, Brejik called foul and claimed that the prize would not be given over to the winner. Brejik and his comrades then initiated a brawl, but were defeated by Revan and Shan.

Due to his newly acquired fame, Revan was approached by Canderous Ordo about fleeing Taris. If Revan could steal the blockade codes from the Sith Military Base, then Ordo would provide a ship to leave the planet. Revan agreed, but needed assistance in breaching the security system of the base. Ordo told Revan to acquire T3-M4 from Janice Nall at his request and, with the droid's help, Revan broke into the base and stole the launch codes after a duel with the Force-sensitive Sith Governor. With the codes in hand, Revan and Ordo proceeded to the estate of crime lord Davik Kang to steal his flagship, the Ebon Hawk. Revan and his team commandeered the ship and, having successfully rescued Bastila Shan, fled the planet surface as the Destruction of Taris commenced. (Read more…)


Restoration Zone

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"I always feel a sense of calm when I walk the surface of Telos. The Ithorians are truly amazing in their work."
―Bao-Dur describes one of the Restoration Zones[src]
The term Restoration Zone referred to one such zone in a network of similar areas that were erected during the Telosian Restoration Project on Telos IV, which was begun at the behest of Galactic Republic Supreme Chancellor Cressa in 3955 BBY. The project itself was overseen by a herd of Ithorians, led by Chodo Habat, in the years following the Jedi Civil War. Under their careful management the zones prospered at first. However, once Czerka Corporation began to take over the operating of various zones, utilizing a combination of legal maneuvering and outright thuggery, they began to fall under mismanagement and disrepair. Eventually, due to the intervention of the Jedi Exile and her companions, the project was able to get back on its feet. In the years that followed, the restoration efforts ultimately succeeded, the zones were dismantled, and the once-beautiful surface of Telos was restored. (Read more…)

Darth Revan's Sith Holocron

(Taken to FA by Jedi Kasra)

"I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Those who use the dark side are also bound to serve it. To understand this is to understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith. The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must seek power above all else, with no reservation or hesitation. The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish."
―Darth Revan's avatar, to Darth Bane[src]
Constructed by the Dark Lord of the Sith Revan during the Jedi Civil War, Darth Revan's Sith Holocron contained the Sith Lord's teachings on the dark side of the Force, and his knowledge of ancient Sith rituals. It included instructions on how to use the Force power known as the thought bomb, and the lessons from the Holocron focused on the user coveting the dark side and the importance of a Sith Master training one apprentice at a time. Following Darth Revan's redemption and the end of the Jedi Civil War, the Sith holocron remained hidden within the Temple of the Ancients on the planet Rakata Prime.

Three millennia later, the Sith Lord Darth Bane rediscovered Darth Revan's Holocron inside the Rakatan temple and extensively studied the teachings contained inside. Bane copied the Holocron's contents and destroyed the artifact when its power source ceased to work. Bane went on to purge the ruling Sith regime, creating his own Sith Order using the teachings from Darth Revan's Holocron. Bane later transcribed Darth Revan's knowledge into the Telos Holocron, which was eventually studied by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and later the New Jedi Order. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by Exiledjedi)

"You are marked, upworlder. Even my dim old eyes can see the mantle of destiny that cloaks you. Perhaps old Rukil knows you better then you know yourself."
―Rukil, to Revan[src]
Rukil was a Human male who lived in an Outcast village, located in the Undercity of the planet Taris, from around the year 4056 BBY up until the time of the Jedi Civil War. By this time, he had lived a large portion of his life in the village as an Outcast. Rukil was condemned to live forever in the bedrock levels of the ecumenopolis with his father and grandfather sometime around 4,056 BBY because of their part in a rebellion against the wealthy nobles that ruled Taris. There, Rukil's father and grandfather began searching for the Promised Land, a rumored paradise underneath the Undercity with droids to care for all of their needs. After both his father and grandfather disappeared, Rukil continued the quest of searching for the fabled paradise so that he could lead his fellow Outcasts to a better life. As the years went by, however, fewer of the Outcasts believed his tales of the Promised Land. By the time the village was being led by a male Human named Gendar around the year 3956 BBY, Rukil's apprentice, Malya, was the only one who truly believed him. She continued his field work because he was too old to do it himself. By this date, Rukil was over a hundred years old and was referred to by the younger Outcasts as "Rukil Wrinkle-Skin."

