


"Republic databases tell us the descendants of Spence and Dass Leffbruk settled on this world."
―Yoda, on Travyx Prime[2]

Travyx Prime, also known as just Travyx, was a planet on the Galactic Frontier that hosted the Hyperspace Chase contest, which was sponsored by the San Tekka clan and the Graf family,[1] in 382 BBY.[3] It had a highly developed populace, was one of the strongest agrarian hubs on the frontier, and was rumored to have been considered by the Galactic Republic as the location for a hyperspace lane from the Core Worlds.[1]

The descendants of Spence and Dass Leffbruk,[2] who both participated in the Hyperspace Chase,[1] settled on the planet[2] by 229 BBY. That year,[4] Jedi Master Yoda and former Jedi Azlin Rell journeyed to the planet to retrieve a compass from the Leffbruks with the coordinates of Planet X, the home of the Nameless. When they arrived, Rell secretly had the city destroyed in an attempt to prevent the compass from being found and used, though his actions were discovered by Yoda.[2]

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