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Good articles



Featured articles
Good articles
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Agamar/Legends to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Anson Trask to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Arhul Hextrophon/Legends to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Battle of Imperial Center to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article BL-17 to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Breth Gart to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Bria Tharen to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Cesi Eirriss to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Cindel Towani to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Dash Rendar/Legends to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Deena Shan to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Dllr Nep to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Dynba Tesc to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Elscol Loro to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Fromm Tower Droid to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Gir Kybo Ren-Cha to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Great Heep to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Guri to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article H. S'man to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Halley Kadorto to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Hamo Blastwell to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Harkov to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Hurst Romodi to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Independence to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Jake Farrell to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Jek Tono Porkins to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Jinda to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Jozzel Moffet to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Kale Roshuir to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Kalidor Crescent to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Kea Moll to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Ketcher to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Keyan Farlander to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Krane (Rebel Alliance) to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Lawrence Holland to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Leonia Tavira to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Maarek Stele to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Merrick Simms to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Mordon to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Mungo Baobab to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Nera Dantels to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Olin Garn to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article OOM-9 to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Otana to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Pargo to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Puck Naeco to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Redemption to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Rookie One to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Ru Murleen to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Samuel Raider to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Sardu Sallowe to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Sarn Shild to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Shea Hublin to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Shel Jelavan to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Silver Speeder to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Stinger to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Sunnar Jan-lo to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Terrinald Screed to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Terror to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Thurlow Harris to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article TIE/D Defender to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article TIE/ph phantom to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Tig Fromm to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Tilotny to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped restore the article Voss Parck to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article White Witch to Featured status.
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Zodoh to Featured status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Ace Merrick to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Argo Moon to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Bannidge Holt to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Casal Marskan to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Darnell Reggs to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article David Maxwell to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Dev to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Ernek Marskan to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Ghorin to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Imperial Ace to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Ina Rece to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Iran Ryad to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Jenn to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Jonas Stern to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Kath Scarlet to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Kirby to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Kitha Farlander to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Kuuztin to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Lady Blue to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Lynia Delline to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Outrunner to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article 'Ndranth Poussan to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Priam to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Rebus (Galactic Empire) to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Sarn to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Splendid Ap to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Till to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Turland Hack to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Tuz to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Wex Dafid to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Zebulon Dak to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Zevel Hortine to Good status.
Comprehensive articles
Premium-ComprehensiveArticle This user helped promote the article Ched Varga to Comprehensive status.
Premium-ComprehensiveArticle This user helped promote the article Resinn to Comprehensive status.
Semi-adopted status articles
Shiny awards
WookieeLeader Wookiee Leader Award, awarded by Toprawa and Ralltiir on 12 February 2012.
Pit-droid-award Pit Droid Award, awarded by Graestan on 2 August 2009.
WookieeLeader Wookiee Leader Award, awarded by Graestan on 2 August 2009.
Pit-droid-award Pit Droid Award, awarded by Atarumaster88 on 17 June 2008.
Tramp freighter cross Tramp Freighter Cross, awarded by Goodwood on 15 May 2008.
Obi-Wan The Changing of the Guard Master and Apprentice Award, awarded by Roger Roger on 21 December 2007.
Pit-droid-award Pit Droid Award, awarded by StarNeptune on 14 November 2006.
Wookieecookie Wookiee Cookie, awarded by Eyrezer on 24 September 2010.
Wookieecookie Wookiee Cookie, awarded by Gmalek on 17 July 2009.
Wookieecookie Wookiee Cookie, awarded by Darth blight on 11 May 2008.
Wookieecookie Wookiee Cookie, awarded by BobafettH23 on 17 July 2007.
Wookieecookie Wookiee Cookie, awarded by Chack Jadson on 11 July 2007.
Wookieecookie Wookiee Cookie, awarded by MoffRebus on 18 February 2007.
Green Tentacle
Biographical information
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Birmingham, England


Birmingham, England

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en-N This user is a native speaker of English.
fr-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of French.
de-1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of German.
M This user is male.
WindowsLogo This user runs Microsoft Windows.
FirefoxLogo This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
mbk This user used the Monobook skin.
Computer This user's monitor resolution is 1920x1200.
<html> This user knows HTML.
.css This user knows CSS.
.js This user knows JavaScript.
50k This user has over 50,000 edits on Wookieepedia.
10+ yr. This user has contributed to Wookieepedia for more than ten years.
MountSorrow This user listened to the Wookiee-Cast.
RoyalGuard This user is a recent changes patroller.
Addicted-template This user is addicted to Wookieepedia, dammit!
#IRC This user is often present on the #wookieepedia IRC chat and goes by the name GreenTentacle.
Merchandiseiii This user contributes to the Star Wars Merchandise Wiki.
sw-3 This user has an advanced understanding of the Star Wars galaxy.
Bookslogo This user collects Star Wars books, novels, and reference works.
LucasArtsold This user is a Star Wars gamer.