


"Whatever his agenda, Toon loves the Republic. He's a complication but not a crisis in waiting."
Stellan Gios[1]

Tia Toon was a Sullustan male senator who represented Sullust in the Galactic Republic during the High Republic Era. He was an advocate for his Defense Force Program, believing that the Jedi Order should not be the only ones tasked with protecting the Republic and that the Republic Defense Coalition was haphazard and insufficient. Despite his agenda, Toon claimed not to oppose the Jedi themselves, only wishing for the Republic to be able to defend itself in the event that the Jedi could not. Toon was present for the Republic Fair on the planet Valo and survived the following attack by Nihil marauders, pledging his support in rebuilding the planet.[1]

Toon believed there was no conflict of interest in advocating for the interest of the Republic, his constituents, and the SoroSuub Corporation which dominated his system's economy.[1]

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