


Tearlin was an individual who served as a captain in the Republic Defense Coalition during the High Republic Era.[1] In 228 BBY,[2] he was present when the Republic Defense Coalition and Jedi Order undertook an effort to cross the Nihil pirates Stormwall barrier that prevented hyperspace travel, and wished Jedi Master Elzar Mann "May the Force be with you" as Mann and several others began the jump into hyperspace to cross the Stormwall using a home key Path.[1]

Once the attempt to reach the Nihil Occlusion Zone was successful, Tearlin used the same Path to cross the Stormwall and took part in the destruction of the Nihil's Lightning Crash, a space station which housed a crystal array that powered the Stormwall. After the station was destroyed, the captain expressed belief that they felt the attack was too easy, echoing concerns Mann had also expressed.[1]

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Behind the scenes[]

Tearlin's voice appeared in the 2024 novel The High Republic: Temptation of the Force, written by Tessa Gratton and published as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[3]


Notes and references[]