Around this time, Malya went missing while searching for the Promised Land. After she had been missing for some time, Rukil asked the amnesiac former Sith Lord Revan for help in finding his lost apprentice during Revan's search for the Jedi Bastila Shan. Revan located Malya's corpse and brought back her journal, which had recorded her findings, to Rukil. After deciding that Revan was trustworthy, Rukil told him of the history of the Outcasts as well as his search for the Promised Land. Rukil then requested that Revan search for the journals of his father and grandfather and bring them back to him. Revan did as Rukil asked, and Rukil was able to discover the location of the Promised Land. Rukil showed the evidence to Gendar, who finally believed Rukil and set out to prepare the Outcasts for the long journey. After telling Gendar the information, Rukil gave Revan his thanks and a final farewell before the Outcasts departed for the Promised Land. (Read more…)


S-100 Stinger-class starfighter

(Taken to FA by Graestan)

S-100 Stinger-class starfighter
"I like my little Stinger."
―Shoaneb Culu[src]
The S-100 Stinger-class starfighter was a single-seat fighter produced by Corellian Engineering Corporation before, during, and after the Great Sith War of 3997 BBY. Measuring 11.5 meters in length, the hyperdrive-equipped craft was used by the Jedi Order, the navy of the Galactic Republic, and civilian purchase. Armed with laser cannons and proton torpedo launchers, and minimally shielded, the S-100 was considered lightly armed, but was said to make up for its defensive shortcomings with its high speed and maneuverability superior to most other starfighters of its time. Despite the introduction of other craft, the Stinger remained the mainstay of the Jedi, who used it in conflicts against the Krath during the Sith War and afterward, until the introduction of the Aurek tactical strikefighter before the Mandalorian Wars of 3976 BBY. Even then, the fighter remained in production, and was preferred by planetary defense forces. (Read more…)


(Taken to FA by Jedi Kasra)

«I must apologize for doubting you. The Sith are truly as evil as you have claimed. […] We thank you, human, for showing us the truth. You have saved us from a terrible mistake. Quickly, my friends—we can stay here no longer. We must flee this foul embassy and warn our people against the plot to corrupt the Manaan youth.»
―Shasa, to Revan[src]
Shasa was a Force-sensitive Selkath female who lived during the Jedi Civil War, a conflict initiated by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan and his Sith apprentice, Darth Malak. In the war's final year, Shasa and other Selkath youth were lured into the Sith Empire's Embassy on the Selkath homeworld of Manaan by an Iridonian mercenary. Shasa and her friends joined the Sith, who brainwashed them. The Selkath learned the ways of the dark side under the Embassy's Unidentified Dark Jedi Master.

Shasa encountered the former Sith Lord Revan, who had been captured and retrained by the Jedi Order, during his raid on the Sith Embassy. Revan, who infiltrated the Embassy on behalf of Shasa's father Shaelas, tried to convince Shasa and the other Selkath to leave the Embassy. However, they refused to believe the amnesiac Jedi without evidence. After Revan proved to Shasa and her friends that the Sith were corrupting them only to gain Manaan's healing agent, kolto, Shasa and the Selkath forsook the dark side and left the Embassy. Following Malak's death at a redeemed Revan's hands in the Jedi Civil War's final battle, Shasa founded an order of Force adepts that survived for close to four thousand years. (Read more…)


Darth Sion

(Taken to FA by Lord Hydronium) (outside of project)

"Yes…of pain he has learned much. Of knowledge, of teaching, he knows nothing."
Kreia — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
Darth Sion, the Lord of Pain, was a Sith Lord who lived in the time of the Old Sith Wars. As a Sith Marauder in the Great Sith War, Sion fought for Exar Kun's Sith Empire until the day he was struck down. Rather than die, though, Sion found that by calling on his pain, anger, and hatred, he could rise from certain death and achieve immortality, at the cost of all-consuming agony. With a body fractured and decomposing, but held together by the dark side of the Force, Sion survived the Great Sith War.

Sion allied himself with the next Sith Empire to arise in the galaxy, that of Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Those Sith, too, fell, and he watched from the Sith Academy on Korriban as the Empire tore itself apart. Sion soon found new purpose with Darth Traya and Darth Nihilus, a pair of Sith Lords who together with Sion formed the Sith Triumvirate, dedicated to restoring the Sith and eliminating the Jedi. In their headquarters on Malachor V, Sion served as Traya's disciple. Eventually, frustrated with her teachings, he and Nihilus stripped her of the Force and cast her out. The two ruling Sith Lords went on to reunite most of the surviving Sith remnants and continue their war on the Jedi, with great success.

