


Gella Nattai: "Hello, I am Jedi Knight Gella Nattai. Chancellor Mollo said you could help us send a message."
Enya Keen: "Please."
Oshi Karmo: "Well, I am tech supervisor Oshi Karmo, and I'm sorry to tell you that no one is sending any messages anytime soon."
―Oshi Karmo, Gella Nattai, and Enya Keen, in the Paxion's communications room[1]

Oshi Karmo was a non-binary Mirialan engineer who served as a tech supervisor on the Republic Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo's Alif-class Longbeam Paxion during the High Republic Era. When the Paxion traveled to the Outer Rim's Eiram system at Mollo's directive to host a peace summit between the planets Eiram and E'ronoh in 382 BBY, the vessel sustained heavy damage after entering the system in the middle of a skirmish between the warring worlds.

Karmo and their colleagues attempted to use astromech droids to repair the Paxion's broken deflector shield and communications equipment but grew deeply frustrated as each droid they sent out was destroyed by the heavy debris field in the system. Upon meeting the Jedi Gella Nattai and Enya Keen, they were annoyed at the pair distracting them and quickly dismissed the Jedi after pointing them toward the EX droids they wanted to use to send a message. Afterward, however, Nattai and Keen used the Force to move part of the debris field away from the Paxion long enough for an astromech droid to make repairs to the ship. Karmo was grateful for their assistance and later helped Nattai acquire recordings of conflicts on Eiram and E'ronoh's surfaces as a favor.


Attempted repairs[]

"That's why everything is chaos here. Our deflector shield took a hit during the drop from hyperspace and collision with your ship. We didn't notice until we returned to the corridor and got pelted by the debris."
"And we can't dock again because we're running out of fuel—"
"And yes, we sent astromechs to fix it, but they keep getting beheaded and we can't damage any more."
―Oshi Karmo and a repair tech about the Paxion, to Gella Nattai and Enya Keen[1]

Oshi Karmo worked on the Paxion, Orlen Mollo's (pictured) ship.

During the High Republic Era,[1] the non-binary[2] Mirialan Oshi Karmo was a mechanical engineer who served as a tech supervisor aboard the Paxion, the Republic Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo's Alif-class Longbeam. While in the Republic's service, they worked alongside an astromech droid and several individuals, including a human repair tech.[1] In 382 BBY,[3] Karmo traveled aboard the Paxion to the Eiram system in the Outer Rim when Mollo decided to visit the system to offer to host a peace summit aboard his vessel between the system's warring planets, Eiram and E'ronoh. At some point, Karmo then became aware that Mollo had decided to travel to the system without consulting his co-chancellor, Kyong Greylark. Upon entering the system amidst a skirmish between E'ronoh's fleet and Eiram's fleet, the Paxion's long-range communications equipment and deflector shield were damaged upon colliding with the Jedi Alif-class Longbeam Valiant. Karmo and their team worked tirelessly to repair the issues from the vessel's communications room, sending out several astromech droids to work on the damage from outside the ship.[1]


Oshi Karmo traveled to the Eiram system aboard the Paxion, serving as a tech supervisor.

However, each astromech was quickly beheaded and rendered impaired by the heavy debris field in the Eiram system, resulting in Karmo becoming extremely stressed after several failed attempts. Eventually, the supervisor and their team ceased sending out more droids as they were unable to afford losing more. Two Jedi aboard the Paxion for the peace summit—Jedi Knight Gella Nattai and Padawan Enya Keen—visited the communications room at Mollo's request, hoping to use the EX droids there to update the Jedi High Council of their endeavor's developments. Karmo was displeased with the Jedi's interruption of their continued efforts to repair the ship and ignored the pair as they continued to tap at a control panel.[1]

When Nattai and Keen informed the supervisor that Mollo had asked the Jedi to send a message, Karmo informed them that the communications equipment was still down, meaning no messages could be transmitted. Keen noticed Karmo's stressed demeanor, offering her sympathies and any help she could provide. However, Karmo declined the offer since neither was a mechanical engineer. Nattai felt bad for the young worker, understanding that they were likely unprepared for the Paxion to be thrust into conflict suddenly.[1]

Jedi assistance[]

