

For other uses, see unidentified bartender.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"What do I owe you? Will this cover it?"
"What's in your head, Jedi, that you think Republic money is any good here?"
"Oh, right. Thing is, we don't have any other kind of money. I'm sure I ran up quite a bill just there. I guess we'll have to work it off."
―Loden Greatstorm and the bartender[1]

A Terionese man worked as a bartender in the Strop's End's settlement's tavern on the planet Teriona. Between around 234 BBY and 232 BBY, he served a round of vinbeer to the patrons in his tavern after Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm offered to buy the locals present a drink. However, the man refused to accept the Jedi's Republic credits as a form of payment, resulting in Greatstorm and his Padawan, Bell Zettifar, repairing the establishment's roof to pay for what they had ordered.


"I would like to buy a round for everyone in this bar—whatever's good, whatever you all look forward to after a long day of hard work. It would be a pleasure."
―Loden Greatstorm, to the bartender[1]

The bartender was unimpressed with Loden Greatstorm's attempt to pay him in Republic credits.

A Terionese man hailed from the planet Teriona and lived in the small settlement of Strop's End. He worked as a bartender in the settlement's tavern, often used as a local meeting spot. By the time of the High Republic Era, all of Teriona's locals were well-accustomed to war, as local skirmishes and battles were a constant within their culture, which resulted in the tavern employing the man remaining dilapidated.[1]

Between around 234 BBY and 232 BBY,[2] the Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm and his Padawan, Bell Zettifar, visited the tavern and met the bartender. Greatstorm indicated to the man that he wished to purchase a round of beverages for the establishment's Terionese patrons. Though the man was skeptical, when a woman at the end of his bar nodded, he lined up several glasses and mugs to distribute vinbeer to those present.[1]

When the Jedi Master attempted to pay the bartender in Galactic Republic credits, the latter incredulously stared back and indicated that they were not accepted as currency. The two Jedi instead repaired the establishment's roof for its owner to pay for the beverages. Afterward, the bartender begrudgingly informed Greatstorm and Zettifar of a shop at the edge of Strop's End where they might be able to secure more supplies for their camp.[1]

Personality and traits[]

As a native of Teriona, the bartender was wary of offworlders' intentions on his homeworld. He was well-accustomed to the violence of war disrupting everyday life, often carrying a tired demeanor. Upon meeting Greatstorm, he was unimpressed with the Jedi's attempt to pay him in Republic credits and looked at them as if a dead blurrg had been tossed on his counter instead of currency. The bartender had swarthy, tanned skin and a mustache that Zettifar felt was beautiful.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The bartender appeared in a flashback in the short story "All Jedi Walk Their Own Path," written by Charles Soule and published in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.[1]


Notes and references[]