With the Jedi all but eliminated, Sion took notice of a new Jedi returning to known space, the Jedi Exile of the Mandalorian Wars. His attempt to kill her was thwarted by Traya, who managed to get the Exile to Peragus II. Sion followed in a captured Republic ship, the Harbinger, but the Exile and her companions escaped once more. He encountered her again at Korriban, but beginning to feel strange new feelings for her, he let her escape. Traya eventually betrayed the Exile and returned to take command of the Sith and Sion. Sion awaited the Exile on Malachor V; in their final battle he was struck down again and again, but rose each time. The Exile showed Sion the price he paid for immortality, convincing him to let go, and the Sith Lord at last allowed himself to die. (Read more…)


Sith magic

(Taken to FA by Tommy9281) (outside of project)

Naga Sadow WotC
"So that's the energy we've been feeling—Sith magic, a power with all the corrupting influence of the dark side of the Force!"
―Wedge Antilles[src]
Traditionally, Sith magic, also known as Sith sorcery, was an arcane expression of Force ability first developed and practiced by the original Sith species through which they manipulated the power of the dark side. The very name of the Sith was adopted by the Dark Jedi Exiles of the Hundred-Year Darkness, who combined Sith mysticism with their own experiments into dark side power to create even more strange rituals and alchemical sciences. Sith magic, while as much a part of the dark side as endowments like Force lightning, was accessible only to those Force-sensitives who possessed an intrinsic relationship with the dark side. Through the recitation of spells, execution of hand gestures, and or the handling of various artifacts, darksiders were able to channel the raw power of the Force's malignant side to warp minds, alter the environment, and obliterate whatever obstacles stood in their way. Males who achieved mastery were known as Sith sorcerers, mages, magicians, or wizards, while females who practiced Sith sorcery were referred to as Sith sorceresses or witches.

Sith magic was prevalent among the citizens of the ancient Sith Empire, and its disciplines were adhered to throughout the span of galactic history, predating even the inception of the longstanding Galactic Republic. Its effectiveness in battle was realized during the Great Hyperspace War of 5000 BBY, up to and beyond the Great Sith War a thousand years later. Proponents of Sith magic revived its practice briefly during the New Sith Wars, but it became something of an oddity following the reformation of the Republic in 1000 BBY. By then, a lone Sith apprentice was its only active student. Still, the allure of Sith magic survived through the fall of the Republic in 19 BBY and the subsequent Galactic Civil War, and curious Force-sensitives learned to harness its power from obscure temples on long-forgotten planets and moons. By 137 ABY, the magic of the Sith was studied by the foremost loremasters of Darth Krayt's One Sith Order. (Read more…)


Skirmish aboard the Leviathan

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

Leviathan Ebon Hawk
Carth: "Sith interdictor ship! They must have been waiting for us in the hyperspace route! We're caught in their tractor beam!"
Bastila: "Do you recognize the ship?"
Carth: "It's the Leviathan. Saul Karath's vessel. My old mentor."
―Bastila and Carth as the Ebon Hawk is detained[src]
The skirmish that took place aboard the Interdictor-class cruiser Leviathan was one of the key events of the Jedi Civil War. Occurring not long before the end of that conflict, it saw the crew of the Ebon Hawk captured by the Sith Empire's flagship. In a daring bid for escape, the party arranged for one of their number to become separated from the rest, in an effort to break free of the Sith troopers holding them in order to rescue the rest of the crew. Once free of their cells, the party split up; Revan, Bastila Shan, and Carth Onasi made their way to the ship's bridge to activate and open the vessel's hangar deck, while the others went down to the hangar in order to secure the Ebon Hawk before the arrival of Darth Malak.

Battling their way through the command deck to the bridge, Revan, Bastila and Carth encountered the former Galactic Republic Admiral Saul Karath, who was accompanied by a number of Dark Jedi and Sith troops. Declining the commander of the Sith fleet's offer to accept their surrender, the party fought Karath and his bodyguards, overcoming them and the admiral. Dying, he revealed to his former protégé, Carth, the true nature of his companion's identity; with Darth Malak approaching, however, there was no time to explain everything, and the party swiftly headed back for the Hawk, which by then had been secured and prepped for flight. However, they were not quick enough, and were intercepted by the Sith Lord, who confirmed Revan's identity as the former Dark Lord of the Sith before engaging his old master in a lightsaber duel. In an effort to ensure the successful escape of her companions, however, Bastila intervened, distracting Malak long enough for the rest of the crew to board their vessel and flee the Sith warship. (Read more…)


Star Map

(Taken to FA by Fiolli) (outside of project)

"You must not fail in your mission. Find the Star Maps that lead to the Star Forge. This is the only way to stop Malak and his Sith followers. You and Bastila are the galaxy's last, desperate hope."
Vandar Tokare, to Revan, after being redeemed[src]
Star Maps were artifacts left behind by the ancient Rakatan Infinite Empire. Constructed of a self-sustaining technology that was imbued with and drew upon the dark side of the Force, these Star Maps were fabricated to be monuments to the glory of the Rakatan Empire. Originally, each Map indicated the precise location of the Infinite Empire's greatest achievement: the Star Forge, a factory of immense proportions. Through intentional sabotage from the retreating Rakata as their empire fell, much of the information contained within the Star Maps was lost. Over time, however, the Maps repaired themselves as designed, allowing those who sought the information contained within to piece together their full contents from multiple Maps. The most complete known example, as of the Mandalorian Wars, was located on Dantooine. This Map was housed in an ancient temple built by Rakatan slaves and protected by a set of droids, including one designed for informational purposes.

