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"[…] on Belnar, even Khil Jedi are called to ssserve."

Belnar was a Colonies planet. A temperate world with large swamps on its surface, it was the homeworld of the sentient Khil species. Although the Khil developed large, Core-inspired cities on Belnar, the rest of the planet was left untouched, and even the urban centers featured marshy parks and swamps. Such areas in the cities served as convenient feeding sites for the Khil, whose diet consisted of organic particles filtered from the air via special organs.

The Khil of Belnar, who welcomed off-worlders to their planet, were members of the Galactic Republic from as early as 22,000 BBY, having had hyperspace travel technology of their own for three millennia by that point. Around 3643 BBY, a Republic senator from Belnar absconded with an ancient, sacred Khil artifact; however, the item was eventually returned to the natives of the planet. Belnar fell under the control of the Galactic Empire by 17 BBY. The Khil, who viewed the Empire as oppressive, became one of the first members of the New Republic following the Empire's fragmentation.


Belnar was a planet[3] located in the Belnar system,[1] a part of the Belnar sector[2] in the Slice portion of the Colonies. From approximately 22,000 BBY to 3996 BBY, Belnar was situated on a hyperlane that connected it to the Carida and Yabol Opa systems; however, that hyperspace route had ceased to exist twenty years later.[1]

A terrestrial world with no moons, Belnar had a day of twenty-three standard hours and a year of 347 local days. The planet had standard gravity and a temperate climate. At one point, the planet was covered by large expanses of marshes and swampland, with several swamps tens of thousands of square miles in area remaining by the time of the Old Sith Wars of 4000 BBY3950 BBY.[3]


Early member of the Republic[]

Belnar's native Khil species developed hyperspace travel technology by 25,000 BBY. Although the area of space surrounding Belnar was fully explored by 20,000 BBY, by that time the planet had already been a member of the Galactic Republic for at least two millennia.[1] The Khil Jedi Master Xamar served in the armed forces of Belnar at some point by 3963 BBY.[7]

This section of the article assumes 100% game completion of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Any alternate stories may be noted in the "Behind the scenes" section. The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

Around 3643 BBY,[8] a Republic senator from Belnar went missing along with an ancient artifact of religious importance to the Khil. An individual sent a companion to Belnar to find the lost senator. Upon doing so, the companion tricked the senator into confessing that he had the artifact in his possession, and the item was subsequently returned to the grateful Khil.[9]

From the Republic to the Empire[]

The colonization and exploration starship Outbound Flight visited Belnar in 27 BBY on a shakedown cruise through the territory of the Galactic Republic.[1] Greldo Farnor, a Khil male who would go on to be a droid parts trader living on[10] the Core Worlds planet[1] Alderaan during the reign of the Galactic Empire, was born on Belnar[10] in 25 BBY.[11] During the first campaigns of the Clone Wars of 22 BBY19 BBY, the Third Army of the Republic Military was tasked with defending Belnar's vicinity against the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[5]

By 17 BBY, Belnar was controlled by the Galactic Empire.[5] The Khil worlds were assigned Imperial governors but looked to their former leaders for guidance, and Imperial stormtroopers stationed on Khil worlds remained wary of the general populace due to the Khil viewing the Empire as oppressive.[4] At some point by 2 ABY,[12] the Khil tactician and naval commander Tarlo Ganar led the Belnar Sector Force to victory over its inter-system rivals, the Peltsic League, in many skirmishes that took place in Belnar space.[13] Following the Empire's fragmentation[6] in 4 ABY,[1] the Khil living on Belnar and elsewhere became one of the first members of the New Republic.[6]


Xamar Vindication Part 1

Belnar was the homeworld of the Khil species.

Belnar was the homeworld of the Khil, a species of sentient[3] humanoids. The Khil fed themselves by filtering organic particles, such as dust, microbes, bacteria, or microscopic proteins, from the atmosphere through the use of organs named hullepi.[4] The Khil spoke the Khilese language and made up 98 percent of the planet's population. The rest of Belnar's inhabitants were off-worlders of various other species whom the Khil welcomed to their peaceful planet.[3] The population of Belnar around 25 ABY numbered from 100 billion to 500 billion.[1]

The residents of Belnar governed themselves via colonial democracy. While no particular goods were imported on Belnar, the planet exported luxury items to the wider galaxy. The Khil were also avid settlers, establishing colonies[3] both in star systems neighboring Belnar and on many other worlds throughout the galaxy.[4] Despite the peace-loving nature of the Khil, they displayed deviousness and vindictiveness when defending Belnar and their colonies against potential invaders,[3] and every Khil, including members of the Jedi Order, was expected to serve in the planet's armed forces.[7]


The Khil had developed large cities on Belnar, with Belnar City serving as the planet's capital.[3] The technology and architecture of Khil cities on Belnar and elsewhere was heavily influenced by the fashion of the Galactic Republic member planets in the Core Worlds, although in the Khil settlements there were blocks of marshy parks between buildings, and each of the residences in affluent Khil neighborhoods had its own pond or swamp.[4]

Both the Khil and members of many other species found the green spaces aesthetically pleasing, and they also served as convenient places for the Khil to draw nourishment from.[4] The territories of Belnar located outside the urban centers remained untouched by the progress of the Khil. Off-world xenobiologists carried out numerous research expeditions to the swamps of Belnar.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Belnar was first mentioned in the 1993 sourcebook Wanted by Cracken, written by Louis J. Prosperi for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[10] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the planet in grid square M-9.[1] Belnar was subsequently mentioned in a Treasure Hunting Crew Skill mission of the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, though the information regarding the mission's outcome was later removed from the game.[9]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 The Essential Atlas
  2. 2.0 2.1 StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link) — Based on corresponding data for Belnar system
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Essential Guide to Warfare
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Ultimate Alien Anthology
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Knights of the Old Republic 31
  8. Per the reasoning here, Act I of Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place around 3643 BBY. Since players of The Old Republic can assign their companions on the mission "Senatorial Search" independently of the main class storyline at any point during the game, the mission must take place at some point around 3643 BBY.
  9. 9.0 9.1 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Treasure Hunting Crew Skill mission: "Senatorial Search"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Wanted by Cracken
  11. Wanted by Cracken is dated to three years after the Battle of Endor, which The New Essential Chronology dates to 4 ABY. Therefore, the events of Wanted by Cracken translate to 7 ABY. Since Wanted by Cracken gives Greldo Farnor's age as 32, he must have been born in 25 BBY.
  12. Alliance Intelligence Reports represents a collection of in-universe reports from "one year before the Battle of Hoth," which corresponds to 2 ABY, according to The New Essential Chronology.
  13. Alliance Intelligence Reports