

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
For other uses, see Supreme Commander.
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The supreme fleet commander was the overall leader of the New Republic Defense Fleet during the New Republic Era. During the days of the Rebel Alliance Navy, the title was known as supreme commander of the Alliance fleet,[1] chief commander of the naval forces of the Alliance, or commander of the Rebel Alliance fleet.[2]


Admiral Raddus EW

Admiral Raddus held the position of fleet leader before his demise.

The Mon Calamari Admiral Raddus laid the foundations for the Rebel Alliance Navy[3] and served as the fleet's overall leader.[2] Following Raddus's death in the Battle of Scarif,[3] his compatriot, the fellow Mon Calamari Gial Ackbar, took on the role of commanding the growing Alliance Military,[2] assuming command of the Rebel navy in the process[4] and becoming supreme commander of the Alliance fleet.[1]

As supreme commander, Ackbar commanded rebel forces in the Battle of Endor. He continued to serve as the supreme commander in the ensuing battles of the early New Republic Era. He held the title during the Battle of Jakku, which was the final engagement of the Galactic Civil War.[1]

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