During the close of the Mandalorian Wars, the fallen Jedi Revan sought out the Maps, traveling to at least five planets in order to fully uncover their secrets. After piecing together all the information, Revan and his apprentice Malak found and took control of the Star Forge. With the massive space station and factory under their command, the newly proclaimed Sith Lords created an immense fleet with which to conquer a Galactic Republic that was still recovering from the Mandalorian onslaught. During the Jedi Civil War, Revan was captured and nearly killed. After being retrained at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, the mindwiped Revan was charged with once again completing the quest of accessing each Star Map in order to combat the continued expansion of the Sith Empire. After piecing together the fragmented information, he and his companions set out for the Lehon system in order to finally destroy the Star Forge. (Read more…)


Star Saber XC-01 starfighter

(Taken to FA by Graestan)

Star Saber XC-01 starfighter
"Listen, I can handle a Star Saber. Just push the stick a little early…and use the Force! I can fly it!"
―Dace Diath[src]
The Star Saber XC-01 starfighter was an experimental fighter produced by Republic Fleet Systems, and tested by Jedi pilots during the Great Sith War. Long, sleek craft, the single-seat starfighters nonetheless were equipped with hyperdrives. Although the ships were capable of swift acceleration, their low maneuverability-to-speed ratio and slow control stick reaction gained them a reputation as dangerous and unwieldy craft. Heavy blaster cannons and deflector shields gave the Star Saber more offensive and defensive capabilities than contemporary fighters, however, and the Galactic Republic pressed the craft into service despite their design flaws. From their initial combat mission against the Krath stronghold of Cinnagar until the retirement of their line with the advent of the Aurek tactical strikefighter, the Star Saber was largely flown by Jedi, who could compensate by using the Force for the fighter's design flaws, which were never corrected. (Read more…)

Telos IV

(Taken to FA by Cylka)

"You, me, my herd, helped to build that, the life of the planet. Though we describe the restoration as a process, we are, in truth, opening Telos to the Force."
―Chodo Habat to the Jedi Exile[src]
Telos IV, often called simply Telos, was the fourth world within the Telos system, located in the Outer Rim Kwymar sector. Situated on the strategically-important Hydian Way hyperlane, on the edge of Galactic Republic-controlled space, the Telosian military and economic power bases were considered vital to the survival of the Republic. In addition, the planet played host to the Agricultural Corps, where Jedi who had failed their training were sent to work as farmers and laborers. During one of the earliest battles of the Jedi Civil War, Telos was devastated by forces of the Sith Empire. Under orders from Darth Malak, former Republic Admiral Saul Karath demanded the planet's surrender; upon being rebuffed, he carried out his orders to bombard the surface. Soon after, the Jedi Order, fearful of an attack on the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine and the possible loss of many valuable relics, chose Telos as the site for a secret Jedi academy and repository. This academy was eventually taken over by the Jedi Master Atris, from where she hoped to rebuild the shattered Order.

In the year 3955 BBY, at the behest of Republic Supreme Chancellor Cressa, Telos was chosen as the first planet to undergo a Republic-sponsored restoration effort. This initiative, if successful, would pave the way for the restoration of other planets that had been ravaged during the recent Mandalorian Wars and the conflict wrought by Darths Revan and Malak. The Telosian Restoration Project called for the construction of Citadel Station, an immense space station that orbited the planet, to implement the restoration process. Overseen by the Telosian Council, the Ithorian herd of Chodo Habat was chosen to manage the project. Telos and Citadel Station played a crucial part in the Jedi Exile's mission to end the First Jedi Purge, when the station was attacked by Sith forces under Darth Nihilus. In the wake of the battle, the Sith Triumvirate was defeated; this resulted in the eventual stabilization of the Republic. Due in part to the Exile's efforts, the Restoration Project was ultimately successful, and Telos once again became a lush planet, with many Sacred Places and national parks that drew tourists from throughout the galaxy.

