


"Another ship has arrived, just out of battle. They lost life support—we're taking the survivors aboard."
―Brand and Chief Medic Von Geiz[1]

The light freighter later known as the Trumpet's Call was used by the Rebel Alliance in the Mid Rim. It changed its name frequently, formerly being known as the Eyesore and the Careful Buyer. During the Mid Rim Retreat, the freighter was attacked and seized by the Galactic Empire, who planted spies aboard and sent it to a rebel flotilla in the Elochar sector without life support.

After the Trumpet's Call arrived, the CR90 corvette Thunderstrike locked onto the freighter and blindly took aboard the Imperial spies, who stormed the corvette's bridge and killed many of the crew there. When trying to retake the Thunderstrike's bridge, the rebel soldier Brand detached the Trumpet's Call from the corvette and ejected herself from the light freighter to reach the bow of the Thunderstrike.


The Trumpet's Call was a light freighter equipped with engines and a hyperdrive. The starship also had life support and safety systems as well as communications that could be used to make contact with other vessels. The Trumpet's Call could connect to other vessels via an airlock and its bridge included a main computer.[1]


Seized by spies[]

"We can't find her ship, and we can't locate the base directly. But our forces just chased half the Alliance out of the Mid Rim. How many other rebel ships managed to escape an engagement in this sector after sustaining damage—in the past week, say? How many others need repairs, as well?"
―Tabor Seitaron makes a new plan to intercept the Thunderstrike to Verge, which the Trumpet's Call eventually became part of[1]

The light freighter later known as the Trumpet's Call served in the fleet of the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire, operating officially as a trading vessel among the Purse Worlds while in reality being on passenger transport and cargo duty for the rebels. Whenever the Empire became suspicious about the freighter, the vessel changed identity records and took on a new name, such as the Eyesore, the Careful Buyer, and eventually the Trumpet's Call. Despite the crew's efforts in forging records, the Empire became increasingly more equipped to identify fraud and eventually attacked the Trumpet's Call[1] in 3 ABY.[2] During the attack, the light freighter was severely damaged, and a few of the crew burned to death. The rest suffocated when the life support systems lost primary power, leaving little air within the vessel.[1]


The Trumpet's Call was used to try and intercept the Thunderstrike (pictured right).

With the rebel crew dead, the Trumpet's Call was boarded by an infiltration team of Imperial spies assigned by the Special Forces commander aboard[1] the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer[3] Herald. The Herald's commanders, Prelate Verge and Captain Tabor Seitaron, were trying to intercept the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, which had taken in the defected Imperial Governor Everi Chalis. Having been looking into rebel starships that had escaped engagements in the Metatessu sector damaged, the pair wished to use the Trumpet's Call in their plans. Disguised as rebels, the boarding team navigated to a rendezvous point of the Alliance in the Elochar sector, where a flotilla of rebel ships had formed. The Trumpet's Call arrived at the flotilla's position without life support and with the spies all injured, prompting rebels to come to its aid. The 61st's CR90 corvette, Thunderstrike, clamped to the light freighter and the corvette's crew took aboard the spies, numbering almost twenty, believing they were surviving crew members from the battle.[1]

After bringing all the survivors to the Thunderstrike, the 61st soldier Brand boarded the Trumpet's Call and checked for any homing beacons that could have been planted. She then looked through the main computer for anything suspicious, reading into the hyperspace jump logs, cargo records, maintenance reports, crew roster, and personnel files, including the captain's entry and record. When she finished the crew roster, Brand realized that none of the survivors matched any of the crew on the freighter's personnel records. As she discovered this, the disguised Imperial spies were already attempting to take over the Thunderstrike.[1]

Final flight[]

"It was the wounded crew, they were Imperials. They must have slaughtered everyone on the Trumpet's Call before coming to the flotilla."
―Brand informs Charmer of the presence of Imperial spies[1]
Brand full

Brand (pictured) tore the Trumpet's Call from the Thunderstrike's docking clamps and used the light freighter to reach the latter ship's bridge.

Brand boarded the Thunderstrike to find that the bridge crew had locked the corvette down to isolate the spies. Intending to make her way to the Thunderstrike's bridge more swiftly, she returned to the Trumpet's Call and transferred all power from the life support to the engines in order to separate it from the larger vessel. As Brand tore the light freighter from the corvette's docking clamps, its airlock became damaged in the process, allowing the remaining air inside the Trumpet's Call to rush out into the outside void of space. She then flew the freighter towards the bridge of the Thunderstrike.[1]

As Brand did this, the Imperial spies were able to storm the bridge of the corvette. The highest ranking officer aboard the Thunderstrike, Lieutenant Sairgon, barely managed to warn the rest of the flotilla of what was happening before he was killed alongside most of the other bridge crew. Brand received the message herself at the Trumpet's Call. One by one, the rebel ships of the flotilla fled the Elochar sector, leaving the light freighter, the Thunderstrike and the corvette's escort, the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise. The Imperial spies had already contacted the Herald, which appeared shortly afterward hoping to find Governor Chalis.[1]

Brand leaped out through the damaged airlock as the Trumpet's Call neared the bridge of the Thunderstrike. She entered the Thunderstrike through a maintenance hatch and killed the spies on the bridge. The surviving bridge crew then had the corvette jump into hyperspace alongside the Apailana's Promise before the Herald could destroy them. Sometime after the skirmish, Chalis, having been absent from the Thunderstrike by the time of its infiltration, arrived at the Elochar sector with 61st First Sergeant Hazram Namir and found the Trumpet's Call hollowed out along with debris surrounding it. The pair subsequently left the sector to find the Thunderstrike on the planet Ankhural.[1]

Commanders and crew[]

The Trumpet's Call was crewed by a captain and a number of personnel.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Trumpet's Call appeared in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.[1]


Notes and references[]
