


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

A commander in the Galactic Empire's Special Forces was stationed aboard the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Herald. The commander assembled an infiltration team that infiltrated the CR90 corvette Thunderstrike as part of a hunt for the Imperial traitor Everi Chalis. The plan ultimately failed, and the commander's superior, Prelate Verge, used them as a calibration subject for interrogator droids for at least a week as punishment.


During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, an individual served as a commander in the Empire's Special Forces. The commander was stationed aboard the[1] Imperial II-class Star Destroyer[2] Herald, the personal Star Destroyer of Prelate Verge.[1] In 3 ABY,[3] Verge and Captain Tabor Seitaron hunted Everi Chalis, an Imperial governor and emissary to the Imperial Ruling Council who had defected to the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry. In the plan to capture the defector, the Special Forces commander assembled an infiltration team of Imperial spies to use the damaged rebel light freighter Trumpet's Call, which had seen its crew perish in the process of its capture.[1]


The Special Forces commander's team was able to infiltrate the Thunderstrike (right).

Under the guise of being injured rebels, the Special Forces commander's infiltration team took the Trumpet's Call to a rebel flotilla in the Elochar sector, where they were able to infiltrate the 61st's CR90 corvette, Thunderstrike. The Herald traveled there in an attempt to capture Chalis, but the infiltration team was killed by members of the 61st aboard their corvette, which escaped shortly after. Verge blamed crewmembers aboard his Star Destroyer for the failure to stop the Thunderstrike and chose the Special Forces commander, a gunner, and a scan officer to be calibration subjects for interrogator droids as punishment until they confessed every act of disloyalty they had ever committed. After a week, the commander was still screaming under torture while the scan officer had perished and the gunner had been set free.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Special Forces commander was mentioned in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.[1]


Notes and references[]