In the final century of the Republic, Telos was a politically significant world, noted for its natural beauty and thriving tourist trade, in addition to the numerous business interests that eagerly established contracts and treaties with the Telosian government. In 53 BBY, the Governor of Telos, a wealthy citizen by the name of Crion, secretly sought to annex a neighboring planet for its valuable minerals and factories. Recruiting his son, the former Jedi Xanatos, as a co-conspirator, a grievous civil war was started by the duo after the Telosian populace was alerted to the scheme, and as a result Crion was slain. Nine years later, Xanatos—having convinced the Telosians of his and his father's innocence—sought to industrialize the natural resources of Telos in a bid for personal power. His plan was foiled and rather than face judgment for his crimes, Xanatos took his own life. During the Galactic Civil War, Telos, along with other planets within Kwymar sector, rebelled against the Galactic Empire. During the Kwymar Suppressions that followed, Telos was once again attacked, ending with an Imperial victory. (Read more…)


Telosian Jedi Academy

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

Telos polar
"Yes, it bears the semblance of an academy… but where are all the students? Curious."
―Kreia, referring to the Telosian Jedi Academy[src]
The Telosian Jedi Academy was founded by the Jedi Master Atris during the Jedi Civil War, in the wake of the Attack on Dantooine when the Jedi Enclave there was sacked by the Sith Empire. The Academy was hidden within a large plateau in the polar region of Telos IV, which had been used to house the Telos Polar Irrigation System. The irrigation facility had been abandoned in the wake of the Bombing of Telos IV in 3959 BBY, during the early stages of the war, providing a measure of secrecy and security for the Academy. Though it never housed any students, the Academy did play host to a large number of Sith holocrons that Atris had managed to collect, along with many Jedi- and Sith-related relics. Among the collection were various materials of learning that had been saved from the Enclave on Dantooine prior to its destruction at the hands of Darth Malak.

Five years after the end of the Jedi Civil War, the Academy still stood largely empty, save for Atris and the Echani Handmaiden Sisters who served her. That same year, the Jedi Exile, who had been fleeing the Sith at Peragus II, ended up on Telos' Citadel Station aboard the Ebon Hawk. When Atris had the ship brought to the Academy, the Exile, accompanied by her companions, Kreia, Atton Rand and Bao-Dur, followed the trail of evidence that pinpointed the Hawk's location, thereby discovering the Academy. Once there, the Exile met with Atris to discuss current events before disembarking to find a number of other Masters who had been presumed missing. (Read more…)


Raana Tey

(Taken to FA by Darth Culator)

"My, you do dance with the dark side, don't you?"
Lucien Draay[src]
Raana Tey was a Togruta female and one of the five Jedi Masters implicated in the Padawan Massacre of Taris. Tey maintained a reputation among the Jedi Order as being intense and untamed due to her individualism in combat, in no small part caused by her Togruta background. However, Tey was a victim of nightmares and headaches as a result of her natural Force sensitivity. Only after coming under the tutelage of Jedi Master Krynda Draay was she able to cope with these terrors.

Dedicated to her training, Tey became a Sage Master and member of the First WatchCircle of the Jedi Covenant, later teaching Kamlin, a Falleen girl. However, the WatchCircle's devotion to preventing the rise of the Sith again led to a vision of a Sith Lord, and so the members struck down each of their own Padawans during their Knighting ceremony with the exception of Zayne Carrick, on whom the Covenant would lay blame for the murders, resulting in a galaxy-wide chase. As a result of murdering her own apprentice, Tey's sanity began to erode as her headaches and nightmares turned for the worse and the WatchCircle she had grown to depend on for support was dissolved by the Jedi High Council.

Tey worked relentlessly to find Carrick and his companions as she hired bounty hunters and turned old friends against the fugitive Padawan. It wasn't until the siege on Taris by the Mandalorians that she finally confronted him once again. Though forced to work with him due to the resistance that had risen up against the Mandalorians, she soon attacked Carrick inside the Jedi Tower, fighting him to a standstill before she was stabbed in the back by Shel Jelavan, and finally killed when the Tower exploded. (Read more…)


Jorak Uln

(Taken to FA by Jedi Kasra)

Uln infobox
"You're a madman!"
"Ahhh, what's a little mental instability between tutor and pupil?"
―Revan and Jorak Uln[src]
Jorak Uln was a Human male Sith Master who served as the headmaster of the Sith Academy on the planet Korriban for some time. During the Great Sith War, Uln was a Sith acolyte under the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun. Sometime after Kun's Sith Empire was defeated by the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, Uln became the headmaster of Korriban's Sith Academy, eventually taking the humanoid Uthar Wynn as his Sith apprentice. In 3959 BBY, when the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Malak initiated the Jedi Civil War, Uln swore allegiance to their Sith Empire and trained many of Revan and Malak's Dark Jedi.

