

For other uses, see unidentified settlement.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"A port for trade, with little local product of their own except for the expeditions into the vast jungle."
―Marda Ro, in her journal[1]

A settlement on the planet Dantooine was the world's oldest settlement during the High Republic Era. It had a port for trade and a public house. Around 381 BBY, the Evereni pirate leader Marda Ro visited the settlement during her search for others of her species and questioned a human familiar with the Evereni. She also recruited the Twi'lek Fori Nagor into her band of pirates. Later, Ro talked about the settlement in a journal she recorded for her descendants. Her great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had listened to the journal—including the entry mentioning the settlement—by 252 BBY.


"The settlement is [Dantooine's] oldest but remains small."
―Marda Ro, in her journal[1]

The settlement was located on[1] the Outer Rim Territories[2] planet Dantooine and beings of all kinds visited it. By that time, it was the oldest settlement on the planet, but remained small despite its age. The settlement had a public house and a port for trade; however, its only exports were meat and rare animals obtained from a jungle nearby.[1]


"The Twi’lek was not what I landed on Dantooine to hunt."
―Marda Ro in her journal, regarding Fori Nagor[1]

The Evereni Marda Ro (pictured) visited the settlement in search of other Evereni.

Around 381 BBY,[3] Marda Ro—the Evereni[1] founder of a marauder group who would eventually become the Nihil[4]—visited the settlement during[1] her[5] hunt for others of her species. During her visit, she bought a nail file made from the bone of a creature known as an irisophant from a child in a stall by a road. She also visited the settlement's public house, where a human she questioned told her about a pair of Evereni he saw on a space station near[1] the moon[6] Pantora around a year earlier. When Ro left the public house, she was followed by the Twi'lek Fori Nagor, who wanted to touch her. Ro confronted Nagor in an alley elsewhere in the settlement and offered Nagor a position in her band of pirates. Nagor accepted her offer in exchange for a kiss and Ro then took her to her ship, the Gaze Electric.[1]

Later, Ro recounted her visit to the settlement in a message she recorded for her descendants.[1] By 252 BBY,[7] during his youth, Ro's great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had listened to her journal, including the message where the settlement was mentioned.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

The settlement appeared in a flashback in the short story "A Closed Fist Has No Claws," written by Tessa Gratton and published in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.[1]


This article has an associated index page with page numbers and/or timestamps.

Notes and references[]
