

For other uses, see unidentified tavern.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"I would like to buy a round for everyone in this bar—whatever's good, whatever you all look forward to after a long day of hard work. It would be a pleasure."
―Loden Greatstorm, to the bartender[1]

A dilapidated tavern was located in the Strop's End settlement on the planet Teriona during the High Republic Era. Between around 234 BBY and 232 BBY, the Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm and his Padawan, Bell Zettifar, visited the tavern while on their mission to the world. Greatstorm bought a round of vinbeer for the patrons and paid for the beverages by repairing the establishment's roof with Zettifar, as the tavern's bartender refused to accept Republic credits as payment. Later, the Terionese man Argeel expressed his gratitude for the repairs, and Zettifar later thought about the incident years later.


The tavern was a small building in the planet Teriona's Strop's End settlement. It had a wide, sagging porch featuring several benches. By the time of the High Republic Era, the tavern had become dilapidated and had a hole in its roof until it was later repaired. The establishment also had a counter bartop.[1]


Hennah: "We don't need anything from you, Jedi. This is a gift, freely given. Offered in gratitude as we set out on our journey."
Loden Greatstorm: "Gratitude for what? And where are you going?"
Argeel: "We're grateful because the tavern's got a new roof."
―The Terionese woman Hennah, Loden Greatstorm, and Argeel[1]

During the High Republic Era, a Terionese individual was the owner of the tavern and the establishment employed a bartender. The tavern's roof eventually developed a hole, which the owner did not repair due to the constant state of strife on the world. By that time, many Strop's End locals enjoyed gathering in the tavern to enjoy alcoholic vinbeer or a bowl of scrambled grubbub.[1]


Loden Greatstorm (right) and Bell Zettifar (left) fixed the tavern's roof during their time on Teriona.

Between around 234 BBY and 232 BBY,[2] the Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm and his Padawan, Bell Zettifar, visited the tavern after searching for a communal spot in Strop's End to meet the local community during their mission to the world. Several Terionese eyed the pair warily as they walked in, prompting Zettifar to reach for his lightsaber. However, Greatstorm signaled him to put the weapon away and addressed the tavern's occupants to introduce himself and his Padawan. The Jedi Master then indicated to the bartender that he wished to purchase a round of beverages for the establishment's Terionese patrons. Though skeptical, the worker eventually lined up several glasses and mugs to distribute vinbeer to those in the tavern. When Greatstorm attempted to pay the bartender in Galactic Republic credits, the latter incredulously indicated that they were not accepted as currency. The two Jedi instead repaired the establishment's roof for its owner to pay for the beverages.[1]

Afterward, Greatstorm and Zettifar spent time in the tavern nearly every night, paying for their vinbeer and scrambled grubbub with local currency or promises of work. They often listened intently to the locals' conversations about the state of war on Teriona, which gradually became more informative as the Terionese became more comfortable with their presence. After weeks had passed, the Terionese man Argeel and several other locals visited the Jedi and thanked them for showing them a more peaceful way of life, with the former expressing their gratefulness for fixing the tavern's roof.[1] In 229 BBY,[3] Zettifar reflected on how he and his Master's fixing of the tavern's roof had inspired Teriona's locals to pursue peace.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The tavern appeared in a flashback in the short story "All Jedi Walk Their Own Path," written by Charles Soule and published in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.[1]


Notes and references[]