Eventually, Uln grew mentally unstable and was driven out of the Academy by Wynn, who usurped his position as the Academy's headmaster. Uln took up residence in the tomb of the ancient Sith Lord Tulak Hord, located in the Valley of the Dark Lords. In the Jedi Civil War's final year, Uln encountered Revan—now a retrained Jedi Padawan—during the Jedi's quest to find the Rakatan Star Forge space station, which was under the control of the reigning Dark Lord, Darth Malak. The Sith Master trapped Revan and his companions inside Tulak Hord's tomb, and tested the Jedi's knowledge of the Sith ways while torturing him and the Sith student Mekel. When Uln's test concluded, Revan and his companions joined forces with Mekel and slew the Sith Master. (Read more…)


Upper City Cantina

(Taken to FA by Goodwood)

"You aren't from Taris, are you? Do yourself a favor and stay away from the Tarisian ale—it packs more kick than most off-worlders can handle."
―Tarisian patron[src]
The Upper City Cantina was a drinking and dining establishment located in the Upper City of the Outer Rim ecumenopolis of Taris. The cantina was a place where many Tarisians, including nobles, local merchants, pazaak players, and well-off spacers, enjoyed the galaxy-famous Tarisian ale, as well as the famous dueling ring located there. During the Sith Empire's occupation of that world at the height of the Jedi Civil War, many off-duty Sith troopers and officers from the nearby Tarisian Military Base frequently visited the establishment along with its regular customers and offworlders trapped on the planet because of the quarantine, which was aimed at preventing the escape of Bastila Shan. While in search of a way to rescue the missing Jedi, Galactic Republic officer Carth Onasi and the amnesiac former Dark Lord of the Sith Revan visited the cantina in hopes of gathering information on Taris. The establishment, along with much of the surface of Taris, was destroyed as a result of the orbital bombardment of the planet that had been ordered by Darth Malak. (Read more…)

Undercity sewers

(Taken to FA by Imperialles)

Taris sewers
"It can be pretty nasty down there."
―Mission Vao[src]
The Undercity sewers referred to a sewer complex on Taris not far from the Undercity. While originally meant to serve as a sewage disposal system for the surrounding high-rise buildings, criminal elements from the lower levels of the planet started seeping in due to a lack of supervision by the city authorities. By 3956 BBY, the complex housed both a group of Gamorrean slavers and dozens of rakghouls, both factions preying on passers-by.

When the amnesiac Sith Revan entered the sewers searching for the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, he was forced to cut his way through droves of the area's inhabitants, which led to a drastic decrease in the population of the sewers. It is likely that the sewer system was damaged or destroyed in Darth Malak's subsequent orbital bombing of the planet. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by AdmirableAckbar) (outside of project)

Xamar Vindication Part 1
"I can sssee the future, you know. I just had to quit looking at the wrong one."
Xamar was a male Khil trained as a Jedi by Krynda Draay following the Great Sith War, who later took part in the Padawan Massacre of Taris. After being discovered to be Force-sensitive as a youth, he was taken to the Draay Estate on Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi Consular, along with a group of other talented students. Together, this group's abilities were far greater than the sum of their parts, and their teacher, Krynda Draay, believed they were the group she had prophesied would vanquish the threat of the Sith. After completing their training, Xamar and the others were inducted into the secret, cabalistic Jedi Covenant, and formed the First WatchCircle, though he spent some time serving with both the Republic Fleet and the navy of his homeworld. Early in the Mandalorian Wars, the First WatchCircle took on a group of Padawans on Taris, with Xamar training a Nagai named Gharn.

However, the WatchCircle had a vision of one of the Padawans turning to the dark side and slaying them all, and they decided to kill each of their Padawans to prevent it from happening. Xamar was far more cautious about the massacre than his peers, but ultimately slew Gharn with his lightsaber. One of the Padawans, Zayne Carrick, escaped, and the WatchCircle made him a scapegoat for the murders, but was unable to apprehend him. After Carrick killed Covenant members Raana Tey and Feln, the WatchCircle's leader, Lucien Draay, assigned Xamar to Republic Admiral Saul Karath's flagship, Courageous, to try to prevent Carrick from reaching Coruscant and exposing the Covenant to the Jedi Order proper. In Xamar's earlier vision, he had been killed by friendly fire while aboard a Republic ship; rather than waiting to meet his fate, he decided to take the initiative and make his own luck. He fled the Republic ship, captured Carrick personally, and presented him to the Jedi Council. Xamar confessed to killing the Padawans and supplied the Council with information on the Covenant. Enacting a plan formulated by Xamar and the Council, the Khil took Carrick to the Draay Estate, pretending to have captured him by force, though things went awry, and his plot was foiled by Krynda's retainer, Haazen. A force of Jedi Knights supplied by the Council arrived, and Xamar clashed blades with a number of Covenant members before fleeing outside. There, he was killed when an overhead Republic ship fired on his position. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by Darth tom on June 6, 2009, later removed)

