


Veetch was a clone stormtrooper in service to the Galactic Empire who operated on the planet Barton IV. After more than a year of being stationed at the planet's Imperial outpost, Veetch was killed in action by insurgents who terrorized the Imperial depot.[3]


Sometime around 19 BBY,[2] Veetch and his squad, under the command on Clone Commander Mayday, were assigned to guard an Imperial supply depot on the planet Barton IV. After more than a year of being stationed at the depot, the majority of Mayday's squad had been killed fighting off local insurgents, leaving behind Veetch, Hexx, and Mayday as the only surviving troopers by the time clone commando CT-9904 "Crosshair" and Imperial Lieutenant Nolan arrived to reinforce the squad[3] around 18 BBY.[2]

Veetch was sheltering inside of the Imperial depot along with trooper Hexx upon the arrival of Crosshair and Nolan. After a brief argument between Nolan and Mayday, the clone commander ordered Veetch and Hexx to help Nolan get situated within the depot, in which the two troopers obeyed. While Crosshair and Mayday were out surveying the depot's perimeter during a blizzard, the Imperial depot was attacked once more by the local insurgents. As he rushed to the depot's defense, Veetch was killed during the attack. Mayday would later retrieve his helmet and display it inside the Imperial depot along with the helmets of his other fallen brothers.[3]

Personality and traits[]

As a clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett, Veetch was a human male that stood 1.83 meters tall and had tan skin.[1]


As a clone stormtrooper, Veetch was equipped with standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor, and was armed with a DC-15A blaster carbine. After more than a year without maintenance or repair, Veetch's armor was broken and disheveled, and was loosely held together by cloth wrappings.[3]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 StarWars-DatabankII Clone Troopers in the Databank (backup link) states that clones were based on the genetic template of the human male Jango Fett and created on the planet Kamino. The entry also establishes that they stood at a height of 1.83 meters. Since Ruins of War portrays "Veetch" as a clone trooper, this article assumes he shares all those characteristics.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Per the reasoning here, the seventh and eighth episodes of The Bad Batch Season 2, "The Clone Conspiracy" and "Truth and Consequences," can be placed in 18 BBY. Therefore, all Season 2 episodes proceeding "The Clone Conspiracy" occur between 19 BBY, which features the end of The Bad Batch Season 1 according to Star Wars: Timelines, and 18 BBY. The Galactic Empire, the formation of which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 19 BBY, sent Mayday's squad to Barton IV over a year prior to the events of the twelfth episode, "The Outpost." As it occurs over a year into the Imperial Era and is set shortly after the events of "Truth and Consequences," the events of "The Outpost" occur around 18 BBY. Following that logic, the ninth through eleventh episodes ("The Crossing" through "Metamorphosis") are also set around 18 BBY because they occur between the events of "Truth and Consequences" and "The Outpost." Finally, all season 2 episodes set after "The Outpost" occur shortly after its events, thereby placing those episodes around 18 BBY as well.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "The Outpost"