


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"If none of you can touch the Force, then they can have you. To keep or sell or eat for all I care."
"I can."
―Marda Ro and the man, as the latter confessed his Force-sensitivity[1]

A Force-sensitive green-skinned humanoid man was a refugee during the High Republic Era. At some point no earlier than 379 BBY, he was present in a refugee camp that was attacked by raiders. The man was among the refugees captured by the pirates and brought back to the Gaze Electric, a ship belonging to their leader, Marda Ro.

Ro was enraged at the raiders for capturing living beings and ordered Fori Nagor—the pirate who presented the refugees to her—to give them back their freedom with the exception of the man, whom Ro discovered had the ability to use the Force. She then took the man to see the Great Leveler, a beast that fed on the Force. Ro later mentioned the man in a message she recorded for her descendants, which her great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had listened to by 252 BBY.


"I glanced down at him. 'Come with me,' I said. And I took him down to the Great Leveler."
―Marda Ro, in her journal[1]

The man's confession saved the other refugees from Marda Ro's (pictured) wrath.

A man was a refugee during the High Republic Era.[1] At some point no earlier than 379 BBY,[2] the humanoid was present in a refugee camp that was raided by beings serving Marda Ro—the Evereni[1] founder of a group of pirates who would eventually become the Nihil.[3] As the refugees in the camp had no valuable possessions for the raiders to take, they instead took the refugees themselves, including the man.[1]

When the raiders returned to the Gaze Electric, Ro's ship, the man and the other refugees were taken to the Gaze's throne hall by Fori Nagor—one of the pirates. Nagor presented the refugees to Ro, who was enraged at what the raiders had done. Staring at the refugees,[1] she[4] asked the group whether any of them were Force-sensitive. Initially getting no answer, Ro threatened the refugees, which caused the man to confess to his ability to use the Force.[1]

Ro approached him and expressed her gratitude, then announced to the other refugees that they could join her group, and if they wished otherwise, they would be set free at the next spaceport. She ordered Nagor to never take other beings again and to take the other refugees away. Nagor obeyed, and the man was left alone in the throne hall with Ro and her assistant Alirya. After he thanked Ro, she then led him to a Force-consuming beast known as the Great Leveler. Ro later recounted the events involving the refugees in a journal entry she recorded for her descendants and mentioned the man.[1] By 252 BBY,[5] during his youth, Ro's great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had listened to her journal, including the message where the man was mentioned.[4]

Personality and traits[]

"A hand raised. It belonged to a young man, humanoid with green skin."
―Marda Ro, in her journal[1]

The man was a humanoid with green skin who was considered young by Ro[1] at some point no earlier than 379 BBY.[2] After he was captured by the raiders, he had a thick purple bleeding cut on his face. The man was initially hesitant to reveal his Force-sensitivity to Ro, but after he and his fellow refugees were threatened, he admitted to it.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

"Can any of you touch the Force? If you tell me, I won’t let anything happen to you."
―Marda Ro, to a group of refugees[1]

The man was Force-sensitive and able to wield the Force.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The man appeared in a flashback in the short story "A Closed Fist Has No Claws," written by Tessa Gratton and published in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.[1]


This article has an associated index page with page numbers and/or timestamps.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 "A Closed Fist Has No Claws" — The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life
  2. 2.0 2.1 The segment of "A Closed Fist Has No Claws" depicting a Jedi's death onboard the Gaze Electric takes place around 379 BBY per the reasoning here. The raid in which the green-skinned man and other refugees were captured by Marda Ro's raiders occurs after the Jedi's death; therefore, it must have taken place no earlier than 379 BBY.
  3. YouTube Interview with Tessa Gratton: "A Closed Fist Has No Claws" (TALES OF LIGHT & LIFE) on the Friends of the Force: A Star Wars Podcast YouTube channel (October 6, 2023) (backup link)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The High Republic: Temptation of the Force
  5. "The Lie" chapter in The High Republic: Eye of the Storm 1, which includes Shalla Ro's death, features Asgar Ro's ascension to Eye of the Nihil, an event dated to 252 BBY by Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia. As The High Republic: Temptation of the Force establishes she introduced Marchion Ro to Marda Ro's journal, he must have listened to it by that year.