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"Trust me. We're getting that spice!"
―Turk Falso — (audio) Listen (file info)[3]

Turk Falso[5] was a male Weequay member of the Ohnaka pirate gang. Falso was present when Hondo Ohnaka captured Count Dooku—leader of the Separatist Alliance—on Florrum during the Clone Wars.[4] When a ransom of one million credits in spice was to be paid for Dooku's capture by the Galactic Republic,[4] Falso sought to take the spice for himself, killing the diplomat Senator Kharrus in the process. His plan to betray Ohnaka failed, however, so Falso and another Weequay attempted to make an escape from Florrum. Before they could depart, Dooku escaped his prison and used the Force to make Falso kill his pirate ally before choking him to death.[3]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!
  2. Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 30 (Highlights of the Saga: The Betrayal of Captain Argyus) dates the events of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Cloak of Darkness" to 21 BBY and Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the episode "Blue Shadow Virus" to 21 BBY. As the episode "The Gungan General" takes place between the two episodes according to StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link), Turk Falso's death must take place in that year.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Gungan General"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Dooku Captured"
  5. StarWars "The Gungan General" Episode Gallery on StarWars.com (backup link) (Excerpt: Hondo Ohnaka and Turk Falso discuss their incoming ransom, eager to get a shipment of spice from the Republic.)