Zaalbar profile
"He was fleeing some kind of trouble back on Kashyyyk. That's all I know, really. Big Z doesn't like to talk about it. In case you didn't notice he's the strong, silent type."
Mission Vao[src]
Zaalbar ((pronounced /'zɑlbɑɹ/)), also nicknamed "Big Z", was a male Wookiee who aided the former Sith Lord Revan in his quest throughout the galaxy to find and destroy the Star Forge superweapon . Originating from the Mid Rim Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, Zaalbar was the son of Wookiee Chieftain Freyyr, but had been exiled from his homeworld. Zaalbar was considered in Wookiee culture to be a madclaw, a title of dishonor, as he had attacked his brother Chuundar with his climbing claws, violating a Wookiee code of conduct. Despite his brother's deals with slavers, which had led to their fight, Zaalbar's father did not believe his accusations against Chuundar. Leaving Kashyyyk, Zaalbar traveled to the planet Taris where he encountered and befriended the Twi'lek orphan Mission Vao. Zaalbar and Vao traveled everywhere on Taris together. The two protected one another in the absence of any other companions and a close bond was forged between them. Also, the duo affiliated themselves with the Undercity gang known as the Hidden Beks.

When the amnesiac Revan traveled to the planet alongside Republic soldier Carth Onasi and began a search for the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, whom they needed to find to aid the Republic war effort against the Sith Empire, they encountered Vao and Zaalbar. After Zaalbar was captured by Gamorrean slavers and held prisoner in the sewers of the Undercity, Vao turned to Revan and his companions for help in rescuing the Wookiee. With their combined abilities, Revan and his party were able to do so. Escaping Taris with Revan and his companions after the orbital bombardment of the planet that resulted in the destruction of Taris, Zaalbar agreed to travel around the galaxy with Revan and his companions to search for the ancient Star Map artifacts which would lead them to the Star Forge. As one of the Star Maps was located on Kashyyyk, Zaalbar returned to his homeworld with Revan in search of it. With Revan's help he cleared his name and liberated his homeworld from the slaving operations of the pan-galactic Czerka Corporation. He parted ways with Revan after the defeat and death of Sith Lord Darth Malak. (Read more…)


Mandalorian Wars

(Taken to FA by Cade Calrayn on February 10, 2014)

Mandalorians invade Vanquo
"The Mandalorian Wars were a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion. Culminating in a final atrocity that no Jedi could walk away from… save one."
The Mandalorian Wars was the term given to the sixteen years of conflict between the Mandalorian warrior culture and the Galactic Republic that began in 3976 BBY with the Battle of Althir. Occurring two decades after the end of the Great Sith War, the Mandalorian Wars spanned almost two decades themselves, though historians often disagreed on the endpoints of the conflict; the Mandalorians raided star systems in the Outer Rim Territories for over a decade before they actually came into conflict with the Republic Military in 3965 BBY. Led by Mandalore the Ultimate, who pioneered the Neo-Crusader movement with the help of his lieutenant, Cassus Fett, the Mandalorians conquered systems along the eastern edge of the galaxy. Though their conquests included the near-extinction of the Cathar species, it was not until their assaults on worlds near the planet Taris that they drew the Republic's attention. After a year of small conflicts known as the False War, the Mandalorians broke through the Republic's lines and besieged Taris in 3963 BBY, and then invaded the Republic through three separate corridors in what became known as the Onslaught.

The tide ultimately turned when a group of interventionist Jedi known as the Revanchists, led by the charismatic Revan and his friend Malak, joined the Republic Military in combating the Mandalorians. A tactical genius, Revan won several victories against the Mandalorians and began to reclaim lost territory, prompting Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa to appoint him Supreme Commander in 3962 BBY. Driving back the Mandalorians, Revan forced a final showdown with Mandalore the Ultimate at the Battle of Malachor V in 3960 BBY. Revan personally defeated Mandalore in single combat as the Republic and Mandalorian fleets battled above Malachor V, and the activation of the superweapon known as the Mass Shadow Generator devastated both the planet and the participating fleets.

