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The Theed power generator was a plasma power plant attached to the Hangar and Royal Palace of the Naboo capital city of Theed.[4] During the Battle of Naboo, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi dueled the Sith Lord Darth Maul inside the power generator, which resulted in the death of Jinn and the presumed demise of Maul.


The power plant facility was located adjacent to the Theed Hangar in the Theed Royal Palace complex,[3] next to the Virdugo Plunge. It generated power for the city and utilized underground conduits to supply plasma energy to the starships of the Hangar, including the Naboo Royal Starship and the N-1 starfighters of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps.[4] The building was staffed by a small contingent of trained personnel from the Plasma Energy Engineering unit of the Royal Naboo Security Forces[3] and guarded by Security Guards.[2] It could be accessed from the Hangar via a heavy blast door.[4]

Power plant[]

To operate and monitor the generator without having to be exposed to the dangerous plasma energies, Energy Engineering staff had access to a remote engineering console and an inspection platform located in the edge of the main extracting shaft next to the access door. The plasma was extracted from the planet core via vacuum suction and forced through twelve acceleration shafts which intensified its energy output, before delivering it to the processing unit. A massive plasma activator stabilized the unrefined plasma, and then injected the final product into twin plasma compressors to be used by the Theed power grid. A series of plasma equilibrium checkpoints ensured the quality of the refined plasma before it was consumed by the grid transformers.[3]

Excess plasma produced from the stabilization process was shunted to a large reserve tank, shielded by multilayered radiation dampers. The entrance to the tank was protected with six laser doors and a large re-circulation lid periodically sweeped oxygen out of it to preserve the fragile vacuum equilibrium inside.[3]



For centuries, the people of Naboo utilized small mines to provide power to their capital. Eventually, however, a vast plasma source was discovered underneath the Cliffs of Theed, leading to the decision to construct a more efficient plasma mining and refinery plant to permanently solve the energy problem.[3]


The power generator complex was built in 65 BBY by the Outer Rim Construction and Assembly, as a part of a Naboo–Damask Holdings joint venture.[1] Various details of cultural significance to the Naboo were included in the final design, including a reference to the ancient legend of Chaos held at bay by six impenetrable doors, which influenced the number of laser gates used to shield the plasma reserve tank. The opening ceremony was attended by the Senatorial representative for Naboo Senator Sheev Palpatine, whose interest for the deep-pit design was much noted.[3]

Use by the Naboo[]

The complex proved to be a great success, being capable of not only meeting the capital's energy needs but far exceeding them. Excess plasma held in the generator's reserve tank was preserved for emergencies or increased spaceship use, although[3] by around 32 BBY[5] the Naboo had begun selling it in off-world trade deals arranged via the Trade Federation.[3]

During the Battle of Naboo, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi dueled Darth Maul inside the power generator: Qui-Gon was killed, but Obi-Wan defeated Maul by cutting him in half.[2] The Sith Lord fell into a melting pit, but survived and ultimately made his way to Lotho Minor.[6]

Behind the scenes[]

The power generator's location is flipped in Star Wars Battlefront II: instead of being accessible on the left side of the hangar (when facing toward the front), the generator is accessible on the right side of the hangar.

In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Maul breaks the platforms and the laser gates don't turn off and on in order.


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Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