"Someone in the communications room owed us a favor. They sent out an Ee-Ex droid to take these recordings."
―Gella Nattai, to her fellow Jedi, about Oshi Karmo's favor[1]

When Nattai clarified that she and Keen needed to send an EX droid for their message—not send a transmission—Karmo pointed the pair toward where the droids were docked. After sending their message to the Jedi Council using one of the droids, the pair walked back through the communications room and informed Karmo that the first few EX droid pods they had tried to use were broken. After the pair finished conversing with a human repair tech working nearby, the latter mentioned that at the rate things malfunctioned on the Paxion, they should ask Greylark to procure them a new ship. However, Karmo grimaced and disagreed, noting that Mollo would likely not react well to the suggestion.[1]


Jedi Knight Gella Nattai (pictured) and Padawan Enya Keen helped Oshi Karmo complete repairs to the Paxion by helping their astromech droid navigate space.

The Jedi decided not to look further into what Karmo said alluding to tensions between the two chancellors, with Nattai instead asking if E'ronoh had yet responded to Mollo's peace summons. The supervisor informed them that E'ronoh had destroyed the protocol droid envoy sent, mentioning the parts of the Paxion that had been damaged upon entry to the Eiram system. Nattai and Keen offered to help and asked Karmo and the repair tech to send out one more astromech droid, insisting that their skills as Jedi would prove useful. Although doubtful, the supervisor conceded that they had tried everything else and readied another astromech to send out. The Jedi pair worked together using the Force to move the nearby space debris away from the repair astromech, keeping the field clear until the droid returned to its dock. Karmo looked on in awe, watching the debris rush back into place once the Jedi released control of it.[1]

Afterward, the supervisor conversed with Nattai about the vessel's simulation of a day and night cycle to both conserve energy and keep organic beings on a good sleep schedule. Shortly afterward, E'ronoh answered the summons to the peace summit by sending weaponized drill ships toward the Paxion, leading Nattai and Keen to hurriedly leave Karmo and the repair tech in the communications room behind to meet with the pair's other colleagues. Days later, when the Paxion's lights dimmed to simulate nighttime, Nattai was reminded of Karmo mentioning the reasons behind the cycle. As the peace summit progressed over the following days, Eiram and E'ronoh's parties began squabbling excessively and made no progress toward peace. At Nattai's request, Karmo sent out an EX droid to record the state of disarray—including riots and desperate refugees—of the citizens on both worlds. The Jedi Knight brought the recording to her fellow Jedi and, at the directive of Jedi Master Creighton Sun, transmitted it to the attendees of the peace summit in the hopes of reminding both sides that fighting for peace would benefit all.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"The chancellor said we could use one of the Ee-Ex comm droids."
"Oh, why didn't you say so? Down the hall."
―Gella Nattai and Oshi Karmo[1]

While working as a tech supervisor, Karmo shared a workable affinity with others working in the Paxion's communications room, including a human technician. They were annoyed by the damage sustained to the vessel during its entry to the Eiram system and the several failed attempts to make repairs, eventually growing deeply frustrated and anxious about the matter. They were initially rude to Nattai and Keen when the pair visited the communications room, not having much faith in Jedi abilities to help and considering them a distraction from their work. However, the supervisor was grateful when the pair assisted their astromech droid in making repairs to the Longbeam and later was willing to assist Nattai when she asked for a favor. Karmo had green skin with black markings on their chin and dark eyes. By the time of the endeavor in the Eiram system, Karmo possessed a youthful appearance.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

Karmo was a trained mechanical engineer well-versed in how to maintain the systems of an Alif-class Longbeam. They were an observant individual who proved capable of troubleshooting issues to make repairs to the Paxion and attempting to find ways to keep the vessel's systems operational.[1]


As a tech supervisor, Karmo had access to several astromech droids to use for making repairs and also worked with the vessel's control panels and tables. They also donned large goggles.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Oshi Karmo appeared in Convergence, a 2022 novel written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.[1] The author confirmed that the usage of singular "they/them" pronouns was meant to convey the character was non-binary. Córdova created Oshi Karmo as a tuckerization for her friend and Star Wars author Mark Oshiro.[2]


Notes and references[]
