


Warlug was one of nine Gamorreans in Jabba's Palace. He was a member of the Groogrun clan.[1]


Ortugg gave Warlug the job as a Gamorrean slaver and, like the others, was a guard under the employ of Jabba the Hutt.

Instead of joining his fellow Gamorreans on their journey to the Dune Sea with Jabba's sail barge, which ended in the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon, Warlug stayed back in Jabba's Palace with Tornik, a Human guard, and got drunk. When the message of Jabba's death reached the palace, Yarna d'al' Gargan ran across the two drunks, who attempted to rape her in their befuddlement. Fortunately, Sergeant Doallyn arrived just in time to protect her before they could commit their heinous act. He shot the Gamorrean in the back and escaped with Yarna into the desert. Warlug was lucky to survive the incident and backed off with Tornik.

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology states that the nine Gamorrean guards employed by Jabba the Hutt were armed with Clan Groogrun vibro-axs "built by Snogrutt, a master weapon maker from their home clan of Groogrun."
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