


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

A governor of the planet Ronaphaven submitted an aid request after several kelivan root farmers on his world went missing, with their harvest lost to Drengir—a type of sentient, carnivorous plant—though he eventually retracted the request. In 228 BBY, Jedi Knights Bell Zettifar and Burryaga Agaburry traveled to Ronaphaven hoping to investigate Drengir sightings to find evidence of the blight affliction. After being convinced by Zettifar, the governor gave the Jedi a guide and a landspeeder for their mission.



Bell Zettifar (pictured) convinced the governor to allow him and Burryaga Agaburry to investigate on Ronaphaven.

A governor of the agricultural planet Ronaphaven lived during the High Republic Era. When several kelivan root farmers on his world went missing and their crop was lost to Drengir—a type of sentient, carnivorous plant—the governor submitted a request for aid. However, he ultimately retracted the request after determining there were no active Drengir on Ronaphaven.[1]

In 228 BBY,[2] Jedi Knights Bell Zettifar and Burryaga Agaburry traveled to Ronaphaven to investigate the report, seeking evidence of another affliction—the life-draining blight—on any worlds with past Drengir presence. Though the Ronaphaven governor was displeased with their arrival, he took time to expound on the positive qualities of Ronaphaven's workforce and cord fiber exports. He was wary of further Republic bureaucracy slowing down their shipments and attracting the attention of Nihil marauders; however, he eventually conceded to Zettifar's request to conduct an unobtrusive investigation on Ronaphaven, giving them a guide and a landspeeder.[1]

Personality and traits[]

The governor was proud of Ronaphaven's workforce and the regulations that moderated it, insistent to the visiting Jedi that the Republic would find no fault with them. He had a high-pitched voice, which Agaburry opted to mentally tune out in favor of allowing Zettifar to speak with him.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The governor appeared in the 2024 novel Temptation of the Force, written by Tessa Gratton and published as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[3]


Notes and references[]
