


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"These things need constant repairs—pretty much like everything out here."
"That's the way of the galaxy. You patch up one thing and find a break somewhere else."
―Oshi Karmo and the repair tech, to Gella Nattai and Enya Keen[1]

A human female served as a repair tech under tech supervisor Oshi Karmo on the Alif-class Longbeam Paxion, Republic Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo's ship, during the High Republic Era. In 382 BBY, she traveled aboard the Paxion to the Eiram system when Mollo went there to host a peace summit between the warring worlds Eiram and E'ronoh. However, the Longbeam was damaged shortly after entering the system due to a skirmish between E'ronoh's fleet and Eiram's fleet.

The repair tech assisted with repairs to the vessel, including helping send out several astromech droids to manage the damage on the Paxion's exterior. Though frustrated when all of the droids failed—torn apart by the thick debris field in the Eiram system—she nevertheless continued working at a control panel to fix broken wires. The repair tech was excited when Jedi Knight Gella Nattai and Padawan Enya Keen helped one of their astromech droids successfully complete repairs by using the Force to move debris away from the Paxion, having wanted to see a Jedi in action up close.


Republic service[]

"That's why everything is chaos here. Our deflector shield took a hit during the drop from hyperspace and collision with your ship. We didn't notice until we returned to the corridor and got pelted by the debris."
"And we can't dock again because we're running out of fuel—"
"And yes, we sent astromechs to fix it, but they keep getting beheaded and we can't damage any more."
―Oshi Karmo and a repair tech about the Paxion, to Gella Nattai and Enya Keen[1]

While serving as a tech on the Paxion, the woman traveled to the Eiram system (pictured).

A human female worked aboard the Republic Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo's Alif-class Longbeam—the Paxion—as a repair tech during the time of the High Republic, assigned to the vessel's communications room under tech supervisor Oshi Karmo. When the Paxion traveled to the Outer Rim's Eiram system to host a peace summit between the warring worlds Eiram and E'ronoh[1] in 382 BBY,[2] its deflector shield and communications equipment were damaged upon arrival upon collision with the Jedi Alif-class Longbeam Valiant when both ships arrived in the system in the middle of a skirmish between E'ronoh's fleet and Eiram's fleet.[1]

Alongside Karmo, she helped dispatch several astromech droids to make needed repairs to the Paxion's exterior. However, every droid sent to make repairs was quickly damaged by the heavy debris field present in the star system, much to the dismay of the repair team, and they eventually stopped sending out more in an effort not to lose more than they could afford. Frustrated, the repair tech worked alongside her colleagues to assist with the other ongoing repairs, tinkering with the wires in a control panel with the tools from her tool belt to get them to stop sparking. Jedi Knight Gella Nattai and Padawan Enya Keen—two Jedi aboard the vessel for the peace summit—visited the communications room at Mollo's request, hoping to use the EX droids there to inform the Jedi High Council on the developments in their mission. The repair tech paid no attention to the pair despite them trying to get the repair crew's attention, focusing on her control panel and tools.[1]

Meeting the Jedi[]

"At this rate, we might have to ask Chancellor Greylark for a new ship."
"Don't. Don't even say that in front of Chancellor Mollo."
―The repair tech and Oshi Karmo, following unsuccessful attempts to repair the Paxion[1]

The repair technician watched Gella Nattai (pictured) and Enya Keen use the Force to clear debris from space to assist repair efforts.

After Karmo helped Nattai and Keen find the EX droids to send their message, the pair reported to the supervisor that several of the droids' pods were broken. Overhearing the conversation, the repair tech noted that each time something was patched up, another thing would break—for all things in the galaxy. She then jumped backward as the wire she was tending to sparked up on her, mentioning that at the rate things were malfunctioning, they may need to ask Mollo's co-chancellor, Kyong Greylark, for a new ship. Karmo visibly grimaced at the suggestion, indicating to the Jedi that the idea would not go over well with Mollo.[1]

When Karmo mentioned the several astromech droids their team had attempted to send to fix the Paxion's damage—so many that they could not afford to lose more of them—the repair tech chimed in that she was pretty sure each droid was more expensive than her salary. The pair offered to assist if they sent out another droid, which Karmo reluctantly agreed to do, while the tech showed her excitement for seeing Jedi in action. Using the Force to move the space debris away from the repair astromech, Nattai and Keen managed to clear the nearby area until the droid returned to its dock, repairs completed. Moments after, weaponized drill ships sent by E'ronoh headed toward the Paxion—signaling that they had answered their summons to the peace summit—leading Nattai and Keen to hurriedly depart the communications room and leave Karmo and the repair tech behind to handle the situation.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"I've always wanted to see Jedi in action and up close."
―The repair tech, after Gella Nattai and Enya Keen offered to assist with repairs[1]

As a repair tech, the woman shared a workable affinity with her supervisor, Oshi Karmo. Though the stress of the Paxion's damaged state weighed on the repair team, she continued to work diligently at her assigned task. She was slightly unoptimistic about fixing things permanently—believing something else would always break in its place. The woman regarded Jedi highly and wished to see their work up close at some point; she was elated upon having the opportunity to see Nattai and Keen at work on the Paxion. The repair tech had curly hair.[1]


While working aboard the Paxion, the repair tech donned a tool belt that they used to work on control panels.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The repair tech appeared in Convergence, a 2022 novel written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.[1]


Notes and references[]
