


This is the talk page for the article "Great Jedi Purge."

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End date[]

Would it be appropriate to say it ended with the Battle of Endor or would that be too much of an assumption? Overlordjeff (talk) 04:37, June 1, 2016 (UTC)

I think it's a fair assumption, the Sith were hunting Luke and attempting to turn him to the dark side (thus destroying the Jedi within him), so when they were destroyed during the battle, the purge ended. -- Dr. Porter Resistance starbird (Talk|Contribs) 11:57, June 1, 2016 (UTC)
I wouldn't put any sort of end date on it at this point. We don't know if this event ends before Episode IV officially or if it ends with Episode VI. So it's best to just leave any specific end-date out of it at this point. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 12:03, June 1, 2016 (UTC)
Currently, Obi-Wan and Yoda are both listed as survivors despite both dying before the Battle of Endor. However, Kanan Jarrus is listed as a casualty and died in 1 BBY. It seems like the cutoff may the Battle of Scarif when the Jedi Purge ended and the Galactic Civil War began. Pihlkachu (talk) 00:34, March 10, 2018 (UTC)

The canon timeline for when the cutoff for when the Purge ended generally seems to follow how the events unfolded in Legends. In Legends the Purge generally ended around 1 BBY as the Empire became more focused on the Rebellion as the primary threat to galactic stability. It would make sense then in the aftermath of the Battle Of Scarif that 1 BBY is when the Empire stopped caring about actively hunting down Jedi survivors. Rac Ward

Article image[]

Why is there suddenly no problem about the youngling-image anymore?-- 19:47, August 5, 2017 (UTC)


I think there should be an unknown category on the area with casualties and survivors. There's enough Jedi that we don't know survived that I think we should have one on here. --Metalworker14 (talk) 20:43, November 20, 2017 (UTC)

Kenobi as survivor[]

Since the Jedi Purge didn't necessarily have an end date until likely the fall of the Empire in 5 ABY on Jakku, and since Kenobi was killed by Vader shortly after Kanan Jarrus was killed, shouldn't we list Kenobi as a victim of the purge? He was a survivor of Order 66, but technically not a survivor of the Purge.--Vitus InfinitusTalk 22:14, April 24, 2018 (UTC)

  • I agree. Kenobi counts as a victim of the Jedi Purge. It's different with Yoda, for example, who died of natural causes whereas Kenobi was killed by Vader while the purge was still ongoing. JRT2010 (talk) 22:19, April 24, 2018 (UTC)
    • Yeah, I agree as well on Yoda--Vitus InfinitusTalk 22:21, April 24, 2018 (UTC)
      • There didn't really need to be a discussion on this but if it helps to stop people reverting edits then I've no problem. I was the one who had initially made the change a few days ago for the exact reasons listed above until Lewisr decided to revert it, so glad there is at least consensus on the topic.--TheAnchorite (talk) 21:57, April 25, 2018 (UTC)


Something Vader questions in Thrawn: Alliances when on Mokivj looking for what Palpatine sensed as the disturbance is whether the war against the Jedi that 'was so long, very painfully won, about to begin again?' Would that mean there was some sort of end date for the purge? As in before the events in the book --Lewisr (talk) 21:47, July 25, 2018 (UTC)

  • I think it makes sense that the Jedi Purge is more or less finished at that point. By that period of time there's only 4 known Jedi left, and only 2 that the Empire is aware of. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 22:18, July 25, 2018 (UTC)
    • Agreed. Palpatine and Vader also believe that Kanan is no longer a threat to them, 'That particular disturbance had long since been noted, codified, and dismissed, a fact Vader knew only too well.' So it would make sense they'd no longer be actively hunting Jedi --Lewisr (talk) 22:35, July 25, 2018 (UTC)
      • I agree as well. I'd feel that any events after would be remnants and part of the aftermath of the Purge itself--Vitus InfinitusTalk 23:54, July 25, 2018 (UTC)
        • For sure yes --Lewisr (talk) 00:20, July 26, 2018 (UTC)

Rur Of The Ordu Aspectu[]

Even though Rur physically died thousands of years prior to Order 66 and the Purge, his consciousness survived. Would you consider Rur to be a survivor of the Jedi Purge by default given he had been unaware of the events in the galaxy for thousands of years and given the Ordu Aspectu is a splinter faction of the Jedi Order it would make sense to include him as a Jedi Purge survivor. Rac Ward

  • Rur, the actual person, died thousands of years ago before the Purge. What survived was Eternal Rur, an artificial intelligence based on his brain imprint. So I would say no, he doesn't count as a survivor. QuiGonJinn Senate seal(Talk) 09:34, August 31, 2018 (UTC)


Since the Jedi Purge took place during two time periods—the Fall of the Republic and the Imperial Era—perhaps it would be best to add Fall of the Republic (or something of the sorts): "insert engagement names of era here" and Imperial Era: "insert engagement names of era here". If anyone has an argument, please do share your opinions. --Erebus Chronus (talk) 19:01, April 29, 2020 (UTC)