The Mandalorian Wars had long-reaching consequences: Revan forced the defeated Mandalorians to disarm and hid Mandalore's Mask, the symbol of their leadership, and both he and Malak were turned to the dark side of the Force while investigating the Sith influence that had caused Mandalore to go to war. Many of the soldiers and Jedi who followed Revan in the Mandalorian Wars joined the two new Dark Lords of the Sith as they formed their own Sith Empire and invaded the Republic in a subsequent conflict known as the Jedi Civil War. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by Immi Thrax on March 08, 2022)

"Please forgive the abruptness with which I first greeted you. It was harsh and perhaps unfair. My Master often warns me I must learn to control my emotions. I see I have much left to learn."
―Belaya, apologizing to Revan[src]
Belaya was a Human female Jedi Guardian who resided in the Jedi Enclave on the planet Dantooine during the Jedi Civil War. A student of the renowned Jedi Master Zhar Lestin, Belaya was devoted to the Jedi traditions but struggled with controlling her emotions. She became very close to Juhani, a Cathar Padawan whose emotions were similarly volatile.

A test of humility devised by Juhani's Master, Quatra, resulted in Juhani lashing out in anger and falling to the dark side when she mistakenly believed she had killed her Master. After the fallen Padawan fled to the nearby Ancient Grove, her dark emotions turned the surrounding kath hounds aggressive, but the Jedi Council would not permit Belaya to attempt to redeem her dear companion.

When Revan, a former Jedi Knight who had lost his memories, arrived at the Jedi Enclave, Belaya confronted him about not being dressed in Jedi apparel, then apologized for her behavior. In Revan's final trial to become a Jedi once again, Master Lestin instructed him to confront and cleanse the darkness in the Ancient Grove. Revan spared Juhani and convinced her to return to the light. Afterward, Belaya expressed her gratitude to Revan for his actions, and she was reunited with Juhani until the redeemed Jedi joined Revan's quest to find the Star Forge and defeat Darth Malak and his Sith Empire. (Read more…)


Jori Daragon's amulet

(Taken to FA by Imperators II on January 11, 2023)

"Destroyed the last copy of the Epistle of Marka Ragnos… Retrieved Jori Daragon's amulet and the Eye of Horak-mul… Amazing!"
―Feln, on Celeste Morne's assignments[1]
Jori Daragon's amulet was an artifact created in the Sith Empire at some point by 5000 BBY. Shaped like an ornamental gauntlet, it had a connection to another similar amulet. When the hyperspace scouts Gav and Jori Daragon arrived in the empire from Galactic Republic space in 5000 BBY, the Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow planned to use the imprisoned siblings in his plot to expand the empire through conquest of the Republic. Keeping the Daragons separated from each other, Sadow allowed Gav, whom he had been training in the use of Sith magic, to record an inspirational message for Jori on his amulet's counterpart, which the Dark Lord then delivered to Jori. After she had viewed the message, Sadow further returned to Jori the Daragons' impounded starship, the Starbreaker 12. Sadow's manipulations eventually led to Jori being forced to depart for the Republic without Gav, with the amulet serving her as a reminder of her brother.

After arriving in the Republic's Koros system, Daragon eventually managed to reach the system's empress, Teta, and warn her and a pair of Jedi who were present of the danger posed by the Sith Empire, showing the amulet as physical evidence of her account. Soon thereafter, the empire indeed launched an invasion of the Republic, during which Gav, who had been appointed the commander of the Sith fleet, used the coupling between the two amulets in an attempt to find Jori on the planet Koros Major. Upon experiencing remorse over his affiliation with Sadow, however, Gav then traveled to the Primus Goluud system to confront the Dark Lord, but Sadow trapped him in a crippled ship and caused a nearby star to undergo a supernova. At that point, Jori, who had followed Gav, once again found herself peering at her amulet as she was forced to abandon her brother to his death. More than a millennium later, the Jedi Covenant Shadow Celeste Morne retrieved Daragon's amulet on one of her assignments for the Covenant. (Read more…)



(Taken to FA by Imperators II on July 31, 2023)

"The survival of the Republic was predicated on two factors: wise governing from administrators and lawmakers, and a preservation of harmony by the Jedi Knights. This harmony was threatened during the Great Droid Revolution (4015 B.B.Y.), when thousands of droids—everything from sanitation to protocol to military models—rose up en masse against their owners. The Jedi destroyed the ringleader, the assassin droid HK-01, and put down the mutiny with a minimum of casualties."
―A Galactic Alliance historical document[2]
HK-O1, also known as the HK-01 assassin-droid prototype, was a prototype HK-series assassin droid created by Czerka Corporation. He eventually escaped the company's laboratories and secretly reprogrammed thousands of droids of different types to function as a hidden army waiting for his command. In 4015 BBY, HK-01 ordered his droid army to turn on their organic owners, causing the violent event known as the Great Droid Revolution, during which the assassin droid gained control over thousands of worlds, including the Galactic Republic capital Coruscant. After a three-month struggle, a team of Jedi tracked down and destroyed HK-01, although the legacy of his actions, which included heightened anti-droid sentiment in the galaxy and a blow to the growing droid rights movement, lasted for centuries. (Read more…)